Player Bounties

:sweat_smile: Yes, I’ve lost so many astoids to those carebears it’s not fair! Those Miners need to stop griefing me and leave the rocks alone… even the salt rocks :rofl:

Sure. If you guys keep it in the game. And keep it to RP among characters.

But you don’t. You go all RL dick head in the forum on RL people. And somehow get away with it unlike in any other modern game forum.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Calm down miner.

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Wow, you sure do talk a lot of ■■■■ for someone who’s literally accused the ISDs of committing real-life felonies, and spent half of your EVE existence evading a forum ban while whining about how unfairly the rules are being applied!


These people talking about “protecting” new players are just hypocrites and self-serving virtue signallers. I am confident I do more to help new players than ETroll.


Yeah i don’t agree at all. This makes no sense.

-10 means only gate and station guns don’t support you in low sec. This is not a big deal if you know what you’re doing.

It does now mean no docking in high, which makes sense. There should be a gameplay style added here, like access to temporary old school POS like setups by the pirate factions you can hide at.

Nullsec, WH, Pochven it means nothing.

Okay- thoughts on having sec status add a tax, or bribe if you will?

So a 10m bounty would cost 15m on a 5.0 person. Or whatever the numbers should be.

People should be allowed to place a bounty on anyone they want.

What’s wrong with that?


It doesn’t make sense, and it’s not good for new players. If nobody is out there hunting new players in Ventures and Retrievers, then they won’t learn basic game mechanics, until they are in a much more expensive ship. If you actually want to retain players, you need to expose new players to PvP early on. Restricting that is just going to create a boring game with less players. Just look at the player count over the past decade.

PvP = Fun


Well you could, it would just cost more to place them on “law abiding” capsuleers.

Why should it cost more?

Why should there be any protection for lazy isk grubbing Highsec carebears?

They certainly don’t need more.


I agree in the current format; as usual CCP implemented a lazy change with no counter or expanded play.

There should be places they can hide from facpo etc in high sec, and refit, drop loot, etc, with proper standings to the pitates. Those places just wouldn’t be stations in high sec.

I guarantee you, me killing expensive jump freighters is going to drive more players out of the game than me killing day old Ventures.

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I wish for the game to do well, which means we need more play styles. Thus my arguments for why security status should matter more. Thematically, i think this makes sense.

But the entire play style would need to be expanded. Cops and robbers would be awesome in high sec, if done properly.

Why not a module that delays the time facpo arrive on grid for example?

Thematically, it doesn’t. According to the developers, EvE is supposed to be a “cruel”, “cold”, and “dark” realm, ruled by corrupt governments and megacorporations. What fits thematically is that criminals are allowed to dock in stations, and even welcome there. What doesn’t fit thematically is CCP killing their game for a decade straight, by continually nerfing PvP and boring literally everyone (including the miners). People want to fight, and the best thing CCP could do is delete Highsec entirely.

Risk = Fun
Safety = Boring

The safer Highsec becomes, the faster the player count drops. A safe Highsec doesn’t just affect Highsec players, it also kills all the content in lowsec, nullsec, and wormholes - because people just grind in Highsec under the CONCORD umbrella.

Jita must burn.

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Because it would be abused to hell and back by griefer sociopath scumbags who want to do nothing more than ruin the game for people who just want to log in and make some iskies mining ore in this family-friendly spaceship game after a hard day of working their real-life jobs, where they already have to deal with daily grief from their incompetent supervisor and that toxic Pamela in Accounts Receivable?

On the contrary, thinking sec status means anything at all is absolutely insane. One of the very first things I was taught as a newbie is “security status means nothing, no matter the number, simply don’t trust anyone”.

Think about it: security status is a number. I’m about to argue it is just a number, but the road is a bit long.

At the fundamental level, what does this number mean, game-mechanically? It goes up when NPCs are shot and killed by a player, or tags plus ISK is paid to a CONCORD agent (to a limit). It goes down when the player does certain actions in certain areas of space. And here’s the real kicker: these actions are all decided by CCP. Mining doesn’t affect the number. Defending your MTU in high sec doesn’t either. We’ll come back to this “CCP decides” later.

To make matters worse, this number is a sum. It seems like “no duh it’s a sum”, but really rub some brain cells together and think about the ramifications. It’s an accumulation of all past actions. It has zero predictive power. It is a piss-poor erasure of a historical record. It being a historical record means it says nothing about a player’s actions now, nor tomorrow. A 0.0 could mean the guy never does any of the CCP-decided actions; or has done all of them. Likewise, a 5.0 could mean the guy only does certain CCP-decided actions, or all of them in a certain proportion/order. In either case – a 0.0 or 5.0 – their speculative behavior of “oh, what did they do now” is pretty much the same. And what does this matter anyway, knowing what a guy might have done? It still means nothing about what they’ll do today/tomorrow.

With all the above, it then seems insane to my ears to hear people say “security status is a good number”. If they mean “morally good” then they’ve fully bought into CCP’s number hook line and sinker and are the kind of people that talk about how good their USA Experian/Equifax/Other Credit Score is. Adding some sort of stupid morality to this number is equivalent to saying “CCP is saying this is how people Should play the game” – and that’s a moral Should. Which kind of defeats the purpose of being a free pilot in a sandbox. People’s moral obsession with this number (“if it goes down I’m being an evil pilot”) means they start self-imposing or limiting their behavior in-game, instead of being their free self. This gets problematic, because CCP’s decisions about what makes this number go up/down are piss-poor: the canonical example are amicable FW folks that wind up having negative security status, because in lowsec simply taking the Paladin-esque “holy self-defense” actually winds up costing you security status. Are these people really just as “morally evil of pilots” as a suicide ganker? Hey, if a -10 is a -10, then that number says “yes”.

OK, so people probably don’t mean it is a “moral” good. They instead mean it is “good” as in accurate or precise measurement. But here’s the problem: of what? I just spent two paragraphs above showing how it being A) historical, and B) a sum makes it a rather useless number when gauging something about a player’s behavior. Going back to those unfortunate FW folks that still have negative security status: it just means 1) they aren’t letting themselves be steam-rolled by non-FW folks and 2) they don’t want to pay the CONCORD bribes. What about people that are getting endlessly bumped in high sec, wouldn’t they want a justification for lawful combat, and some miners do have ganker alts to protect their high sec belts. Are all these low security status folks in low sec and high sec equally having their pilot behavior judged in an accurate and precise way? Hey, if a -10 is a -10, then “yes”.

So security status:

  • Is not a predictor of current nor future capsuleer behavior
  • Is really bad at giving an indication of past actions
  • Is arbitrarily decided by CCP what makes it go up or down
  • Does not tell you why that pilot did those actions nor their “morality”

It’s just a number.

So, despite all this, people that still hold it as some sort of “good” measure I view as being insane: fully Stockholm’d Syndrome’d by CCP into willingly artificially limiting their view of “what can I do in the universe,” which is adjacent to “this is how the game should be played”. That’s stupid. You are a free capsuleer and there is a whole universe full of things you can do. Who cares whether that makes number go up or down. Deal with the consequences in time – if its needed at all – but don’t automatically start writing off things as “bad people do that” or “I don’t do those things” because of this stupid number.

Proposing to limit the capability of “existing” features (“Existing” is a strong, bold word for player bounties LOL) based on this number is nonsense. There are good people with low security status, and there are evil griefers with high security status. Player bounties are a equitable, normalizing force meant to transcend the limitations of security status, and let those high-sec-bumpees and getting-steamrolled-non-paladin-low-seccers have recourse. That’s the point of Freedoms and maximal Rights in the universe: they should be available for everyone equally. Instead, you’re making limited rights and perpetuating inequitable playstyles by shackling the existing system into all the pitfalls thus far explained.

So no, you don’t make sense.


That was way before. Since many years this seem to be changing month by month. CCP has changed and they are changing EVE with it. I only play since Jan. of 2017. but it is clear and obvious based on how things went during that time that there is a transition at work.

The constant complaining and metagaming seems to be working albeit at a slow pace and even without it a new direction was chosen by CCP to cater to more people which requires the game to be suitable for short attention spans, zero effort high rewards easy mode gameplay (even or especially for some extra cost) and being able to support alternate monetization methods.

In short EVE is on a clear path away from the (g)olden days and I see zero chance for a course change. Just as many other ones fall victim over just the past years enjoy your playstyle while you still can until it also succumbs to the new order (yes reference intended).

I think that’s the best you can do as you can’t stop the process, nobody can as CCP decides these matters. Enjoy while it lasts then find something else when you no longer have fun playing it.


Why though? What’s the idea behind the restrictions? Anyone should have the honor of having a bounty on their head!