Other crossover ideas, anyone?

That’d never sell…

–Gadget might try it though

Legend of galactic heroes

Assuming they still have a country in three weeks…

–Gadget is just sayin’

Nono, warhammer 4000 is just a poor mans wow in space. real corssover with wow would net many more paying subscribiers than wharmmer. game worktop players have huge utlier financially just to keep up and in any case eve is rated Hard Maturity and warhammer player’s are mostly around age 12-16.

No one EVER called Warhammer a poor man’s anything…

But a WoW / EvE crossover?
Why not?

I already got a Paladin parked in some station, I’m sure.

–Gadget would mine Thorium rather than Trit

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HP has no place in EVE. Not even the furthest reach.

May as well bring Peter Pan and the Never Land Pirates as a new faction. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


–Gadget thinks it might be too late…


Mm I mean WH has a bit more deeper lore. If anything Warcraft copied WH basically.

Well thats just reidiculous, Peter Pans’ imaginary. Harry Potter at least was set in the real world and when they flew they had to use vehicles like cars and brooms,



Battlestar Galactica
Star Citizen… oh wait.



Jim Carrey’s ‘Earth Girls Are Easy’…?

Actually, BSG (reboot version) would be plausible.

The ending of the reboot series made it clear the story is a cycle that repeats over and over so time isn’t an issue.

And there are multiple “Earths” (Adama said “Earth is a concept”) so the Earth EVE comes from doesn’t have to be the same as where the 13 colonies came from.

Ok. That gets points for the obvious snark that nobody else thought of. I just went, “Oh, Duh!”

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Peter Pan and Neverland absolutely fits with the Sleeper VR worlds. If you actually read the Peter Pan book you’ll see it is dream and imagination.


Perfect timing!

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I can’t believe no one has recommended a Care Bear cross over… I thought that would be a natural one.

Ocean’s 11 for another Grand Heist update event where George Clooney contacts you to steal from CONCORD and ESSes.

Bro you still crying?