Partner "ships" and Skins

Of course it’s not constructive. What do you expect with such a suggestion? What can I possibly say constructive about an idea that wants players to pay for advertisement from other companies? There is not possibly anything constructive if you have a sane mind and don’t want this kind of rubbish in your favorite spaceship hobby.

And judging by the fact that you completely (or deliberately?) misunderstood my question in my first post, I don’t think you can come up with constructive arguments for me having to pay for other companies’ advertisement in EVe either.
As a person who plays EVE I tell you I would not do anything to maximize my profits with such a dumb thing like skins in the first place. As a person who plays EVE I would offer them as part of the subscription and not as part of a cash-grab. As a person who plays EVE and if I developed skins, I would be interested in generating good press to make people interested in playing for the long run, not some short term profit oriented cash-grab and whale nurturing. As a person who plays EVE I would not want to introduce people with your mindset to my project because your mindset is toxic beyond measure.

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You’re the one avoiding the question now :slight_smile:

Please select ONE game developer who’s adverts would not ruin the immersion of EvE as a functioning “real” universe.

My point is not to flame you, it is to demonstrate that this idea is a step in the wrong direction for EvE. That’s coming from somebody who would very much like CCP to make tonnes of cash forever so i can keep playing EvE. This idea, i believe would do nothing but enrage a famously angry player base in a similar way to the WIS fiasco and do relatively little to increase visibility to the correct demographics.

As an added point, the forum just told me off for replying to you and nobody else on this topic. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell the forums to ■■■■ right off and stop trying to nanny me with it’s limp robot ways :dealwithitparrot:

I like the fact that some SKINS are insanely expensive. You don’t have to buy them since they are vanity items, and as such there is no “evil business” going on here.

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You don’t have to pay? What part suggested that you were forced to pay for it? I expect actual feed back like Keno Skir has put forward. Even though I’m OP Keno has given me a great deal to think on. Where all you have done is asked me to repeat what I’ve said already. SKINS are optional. Click buy or don’t. I fail to see where the miscommunication is there.

Also offering eve as part of the subscription would be nice. However to assume my mindset is just toxic because you don’t agree with it doesn’t offer much in the weight of your argument. Let me ask you this, have you been this vocal against limited edition skins that are only available for a week in the New Eden store? Or are you only vocal now because the IDEA of having to see a non-eve related item as a “cash grab” instead is less savory because immersion reasons?

If you can’t be constructive to the conversation might I suggest venting on r/eve?

I’d suggest maybe he means that we are paying developers through subscriptions, and as such he doesn’t want his sub money being put into designing advert skins. Or maybe he actually thinks vanity items are a necessity and feels ripped off that CCP would charge ISK for them in this scenario?

Either way that’s not the point. Advert skins bring in elements from outside New Eden and as such cannot exist within New Eden, regardless of cost.

There are already Quafe skins. /thread

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If I would pick a maiden developer I’d pick valve honestly. CCP already has a working relationship with Valve via Steam. Many people use steam daily. Picking a few things here and there like Nemesis that is SKINed like a Portal Turret, or a Half-Life (RIP) scheme for a set of ships. Valve has a lot of real estate, and if I was the one to head this project that is the first stop I would take. EVE is already represented by Steam so it is much less of establishing a new partnership, and more of embracing a current one. And on the same coin, if a SKIN License with Valve won’t work, it will not work with any developer. Then it’s just a Case and Point situation for all further conversations on the topic in the future. Also I understand your point isn’t to flame me. I actually really appreciate the constructive feedback.

Okay see, I’d be pissed off too if I thought my money was being put into partnership advertisements. That I can totally understand.

For the sake of this argument, all funding comes from the partner for the development and deployment of the SKIN. With the return being part of the sale get’s returned to the partner to cover the cost.

I do love Quafe skins.

Not completely dead yet. I remember reading a script was recently released and a bunch of game designers are competing to produce working prototype demos based on that script at some upcoming games convention :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, i think this has been hashed out enough. I think a Portal skin would make for some nice colours, but the “something from outside EvE suddenly inside EvE” part is still going to be your downfall.

No, I chose you to vent on because you came up with such a huge stupidity. :smile: You don’t bring forth a great deal of arguments for your suggestion either. What you want is players, whether it be me or someone else does not matter, for other companies’ advertisement. As said before, what is there to be constructive about? It is a toxic suggestion that opens flood gates for all sorts of tumorous future content because there are whales who would pay anything to have some special virtual items.

No, I do not feel vanity items are a necessity. That is also not the point at all, @Keno_Skir. The point is that anyone who wants a vanity item has to pay for it with RL money, directly or indirectly does not matter. And this suggestion wants the same players to pay for another company’s advertisement in EVE. If at all such an atrocity ever became reality, such skins should be handed out for free or to be freely available and never through the NES. Anything else would be heinous.

I think you need to take a breather. That’s not the point of this post at all. If you’ve missed it, maybe your English isn’t the best? Which would be understandable. But I think you are missing the point. This entire subsection of the forums is supposed to be constructive. r/eve have fun

Solid points. Also I agree. I think I’ve got all I need out of this thread thank you @Keno_Skir

Among other things. This forum section is also there so that people outside CCP can dissect suggestions of other people before they reach CCP and weed out the absolutely terrible ideas. Your suggestions belongs to the terrible idea bin.

Your idea opens an avenue for CCP and other companies to start offering special edition ships with super-special stats in the long run. Advertisement on skins? That’s fun in the first couple of months, but the really good ads fly with really good items. Think about alliance tournament ships level good, just for money.
And if you say this suggestion is only about skins from other companies as promotion, you are exactly the kind of people who are only thinking in short-term periods and have no sight for long-term effects. Is that constructive enough?

Dissecting one thing is one thing. Just this is bulldung this is bulldung is in fact, not constructive.

Your second part is more constructive. Long-term effects are a VALID argument I am willing to discuss. I’ve been waiting for somebody to mention it. It does open up doors to marketing in other areas of the game the longer and more successful it is. My real question here is, what if they went with this? Long term, now everybody whaling for in game Sunglasses, or special space pants. But they find the income is sustainable as it’s an item new players can buy to make their character look interesting. Where SKINS are only useful if they are attached to ship. Legitimate question, I don’t know the answer to, are there any other games who have attempted this? Did they succeed or fail? If the did succeed are they still doing it? We have the CSM, maybe part of their jobs could be to approve partnerships that way we aren’t getting stupid content like a MtnDew skin because they made a large offer to CCP. That offers a long term prevention of mass advertisement integration into the game as well. If it’s not CSM approved, which means it’s not community approved, it doesn’t fly.

Also I feel this deserves a special note, I don’t think CCP would ever introduce an actual ship, sponsored or not, that is THAT LEVEL of good to just buy with money. Nor would I think they would ever introduce a ship outside of the current in game factions because sponsorship. That would be a bad move and I think CCP knows it.

League? CS? Aren’t they all like this? Financing the game development only with “vanity” items. And creating a lot of controversy with it, for instance, with the infamous weapon skin lottery and the skewed loot chances in loot boxes. If the press reports about these features, it’s usually negative press over exploits/legal issues/etc.
Furthermore, earlier you suggested companies are interested in making profit. The common argument these day for skins for RL money is that it gives CCP more money. Why should the CSM stand in the way of a large money influx that keeps CCP afloat? Yes, bad press and an outcry, but people didn’t unsub after Monocle Gate and bad press about terrible loot boxes in CS does not make people stop playing it either. I used to believe that CCP would not go into that direction at all in the past. But then they started to offer pants, coats, skins for money. I am not so certain about other things, in particular of you bring other companies and RL related advertisement into play. The uncertainty is the reason why I think it would create a terrible precedent.

Good points. Thank you for the feedback!

Because your asking me to pay for the advertisments of other RL companies.

You are talking about GOLDEN AMMO…

Really stfu and get out of here, in fact you should unsub and delete EvE now.

And im curious where you are in the game…

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that’s not an answer. there’s no need to evade the questtion?

this guy smells like RMT.

If this is started, due to the increased revenue, pretty much all future skins would be covered in corporate logos end of cool, beginning of stupid.

Also, most companies want pretty much absolute control over how their corporations are being represented and given EVEs 99.9% d-bag rating im pretty sure this would not please most corporations.

p.s. Proudly upholding my part of that 99.9% d-bag rating.

anyone else sad that it has gotten to people thinking this way about having to pay extra for anything in a game you already pay monthly for.