Player Bounties & Killrights temporarily disabled

Tell me when the last time you built a fleet of at least 200 Feroxes with reprocessed ammo and module drops from NPC rat loot.

You didn’t even the convo and took a 4 month old comment out of context just to prove what? That you’re not capable of reading the conversation and context?

One month later.

Still crickets.

I’ll see your month and raise you 24+ :frowning: It would appear CCP devs don’t really develop anymore, just comment out bits of code to see what might happen, then completely forget about it… maybe the men in black paid them a visit… or they’re happy with the unfinished state they’re leaving everything in :expressionless:


So 3+ months later from my last post and yet no reply / update from CCP - @CCP_Dopamine what exactly are you doing with your time - I feel embarrassed for CCP that so long has transpired after this “temporary” disablement - what have you even been doing with your time other than endeavouring to brush an awful expansion that CCP tried to punt as exciting new features at the time under the carpet. Again, the fact so much time has now transpired since this original thread advocating “temporary”, I do call into question the competence of CCP. Maybe resources are being diverted into shameless SP for cash marketing schemes that really are base of the barrel. Regardless, the fact no proper update has been issued by CCP since this thread has been created I advocate as an embarrassing lack of duty of care and indicative of neglect in said duty of care to be competent.

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Kill Rights never did get disabled.

They did something to them, because they don’t show up properly in the UI anymore but if you click on a pilot with one it will add the icon for KR to your Overview and they are (and always have been) still fully functional.

If someone shoots at you, you still get a KR. Been that way since the day they announced they were disabling them.

I don’t think they even realize that the disabling of KRs didn’t work.

Hi Toots, i accept your ramble - but it does not detract from the fact that CCP have not provided an update to the original post -ergo terrible per se

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It does, there’s nothing more enraging to people who are a week into the game as having a 100,000,000 isk bounty placed on them simply because they exist. Once you do that they are either out for blood or quit.

And thus began the long, horrifying saga of Mushmellon, the Monster of Nullsec.

When I first played, I was bountied, after I redocked and then on undocking, helped kill the player that had engaged me because he’d engaged another player after I’d docked.

I thought the bounty was fantastic.

So no, it’s not enraging at all.

Of course, a single anecdote doesn’t define a general rule that can be applied to the whole community, but neither does a single view that it’s enraging. That’s also just an individual opinion with no basis in fact that can be applied to the community as a whole. It only reflects a personal view, not the view of anyone else.

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That’s exactly what I meant, though I was just kidding around.
I had the same thing happen, I was thrilled and made silly jokes about feeling “wanted”.

I had been playing this game for quite a while and worked hard to gain +5.8 security status before CCP made Bounty flags available for everyone. After that change, multiple bounties were placed on me and it was infuriating to have the red ‘Wanted’ sign on my portrait, especially since I was a Law-abiding Citizen of New Eden with a very high security status.

Back in the day, that red ‘Wanted’ sign was a ‘Badge Of Honor’ for Criminal Pirate Players, not for up-standing citizens. Even though I hated seeing it on my portrait, I eventually accepted it. I was glad when CCP finally removed the Bounty.


Actually I always enjoyed getting a bounty no matter what age my character was. If I was a week old and got a 100,000,000 bounty that would be a badge of honor. I always liked the “Wanted” sign on my portrait when I had one.

Also it’s not like a bounty causes anyone to actively hunt you. It only gives a % of the value the target lost not the bounty all in one chunk. So a noob with 100,000,000 bounty on them would pay out a pittance every time they were killed. If they were bling fit the bounty would pay a lot but then again you would hunt bling fit people anyway. I look at the bounty payout as a little bonus for getting a kill but not a reason in of itself to hunt anyone.

SO again CCP… when are bounties coming back!!!

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I liked it too, my first was from friends and it amused me to no end.
I said above to someone else that it made me feel “wanted”.
I have seen very new people blow a gasket over it, but usually they stop worrying when everyone tells them it doesn’t mean anything other than someone actually took the time to spend some isk on them.

I would like it back too, but I think it should be more useful.
If I put a bounty of one million isk on someone, someone else should be able to activate it and actively hunt that person down and get the full one million isk bounty.

I think that would be rather interesting, it’s too complicated to get revenge in Eve, there are too many rules about PvP, someone very new has very little chance of killing someone with a lot of skills and experience, and this would be a good way for them to be less powerless. Send in the bounty hunters!

I would love it if bounty hunting were this simple and straightfoward!

However, in a universe like EVE where capsuleers are immortal, friends and alts exist and lost ships can be replaced with ISK, there is nothing stopping the guy with that bounty on his head from claiming that bounty himself if the bounty is worth a ship loss for him.

Without payout restrictions (such as payout based on value destroyed), putting a bounty on someones head is therefore almost equal to a donation to that person.

With such payout restrictions, bounty hunting is barely worth the effort.

It’s hard to create a bounty system that works.

Dammit, there’s always a loophole!

To date, the system we did have was the best that has been achieved, every other proposal has had atrocious loopholes or so many restrictions it’s a joke.

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Indeed, and even though it’s the best bounty system it’s not very engaging. There’s no ‘hunting’ involved nor a significant extra incentive to kill players with bounties; at most you sometimes get the surprise of a small extra ISK payout for killing someone you would have killed anyway.

I would love a bounty hunting system with significant rewards and actual hunting. But it’s not realistic.


Bring Bounties Back!

Mmmm. 5.8.

Was that back in the day when 10.0 was technically possible?

Somehow in the last few years, all 3 of my mains made it up to 5.3.

I was on a PVP roam with them a month or two ago and there was a juicy non suspect target in LS and I safety yellowed to get in on it with 'em… (ah yes, just remembered… was my first opportunity to get on a monitor killmail with any of my toons, and I do love adding a new ship to the list). All 3 dropped to 5.2 as a result. dunno if I’ll ever see 5.3 again (sniff), cause I dunno how I was getting that “bonus 5+ sec status” in the first place.

incursioning? killing trigs during the invasion? no idea.

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No, when I started playing in 2008 you couldn’t get to +10.0 security status, you could only get to +5.00 security status. However at that time there were a couple of Concord Agents available who offered a 1-time mission to take your security status up to +5.8 or +6.2 status.

I believe the amount of NPC’s encountered in those missions was RNG based which affected the amount of Security Status increase, also you needed to already have +5.00 security status with Social skill trained up. Unfortunately those Agent missions were removed years ago.

Anyway, after I completed those missions I posted this thread in the forums.

Even with the removal of those Agent missions, for a while if you had Social skills trained up with +5.0 Security Status, you could get a little bit above it by destroying really powerful NPC’s that you don’t engage with normally.

That option is also no longer available. According to CCP in a Support Ticket I submitted a while ago, they see no gameplay reason for characters to get above +5.0 Security Status.

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Again, debates about mechanics aside - the fact @CCP_Dopamine has yet to provide an update to this thread and the “temporary disablement” how many months later, is embarrassing. for CCP as I see it. I guess Hilmar is pushing focus on skins, milking the community with shameless cash sp grabs etc - regardless, the fact there has been no update to this thread is tantamount to negligence and perceived neglect of duty of care as per original thread - i guess this is the standard to expect from CCP when the focus is now on korean led cash grab and brushing past mechanics under the carpet with inability to update on temporary disablement threads hashtag CCP are bad - but nothing new i guess - tldr - no update to this thread from CCP is somewhat embarrassing, but nothing not expected