Operation Magic School Bus

I’m positive the new player definitely won a useful lesson and experience. :smirk:


No, I talked him through finding optimal and how to read the incoming and outgoing damage, then I blew him away. It was never a fair fight and I told him Eve players do not believe in such things.


Oh and I gave him another ship afterwards


was it better or worse then the ship he lost?

the same, he dueled me with a Bus ship



Thanks for the ship!

Very welcome. Enjoy


I needed a new ship, I had been out of game long enough, I couldn’t figure out the basics. I started a new character, and then… as i’m running the career agents to try and remember the game, Mike shows up. I got me a Tristan, because all I remembered was i needed a Gallente Drone boat, and sure enough, just that one small donation helped so much.

Now… just remember… if you have the ISK and can afford it… look in his bio! He has links to all his fittings there. And they work!

Great job Mike, and I know how dragging it can get on you to provide services like you have for long periods of time. But I am here to say… I very much appreciate what you have done. If I had not given away just about all of my assets the last time I “won” EvE… I would throw you a great donation. For now… you are going to have to wait a month or two while I build up some ISK.


Thankyou for your generous donation, it was a great help.

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Thanks so much for the ship and what you do, but above all, I’m glad I finally got to see the legendary Magic School Bus that I heard of years ago before even starting the game!

I’m sure the days of said ship are numbered, but such is EVE. :slight_smile:

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I am not sure how they are numbered, I have been doing the Bus for over 8 years now . . .



And some of us wont let him retire

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I presume he means the Newbro ship given to him is already or about to be lost in action. All fine :slight_smile:


I meant the ship I got, referencing that it’ll probably inevitably be blown up one way or another, but that’s just how EVE Online is :slight_smile:


thanks for the ship and help :slight_smile:

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Mike, what you have done for players in this game is very commendable.


What’s the point of handing out free t1 frigates to new players?

CCP already does it with login rewards, so it seems pointless tbh.

Fair question.

CCP and the tutorial does hand out hulls. I hand out fitted ships.
Depending upon the age of the recipient up to and including cruisers.
For folks over 30 days I often have bpcs of hulls to give.

The point is also in the interactions, chatting with the players, helping in rookie help chat, letting pilots know that this is not a solo game nor is everyone is out to get you. Some are, some aren’t. But it is a game with other people in it.

You, Aiko, do the same, in your own way. I just happen to like my way better.



You should set aside some time on Wacky Wednesdays to park your bowhead in lowsec, then invite the new players to come to you for their FREE ship, and when they show up you can uncloak a Loki and put them out of their misery. Then message them to let them know how stupid they were to fall for that trick, and laugh and tell them to get good. You could even make it a roleplay event, like alternative universe timeline stuff.



Plot twist: He already does that on an alt. :smiling_imp: