One-line Bad Idea thread continued

Wormhole clusters: groups of 3-4 systems connecting to each other with gates, but clusters must be reached through wormholes.

Have Concord take an hour long break every day on a random hour.


T3 turrets that can use all T2 ammo (of the proper type respectively).

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Allow motherships to do pve and create infinite isk.

Create some cheat stix that allows every noob to sit in a capital ship after entering the name on the character creator screen.

Turn this shitty anomaly loading glitch into a thing for keepstars to fit sot hat people can’t warp easily to something they can definitely see.

Introduce an RNG fail chance for time and material research, and for manufacturing too.
Don’t worry, the overlords at Pearl Abyss will love it.

Allow unremovable, jizzing dicks in space.


Naari Naarian’s threads.


“Fire all ccp-dev” button in eve, so we can get some real designers.

Quoted for reference.

You are right that is a bad idea.

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Or an insanely good one.

Read the title of the thread prodigy.

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I know you are intellectually challenged but maybe you should read it

only one sentence per post that proposes a good/bad/funny change for eve online

When in warp there is a chance of hitting a spatial rift that will drop you in a random system anywhere within the game.

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WTH This is an awesome idea :slight_smile:


Unbans for PLEX!


Change all color tags to “Red” for Chaos Era.

This would simplify the UI and testing required. It would reward player ability to remember lists of names, and the ability to quickly identify “FRIEND” vs “FR1END.”

Inspired by this post by Aedaxus.


Remove player standings from the game.

That or force everyone to wear yellow tinted glasses. :smiley: