Photon UI - Now in Beta (Opt-Out)

Allthough still a downgrade (screen estate wise), I find Photon usable for market stuff now.

In space it’s another matter. The Drone window uses WAY too much space.
If I make it large enough, I need to limit my Overview to show 11.5 items only.
(1920x1048, UI at 125% so I can see things)

  • compact mode helps to some extent (still wastes too much screen estate though, in the Drones in Space part - please remove the drone icons, or make 'em smaller)
  • interaction with the Drones window is more complicated than it used to be (more clicks needed) and downright awkward at times (with drones out, opening the Drones in Bay part doesn’t expand it).

EDIT2: I just discovered List View, that sems to help.
I got an error message though, telling me I had to wait half a minute before I would be able to launch drones :astonished:

Also, CCP again failed to notify us upon log-in. I get why CCP wants to force this upon us, but the least they could do is 1) inform us 2) tell people how they can (for the time being) opt out.

(I do appreciate a few QoL improvements, like the added buttons in the Drone window)

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This ui is Terrible Ugly and simply a detriment to many players that we never asked for! IF I TURN IT OFF LEAVE IT ■■■■■■■ OFF CCP

yea i bet its to similar to what i’ve posted already IM FURIOUS ABOUT THIS ■■■■

CCP you’ve done alot to Quall the tide of unsubs… but enforcing Proton on us… will cause a mass unsub again. i personally cannot and will not play with Photon. i do not like the look. i do not like the overall design. the original ui is perfectly fine LEAVE IT ALONE


Another thing: as in the old UI, in Photon messages like “You successfully salvage” obscure the subscripts (name + distance) of the icons that serve to interact with targeted items (1920x1048, UI at 125% so I can see things).

Could the compact mode of the probe window be improved? I go from having 7 sigs in the window in standard UI to 4 in photon UI (combat mode isn’t changing anything to the layout).


Otherwise I must recognise that things clearly improved ans compact mode makes it pretty good on small screens

Not going to lie, I’ve played around with it and I’m not a big fan of it at all. Here is why.
Over all it seems to just have made things bigger and brighter. In a game where screen real estate is a premium, this isn’t what you want to go with. Even if this isn’t true, in some cases that’s just what it seems.

In particular, the chat rooms are horribly inefficient. The fading of letters now makes the end of one tab and beginning of another less defined, not to mention that also makes it harder to read what tab is what when you have many open and half the letters are fading. It seems like the font is increased (terrible decision). Comparing 2 clients with the old and new overview, it looks like the tab font has been increased which just makes it harder to read what is what.

The local window is terrible now when you have both light and dark blue allies in system. When you’re trying to scroll through the light and dark blue characters are much more blended together than the previous overview, making it easier to miss which is which.

Structure menu when docked was also not improved. Prior you had a separate bubble which popped up off the “Guests” tab to show the number of docked people. Now you just have this as the same font as part of the guests title. This just makes it take more time to quickly analyze how many are in the structure as if there is a 1 in front it can easily blend into the bracket around it which were previously never there.

I think the putting the “view outside” and “Take Control” side by side is a good choice to seperate from the “undock” button. However the Undock should be the top button, not the middle siting next to the "Board my Corvette "button. In addition the boarder almost the same color as the font of all the structure buttons which is annoying as it just makes it take that split second longer for your brain to read which is which. The previous undock was bright orange. Why would I want the undock to be the same color as the “view outside”?

In general, this update seems to be geared more towards the “look cool” factor than functional. Which is a bad choice. I don’t feel anyone in the game really felt this update was needed, and what’s worse, most of the changes actually are a step backwards in overview efficiency. In a game such as this, that’s exactly the wrong direction you want to go for the game.

I’m sure there is more I haven’t found, I’ll update it here more when I find them.


I can’t even believe you have people playing this game anymore. I could go on about why I haven’t been active but not only does anyone not care (including I assume CCP), but neither do I. I would consider swimming in this proverbial turd punch bowl if the sub price were even close to reasonable. Thank you, I will not be taking any questions. -Dictated but not read.

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Why does Photon have 3 different user list styles?

Narrow gap between rows in the guest list.

No gap at all in the watch list but massive padding.

Big gap with barely any padding in chats.

What is the point of this inconstistency? Every user list should have the style of the station guest list: It has visible but minimal separation between rows, minimal padding and good readable text.


Your buggy UI is offlining ALL Modules and locking me out of the HUD. I had to switch to the OLD UI and wait stuck in space until i brought online all my cargo expanders. Thanks a lot of dangerously forcing garbage UI’s on people. Fire this programmer and his team and drop proton, its more of a virus right now rather then a UI.


Try it out so we can bug you out and leave you stuck in space like a sitting duck.

The colors do now look nifty. But the glow is a no. Also, the windows and fonts are still just a bit too big. They take up too much of the screen. A variety of situations where I have multiple windows open at once (exploration/scanning being a prime one), and the windows cover up too much of the game play.

Why am I opting out for the second time?

The scroll bar along the side is still too narrow to easily grab.
The colors chosen are unacceptable.
The various windows eat too much space with blank area.
Some buttons that need to be big are shrunk, some buttons that need to be small are large.
In the option of make it pretty or make it work, I’m going back to what works.

This looks like make work, busy work, change for change’s sake. How about fix the chat client before poking at a IU that wasn’t so bad that it needed yet another revamp so recent to the last revamp. O smash bugs. I’m willing to bet there’s a bug list somewhere that could use the time & attention.

How to make it more functional? Have Photon as an option, not the only choice. It doesn’t count as 100% adoption if you remove options. Maybe in the future it will be a UI for the big stage. As it is, it’s nowhere close.


I had to turn it off. It was just too painful, between the design decisions and the bugs. I gave it most of a month. It is astounding how much better EVE is after disabling Photon. Everything is sharper, cleaner, the slides are visible, I don’t have to squint at wierd-looking text, dead space is kept to the minimum.

Please make the right choice and step back from this unwelcome change, which does not even qualify as a side-grade.


Everything is SOOOOO BIGER… Why could it be the same as yesterday. It just Got worse


ABsolute ■■■■ the redo


My overall sharp criticism is this. Why does it take so much more screen space to pass along so much less information? Until the PhotonUI windows take up equal or less monitor real estate to provide the same amount of info as the current UI, I’m not going to use it. This is not an improvement in QoL, so fiddle with it all you want but leave it as an option, not the only choice.


Unfortunate but it seems reasonable to assume or even expect that they will not maintain two sets of UI thus sooner or later photon will be the only UI without alternate option in place. So they either make it right or (the more likely case imo based on their track record) people will have to live with the sub par version from there on. :psyccp:

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Just came here to say the same thing everyone else said when it was beta and are repeating again. IT IS GARBAGE!!!
EVE players thrive on data and info. Photon give less data in the same amount of space. Multiple overviews is a good improvement do stuff like that but stop trying to shove Photon UI on players. They have made it overwhelmingly clear that it is heading in the wrong direction. Scrap the whole thing and sit down with the players to find out UI changes they actually want.
How about making the ship fitting window scalable so it doesn’t hang off the edge of my screen when I log in on my laptop?

If you really are set on a new UI then make a “pretty” version and a compact version that is more compact than the current one. I logged in to blow stuff up not to sit for hours adjusting margins on a UI and then having to copy that to my other accounts.

How about a rework and new UI for PI? Now that would make players happy.


SIr you are describing an intended feature. This is not a bug!

…and if it is its totally the fault of POS code and so we are not responsible and cannot fix it.

Kids this is why you don’t do drugs. CCP should fire whoever designed this abomination!

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I’ve seen more first time forum posters on this topic than any other I can ever remember. This ought to tell CCP just how bad this is and how strongly players feel about it.

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