Patch Notes for March 2020 Releases

Sorry, glancing at the forums now and then between patients.
Yeah, kind of lame if they were distribution or mining missions…:thinking::neutral_face:

yeah, its quite clear that the current changes are approved by someone with a limited knowledge about trade…
Or who knows, CCP might just want to force player to spend more isk…
soon, 500 plex will be 13 billion isk.

in that case, ccp knows what they are doing.
But in that case… i hafto ask, are they really this greedy and stupid??
eve will die, and this is the first stabb at it.

people will not value what they have until they lose it, and when they lose it… they will change game to something else, as replacing is not an option unless you got a big game budget irl.


Yes, maybe their goal is to have another Korean mobbing idiocy, where destroyed ships will be re-bought from NE store by real money. :smiley:


No changes to the ridiculous red dot. Shame on you!!


i saw this q&a with ccp developers, and this ccp boss said “im really proud of the eve market, it is the best market in any game and it have lasted 13 years, outlasting even RL-markets” ,

kinda ironic with theese changes.


So proud of it that they decided it was garbage.


They broken golder rule “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”


You broke last thing that kept me in this game market,
keep a good work :stuck_out_tongue: i’m off


I’m a completely new player (2 weeks) and just got into Jita trading and a little bit of manufacturing which I really enjoy so far.

I made 50 Mil just by trading and selling some little things. For many its peanuts but for me its a real achievement.

BUT now with these changes its more or less over for me. Yesterday I could at least compete a bit with the big traders but today I can maybe change my order 1 or 2 times thats it. These big guys dont care and just shove me aside.

Trading is more or less over as far as I can see it. Maybe I dont understand it right, just started my economy studies lol. And at the same time I can see where CCP is coming from because 00.1 ISKing isnt perfect either but there has to be better ways.

Of course I could just go and say nah I´ll do other stuff than sit all day inside a station and look at the marketplace but I dont want to. This is the reason I started playing this game! This is my form of PVP and I like it.

I dont want to quit.

Perhaps I am seeing this way too dark and doing some mistakes and I hope so but so far I dont like these changes.

Rant Over


What you all are missing is the ccp is deliberately breaking the market…
That way you all will end up having to pay real $$$ for that hypershit to be able to trade. Logic <-> Logic :slight_smile:


I don’t have a strong opinion on market changes yet.

They definitely make trading less convenient for me.
They also make trading less convenient for the crowd that 0.01 ISKed me into second page in a few minutes.

Trading will change, can’t say for good or bad though. Instead of logging in to 0.01ISK every so often, you’ll need to be more careful with initial pricing. Maybe we’ll see people breaking up huge orders into small pieces to save on changes, and only change the next stack when previous one got sold.

Oh well, while we have filament stupidity going on, I won’t be getting any new stuff to sell anyway, it’s a constant stream of filamenting trash from all over the place rushing back to jita through my space, so there’s no doing pve anymore, and they avoid all pvp, and safelog at the sight of bubble on dscan, so there’s no pvp either, guess it’s another break time until filaments are removed.


soooo… Buy orders are also affected by this patch, right?


  • Forced to tolerate noob red dot (obviously you’re not listening.)
  • Chat still unreliable (this might qualify as actually important to work on?)
  • New market experimentation (most likely to benefit some real world corporate or government research) just makes this already expensive game a bigger money sink. There are limits to how far you can push this.
  • Renamed a bunch of modules from one thing to some other different confusing thing (again?)

Total disappointment. This patch gives no one any more reason to log in than before. In fact I could see it having the opposite effect.

You’re sucking the fun (you know, the reason we play) out of the game one patch at a time.
Too much chaos in too many areas, while there are still problems with what we already have.
Please do better next time.


Screw the open market. Time to start utilizing contracts…

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Where did you get that knowledge from?

I didn’t know about this due to R/L emergencies, but this is already killing my trade. And I do it many billions at a time.

I really wonder if I shouldn’t just leave EVE after all these days… and as for a grey economy using direct trade and hubs, you need time for that. Lots of time. Perhaps contracts are an option but it’s not going to be anywhere near as convenient as what it was.


some where on page 19666

Market Changes. At first glance, I was so happy that this was finally being done. I hate the tedium and ridiculousness involved in undercutting someone by .01, for an item valued at hundreds of millions or billions. Its like some kind of terrible joke. You ever see a real life auction where people outbid each other by 1 cent? It would take 12 hours to sell a T Shirt. So at first glance, thank you for doing this.

Unfortunately, the execution, and the timing, are so bad, that even me, the person who absolutely hated the old format will tell you, put it back. A: You waited too long. There are some things that we’re stuck with, for better or worse, and trying to change it, would just cause way more problems. Take for instance your computer keyboard. Ever wonder why the letters are arranged so strangely. There is a much more intelligent way for the letters to be arranged, and people could type a lot faster. Good Luck buying a laptop with those keys on it. You took way too long to change this issue, and now its just a part of the game. Removing it will cause so many problems, for a long time to come.

Secondly, is this a glitch? I cancelled a Buy Order, and got back 0 on the escrow. So that Margin order I had placed before, that 40M down on a 100M item, I don’t get it back? I didn’t see that in the notes.

Competition is already fierce as it is, with many production items having razor thin profit margins, and hundreds of people making it and selling it. We stopped producing anything T1 years ago, you just lose money. Something we sell has a 9M profit. Now, making one price adjustment costs 6M ISK. So basically, IF we ever adjust the price, we’ll be selling it at cost. Two adjustments, and we sell it at a loss. Three adjustments, and we’re just trying to get something back from what we spent, so we can pack up and get out of the Production Industry. And yes, several adjustments may be necessary, unless you are wealthy enough to be able to have billions of dollars tied up in inventory that is on the market, but may never actually move, because 15 people have listed the same item cheaper than yours, and it may never go back up to what you listed it for.

What To Do:
Let me direct, and tell you plainly, what I want. Sometimes people will point out problems, but not offer any solutions, or say what they think would be better. Let me offer a solution. You did good by eliminating the .01. Good Job. But, you took it too far, when you added on hefty taxes also. The first part should curtail people from making 20 changes in price, because changing the price, is now more significant. Changing the price on a 900M item means nothing when you adjust it by .01. 50 bidders later, the price hasn’t gone down by 1. Now its 100K minimum. Thats a good change.
So keep the significant digits, but get rid of the update fee; cause its been one day, and we’re already looking at completely stopping production because listing fees would put us in the Red on anything we sell needing two or even one adjustment.

PS- The elimination of the Margin ability has also made it much more difficult for us to operate because now we have to have all the money to buy building materials, while the income from the sale may take weeks to come back in. So harder to attain supplies, inventory moves much slower… again, too much all at once. One slight adjustment to the Market Economy would have been much preferable than yanking the wheel hard left.

IF This is Step One of the Shortages Phase, then you’re on the right track. This should reduce the number of builders and sellers big time.


Whooo! (shakes head to clear it and to get the fire extinguisher dust out of his hair).

Well I reported a few bugs like the death of the pointer window for usefulness since it can no longer be dragged to chat window, and the strange locking of chat room links to one per category (drag any help chat link to chat and get Korean Help; drag any recruitment link to chat and get French Recruitment; drag any Faction link to chat and get Thukker) and finally the breakdown of personal messages whereby you can send a PM but target cannot reply or accept or access it.

The highest price in offers, if more than 4 significant figures, was rounded to the next highest 4 significant, causing fees since it could no longer be immediate sale. Bad bad form!

The overall impression is that management needs to listen to Devs and not rush them. This is what happens when Devs feel rushed. This is inefficient software implementation resulting in consumer rejection. I know this because I am a Dev and have a long history including a Linux company, Database Engineering at Google, and bioinformatics clusters as well as such things as test-based design where we write unit tests first and are happy when they are failing because the tests are working and we are getting closer to some software that works.

BIG thumbs down for the current CCp management for this disaster. I know the devs are better than this.


CCP thanks a lot, you just destroyed the core of the game, what I am suppposed to do now? I can not updating my orders so have no reason to log in to play. This is the most stupid decision you have made.

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