Player Bounties & Killrights temporarily disabled

lmao, no

Why? You want to gank, you are free to gank anytime you want… Nobody stops you…

Edit: This would apply to HS only.

You’re the one proposing a change. You bear the burden of supporting your suggested changes with well reasoned arguments.

I’ll wait for you to provide a good reason why any of what you suggested are good ideas to replace the bounties and killrights.

Everyone agrees that the current system is not working.
This would not affect NS or LS. So no affect on TiDi, because no Client-Server transfer.
This would reduce RMT, no gain from the kill.
This would make for the ganker more expensive to gank.

Edit: Destroyer to require Omega… Why should you gank with an Alpha account?

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Ganking as it already exist doesn’t have an impact on nullsec or lowsec already. This point is meaningless.

You failed to explain how SP losses connect to preventing RMT.

The only thing you’ve said that’s remotely related to your idea, but don’t explain why it matters. The ganker already loses their ship 100% of the time due to Concord. Why do we need to increase the cost to gank?

None of what you said actually supports your specific ideas, just a general change to how the system works as it is currently. I could suggest a change that requires people to pay 50m isk to gank one ship and it’d be the same.

I want to know your specific reasons for why you think randomized SP losses for ganking and making Destroyers Omega only. Please try again.

Why shouldn’t you?

It’s simple… SP losses - in line with the security status losses give you a penalty of doing a crime. The ship lost is not sufficient and the bounties and kill rights, although reduce the ganking are not enough. This will make the ganker evaluate better if they want to kill something or not. Of course killing high value targets would remain profitable, but killing low value targets would not be profitable. You will have as a ganker to better choose your targets.

This actually is in line with removing bounties and killrights, which are now disabled. And as it’s said that the bounties affect the TiDi, removing them might increase the performance during massive fleet battles.

Removing the bounties.

Peanuts… The current cost of ganking is too low. 11M ISK it’s nothing…

It’s simple, You want to have an exotic playstyle, you should invest money in the game.
Also this would be in-line with the SP loss, so that you use your chars from paid accounts if you want to gank, not free to play accounts.

Nowhere else in the game are SP losses tied to Security Status losses. Try again.

Ok, there it is.
The real reason you’re proposing these terrible changes.
I’m gonna ignore everything else in your post because it’s a waste of time. I’m gonna address the actual issue here (and the weird notion that you have where you believe ganking is a “problem”, lol).

You’re thinking about this as a means to reduce ganking. Why? Why do we need to reduce ganking in the first place. You’re talking about this as if it’s a problem that needs to be solved but don’t actually discuss it. Then based off this, you’re coming up with these bad ideas on how to change the bounty and killrights system.

Ganking is fine in EVE. You need to first show that it’s a problem before suggesting changes to game mechanics (like introducing SP loss for ganks).

It’s also adorable that all of your talk about changing the bounty and killright system boils down to just your carebear feelings getting hurt by gankers. The bounty and killright system are tangential, but gankers aren’t the be-all-end-all of the system. You’re only whining about it because it’s kinda-sorta related, but you don’t actually care about the main issue of the thread, you just care about gankers.

We are discussing about changes on crimes. If existing ones are not sufficient and have impact on other gameplay, a new idea can be the solution.

Actually you should show that it’s not a problem. Because we are speaking in a topic with regards to Crimewatch mechanic. Which actually means it is a problem and you are off-topic.

Again. You’re missing the point.

The point of the bounties and killrights system is NOT to reduce ganking. If you think it is, i’d love to see a citation to back up your claim on that.

Just my personal opinion here, obviously, but the coded systems should be set up in a way that provide opportunities to players, not ways that punish them for taking those opportunities.

Example: ganking? Sure! But there should be just as robust and profitable a way to go about pirate-hunting and anti-ganking. Right now, gankers can make bank killing freighters and using ‘neutral’ alts to scoop the loot. The countermeasures should encourage (but not require) other players to cooperate, and provide as much opportunity to make money. That doesn’t mean ‘I can stop your 50 gankers with one guy’, obviously. You want to stop groups, you need groups. S’just how life is. But there should be ways for those groups to cooperate without, for example, having to be in the same alliance, and using ‘let’s bribe CONCORD’ payments to do it.

The current killrights and bounties are an attempt at that. But let’s face it, they’re not really doing the job. For that reason, as much as the server performance issues, they need overhauling.

And you know, it should be mind-bogglingly obvious, but that overhaul? It needs to include a real overhaul of wardecs. Highsec conflict should be part of one integrated system for conflict in space held by the four empires and CONCORD. Then that system for ‘conflict in Empire space’ should have the bits that pertain only to highsec (like CONCORD response) stripped out for lowsec.

Well, bounties I don’t care much about, but removing KRs without providing some other mechanic to replace them is a deal breaker for me, not to mention I find that incredibly unfair for anyone being ganked, so it looks like this is the right moment for me to take a break from EvE, which I needed to take at some point to spend more time on other things anyway.

So I’ll probably let two of my accounts expire in a couple weeks. Not sure what to do with the other two, which expire later and might still be omega by the time KRs are restored (if they are restored), but at any rate I’m going to spend a lot less time logged on, or going to be a lot less active when I’m on until KRs are restored or CCP comes up with some other mechanic that replaces them.

And CCP, really, the way you handle these things sucks big time. You could disable bounties and KRs in null only, maybe low sec too, but keep them in high sec. And you could also keep awarding KRs to pilots getting ganked and extending their validity so they may still be used when KRs are restored (if ever). But no, you have to do it this ■■■■■■■ annoying way, like you’ve done so many times before…

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…how do you know they can do this separately by security status?

I don’t think he means ‘with the current code, as-is’.

Man, sure the client may be coded to only ask the server for KR data when in high sec…

lol, par for this dev team, put on the blinders and fix one thing, breaking a bunch of others.

Or maybe just clueless bulls in a china shop?

Did any of you ever work on The Secret World? Their dev team killed their game too. Turned an MMO into a shooter. So fail.

This dev team probably cannot…

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Player bounties are completely useless and killrights are 95% useless.

Just remove both of them.

Hmm we need literally thousands of ships at a time. Can you and your one man salvaging show supply that? How long would it take you to salvage say even one titan?

HS Scrublord trying to disregard NS 6000 man world record setting brawls crowing about his single Noctis not knowing that NS fleets requite billions in minerals.

Dude, just stop. Now, You’re making yourself look really stupid.

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Did you not take a second to think of the reason why they didn’t do it that way?

Don’t take too long…
Because POS Code/Legacy code whatever you want to call it. It’s probably one system that’s ‘either/or’. It’s either on or it’s off. Has nothing to do with null sec or Empire. It’s spaghetti code. This is why (more than likely) that they are doing it this way. I’m not going to say definitvely ‘yes. this is the way’ because I am not a CCP Dev. But it makes sense. Something that is tied to the core of the game and doesn’t have selective on/off switch.

All you Chicken Little’s out there need to just relax for 5 seconds. Well OK 30 days. There are more people in the game than just you. There’s an issue in the game code and they want to fix it. Be patient, grasshopper.

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There are lots of niches in EvE. It’s perfectly fair to argue against any one of them, one at a time. After all, being niche, they only affect a tiny number of players. But as the years have passed, and many niches have succumbed to this argument, the game is less for it. The game is not just “Null-Sec Battles Online”.

Ok, killrights are, like quantum particles, inextricably entangled with the bounty system(BS) and they have to be turned off withe it for testing. But, contra your claim, the killrights(KR) system is a perfectly good, compelling gameplay mechanic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it at the gameplay level. The BS has never been a good gameplay mechanic. It serves no useful purpose. Run your tests, certainly. But when it comes time to excise the bounty code make sure a new code for the KR system remains. Just because you don’t think much of it doesn’t mean it is meaningless for other players.