Player Count

I have been patiently waiting until I’ve built up the corp wallet enough that when im not looking, I’ll awoxx myself. I might even promote myself. See how i like that.

Haha I have no idea.

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Same reason why the majority of corporations are solo player (and his alts) corporations. And reason why most players I ever worked with, and I guess that can include me as well, left to make their own “franchise”.

This will never change because the threat of betrayal and getting robbed by the person you trust is too high and EVE has not safety mechanisms against that. If anything EVE encourages this behavior. Note I am not crying, I just adapted and I run my own solo corporation. I wasn’t robbed myself, but I have seen it happen in corporation I used to be a member and I just think that this is no a good gameplay at all.


This is, in fact, the number one reason EVE had great gameplay…

Why had? Afaik there were no technical changes that would prevent this to still happen. It is just that 99% players learned their lesson and adapted by either making solo corporations for themselves (as corporation has tons of advantages and is free) or by staying in npc corp. But otherwise it is still possible, you just need to work harder if you want to do this. Which applies for every other player-related content due to the lower number of players playing.

CCP ruined the game, removal of old wardec mechanics etc etc.

The test run with chinese server removing pvp from highsec and push to instance only pvp tourneys etc

Soon all world pvp gone, all corp espionage gone, scamming gone etc. PVE only or streaming instanced pvp tourney online.

Yes but I failt to see how is it revelant to corp stealing.

I was joking :] but mostly a coolant rod inside a nuclear reactor is technically a heat theif :] and without it boom no more society.

Same for tax collectors except they are more dangerous.

NPC stations :] you can just keep your stuff seperate if they betray you they at most just kill your ship that you are flying which is nothing much of a loss anyways.

We had a theif once and they stole a lot but it wasn’t assets they stole half the corp memebers.

Thats what happens when CCP will steal money from EVE Online to get into different projects that flop, and then have nothing to show for EVE Online itself.

They will be permanently too small to branch out succesfully to different projects, because they start them too early.

What about the corporation’s mechanisms to limit access to corp’s hangars? That somewhat of a security measure, if sometimes inadequate.

Solo-member corporation is kinda sad in a MMO.
Permitting the use of Alts isn’t a good idea in my opinion but again, anyone can make a second account with another email so forbidding Alts is kind of pointless as well.

I don’t think CCP encourages it, they just let it happen and to be fair, there isn’t much they could do even if they wanted to stop it short of removing the two extra slots for characters in players’ accounts and implementing positive ID check so any “bad” thing anyone would do would stick to their character like glue. But I don’t support such a thing.
The rip-off playstyle is consistent with the sandbox. It sucks sometimes but it’s up to us not to get ripped off.

All well rounded adventuring parties should include at least one kind of rogue.


But the Rogue in RPG helps and acts towards the well-being of the group, he’s doesn’t use his five-finger-discount abilities for his own selfish ends, does he?

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To be honest, EVE is rather bad/meh game too, it only got (more or less) popular because it’s unique.
Every time CCP tries to compete with other games they fail miserably.

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Sorry, who in this game of EvE isnt fighting hard for their own “selfish ends”?

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Casual players and those like me who only want to be entertained, not take over the galaxy.

Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Also, you do know theres a reply button, so theres no point in @ing the person into your reply?

In that sense everything we do is selfish.

This forum is bugged. The Quote, Reply and Notification features don’t work sometimes.
Sorry to @ you.

Right, which negates

Being a negative on knowing a good thief.

Also, no worries on the @, just didnt know if you knew or what.

Just wanted to jump in here and say that the corp management interface is probably the worst /least intuitive interface I have ever used in any game or program.

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When I wrote:

I was more thinking real-life thieves, not RPG Rogues.
Anything done in a game isn’t a crime against anyone.