Player Bounties & Killrights temporarily disabled

Go ahead and ask Arrendis to select only T1 modules and see what comes out as salvage.

Because i dont see the high amount of 1600 paltes. 500mn mwds or large guns yo uget from wrecks But there you go i can take scrrenshots

No, I asked you to fulfill my order, if you are getting so much loot and reprocessing it. I want you to tell me how many havens that is going to take you to fulfill.
If you missed it, here it is again for posterity.

oh and how long that’s going to take. we’re at war you might have noticed.
This is all getting a bit off topic from crimewatch so I’m going to bring it all back to it.

Bounties need to go away during tidi. Kthxbye.

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Less. The T2 modules don’t reprocess for less minerals, doofus, and I expressly aimed at well above the amount you’d get. And if you don’t see the large guns, you’re blind.

First get me a miner with 1 character and ask him how long would it take to fullfill that order. And i will do the math for you. But only 1. He can be in a rorqual.

Ps. Factor in that he need to go to HS to get Tritanium.

We are discussing “Player Bounties & Killrights temporarily disabled”, right?


This is connected to it. Trust me.

Yes, Captain Clueless there is trying to draw an equivalence with why it’s so horribad that gankers might somethingsomething.

“Temporarilly disabled.” I don’t think CCP knows what this is supposed to mean. I don’t expect bounties to ever return.


NS pubbies tring to disregard HS lifestlye worried about tritanium not knowing that wrecks contain a large amount of minerals for their F1 monkey gameplay.

Its all connected.

I agree that the bounty system needs rework. And I would agree that removing the bounties is a change that might improve a little bit the TiDi factor. And I would also agree that making the news could attract new players. I remember when this kind of massive fight hit the news, was more than 10 years ago, and I was thinking… I was there! :slight_smile:
And now comes the… ‘but’… the first impression on a new player is the HS space, where they start the experience with EvE. The ganking in HS makes me remember the PK system in Lineage2. When you are PKing you would risk dropping your items, and there parties coming to hunt you, because they might get your Armor or Weapon or something. EvE-Online has too little in place for this kind of behavior. And when the little it exists is removed can create a bad experience for that player who tried to join the game because he/she saw it on news…
By keeping the HS rules, you might offer a better experience to the new players. I might be wrong, but I think actually the retention of the new players is at the lowest point compared with the other categories.
I totally agree with bringing more players to this game, but let’s make it smart… :slight_smile:

I’m taking a break from NS at the moment. Have some RL issues to deal with and I can’t dedicate enough time to NS warfare, so I’m just hanging around HS. But it’s possible that in few months I will come back in INIT and I will complain :slight_smile:

You seem to be under the impression that gankers have concerns about isk. There are numerous videos and articles on the web which cover this issue. They only “isk” they care about is the “isk lost” number on the killboards. Sure, the price of Cats and 'nads will go up, but so will the cost of the rest of the ships. They’ll simply PLEX it or dip into the null-sec isk reservoir (which is what CCP is aiming at reducing because it will make more people buy PLEX. see how that works?).
Get out of the mindset that gankers have limited funding though. It won’t be until a Catalyst costs the same as 300 PLEX before ganking is decreased, and the only way that would happen would be through means that would kill the game completely well before the cost rose that high.
They should get rid of kill rights and bounties by combining them with the criminal flag. If you commit a criminal act, the flag sets you as open for having a bounty placed on you. Minor crime: maximum of xxx isk bounty can be placed on you. Major crime: that maximum is much much higher. And then no matter where you are, if you have a bounty, you are fair game for anyone. Let the maximum amount for the crime determine whether or not someone finds it worth the payoff to go after another player. As always, exclude the starter zones.
If bounty hunting was to be a real playstyle, that would be a way to bring it about.

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I was being sarcastic…

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Honestly, they’re not going to fix the problems with anti-gank/anti-pirate/pirate-hunting gameplay unless they’re forced to. If the current system isn’t working, that might force a fix. Sticking with what they’ve had for the last 8-ish years sure hasn’t.

Keep in mind that one of the reason the bounty system sucks so much is they’re trying to make sure it can’t be used for RMT. So it can’t pay out close to what goes into it. If it wants to be a viable lifestyle, where people can make a living as bounty-hunters in New Eden, that would have to change. But if it does… then you put a whole lot of little bounties on a guy who never undocks except to occasionally commit some major offense like podding a school bus full of nuns or something. Then that guy waits for the client to come into system, undocks, and you blow up the target. Client gets paid, professional bounty-holder docks up.

And it would mean CCP would need to put in a lot more work hunting RMTers. And I don’t think they’re willing to do that work.

Last time CCP did something “temporarily”, they massively increased the drop rate for Small Ancillary Armor Repairers 2 years ago and then never changed it back.

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Uhm… no? Burning up all the ISK in the game doesn’t make PLEX more useful. Neither does shuffling all the ISK around between players. To make RL cash PLEX purchases more attractive to people who want ISK, you have to make PLEX prices in ISK go up. Or, to look at it the other way, make the cost-per-ISK in PLEX go down… so it costs fewer PLEX to get a billion ISK.

As ISK supply tightens, that puts a downward pressure on everything else, because the effective price of ISK goes up.

Unfortunately that has a chance of being true. Then again, if they were to run with the idea of merging the kill rights and bounty system as I suggested, I would assume also that they could hammer out the details on how to keep it from being abused.

Kill rights and bounties are already the same exact system. And they’re already part of the larger Crimewatch system.

But no, merging it the way you suggest doesn’t help keep it from being abused. It makes it easier to abuse, because the payouts have to get big enough to be a viable playstyle.

True… Maybe the answer is somewhere else…
Maybe a 0.25% loss of their total SP randomly if making a crime in HS. Similar with the security status decrease. Higher for pod kills in HS. And also the destroyers (as one of the favorite ganking ship) to require Omega to fly it.