Photon UI - General Feedback

This is my Market Quickbar when I load the game and had the Market window open when I quit the game. It’s total gibberish and has nothing to do with the actual market quickbar contents that should be there. This has been going on for weeks now.

Broke Photon again:

I got this unskippable Evermarks tutorial and after one of the steps this empty, translucent frame was left behind. I cannot move it, close it or do anything with it. Yay.


More Photon UI quality work. Not even a simple Text like the drop down menu can’t be aligned correctly in Photon.

More Photon Design quality:
This is when you open the redeem queue window. Note that the yellow highlight marker does not extend around the Expire timer.

But this happens when you deleted an item or redeemed it. Note that the yellow highlight marker now extends around the Expire timer.

Another case of reduction of cognitive overload, more streamlined UI and easier UI usage?

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​So I recently just came back after a 3 year break. The issue I’m having right now in my daily issue list is the user interface keeps getting in my way constantly.

Like from the colors I can pick from, to the windows being very hard to read it’s just everywhere. Now I know Eve Online doesn’t have the prettiest user interface, but whoever is designing this current one has the idea all wrong.

The user interface isn’t the issue, but the game is. The idea I’ve always wanted in Eve Online was less windows. This new user interface seems to double down on more windows though.

Just going out to scan in high sec I have local, solar system, scan analysis, overview, drone bay, ship active fit, like come on…

So I’m not against the idea of new user interface changes, but in my honest opinion, the old style worked better.

I want the option of using the old user interface layout, plus color choices. I also want the ability to see all of my skills like the old style as well.

My opinion on a new user interface wouldn’t be around everything square, but more to look like it’s coming from my actual ship, Like why can’t my overview have some curve it in?​

It gets old quick just running around in space just looking at windows of data.

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Have you tried closing the windows?

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Also shortcut for UI off. Used it once but useful?

​​I assumed someone with your forum presence would have replied in a more welcoming and/ or helping manner, but it seems I’m mistaken. Please refrain from wasting my time with sarcastic remarks, I’m honestly not here for a laugh.

I’m providing feedback so the developers can make this title into something better. The new user interface isn’t a good design in my opinion.


You sound like a lot of fun at parties.


Where can i find “journal” for missions ?
With new proton UI i am kinda lost, can’t find it anymore.


good Photon UI quality. The button stays interactable even though I have already accepted all rewards. I have to click it again to make it unusable.



Lot of good things arrived with last UI version. That’s really better and better since the begin launch. But still little stuff which are laborious.
Is it possible to add an 95% UI scaling please (90% is too small) ?
or perhaps rescale button space (smaller), header windows (smaller), icons on dscan (smallers), and more generaly try to retrieve space between differents UI objects (need more space to corretly view all elements needed to fly !).

Please, do something for drone window, really horrible to use and painful for eyes. Mine is small, so hard to move, sliding between Drones in space and Drones in Bay is disturbing, and no need icones for drones in space which take too many space.

Otherwise, a small problem with Inventory in compact mode, when use shortcut ‘V’ to refresh dscan after trying opening a can in a relic, that’s make a search in the inventory window. Is it possible to do not focus on inventory window after openning a can ?

And don’t forget the most important, need more space to view more things on screen !


See Below purchase order, made at a player station.

The “Total” shown includes the Broker Fee, but does NOT include the SCC surcharge.
So it is not, in fact, the Total at all.

I know these days languages are becoming more and more “flexible” but, I think when one sees the word “Total” it ought to be, well, it ought to actually be the total.


When doing the Career Agents and accepting a mission, there is supposed to be a window afterwards with additional dialog. It could be dialog as simple as, “Thanks, I appreciate it”, or sometimes a whole paragraph and/or additional instructions, like Soldier of Fortune - Your Undivided Attention (3 of 10). It skips through this dialog and goes to the window you’d get if you closed and reopened the Agent window. You will briefly see the additional dialog window before it switches to the other version.

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More Photon galore: MAssive amounts of white space, tiny text that is hard to read (and smaller than in the actual fleet window, ie. inconsistent with the rest of the UI, inconsistently sized icons, hard to understand icons because of the size, different icon styles (the loudspeaker is colored, not flat).

Nice new loading animation. Not. But at least you fixed the huge loading spinwheel that was clipping out of the window. Just sad that you replaced it with a hard to see, hard to recognize animation…

See here. The loading animation blends into the background, even with the darkened window.


More absolutely not thought through UI changes in Photon. CCP really know how to “reduce cognitive overload, streamline the UI usage, make the UI experience better”.


hey, the last iteration of the UI had the following feature, its not working in photon, only a small thing but its starting to do my noggin in. :woozy_face:

The Local locations window. We have the in space UI and docked UI, when you dock the local locations window disappears, you have to open the main locations window and press the open in separate window button every time, if you unlock however its still present.

Is there a way to make it stay open when your docked please? It’s handy for insta undocks and ■■■■ like that as you can have your cursor right over the listing ready for the undock black screen.


Fun things happen when you accept contracts with open Asset window.



This icon always confuses me. Instead of an ally proposal, I first think we ended a war or ally support because of the crossed out contract. There needs to be a different icon for this.

Instead of the X, the icon should have these features below in front of the contract icon:
That would make it consistent with the ally icon set and remove the confusion.

Was just looking through NPC alliances and noticed that, unlike player alliances, member corps of the factions have no (i) symbol next to the corp names. That’s inconsistent with other parts of the UI and goes counter CCP’s claims of a better, more unified and consistent UI experience that Photon is supposed to provide.e