Player Count

It’s kinda like having the dinosaurs still hanging around harping on about how cool it was when they could have a McStegosaurus for breakfast. Just a shame the 6 mile wide asteroids in Eve are all glued in place.

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O the good old days :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m betting on this being right. I’m pretty sure CCP is betting on it too.


Whilst obviously PCU can reflect a drop in average session time / frequency, it’s unlikely to be the only reason, these things are not binary. Anecdotally, I’ve seen a dramatic reduction in null mates that continue to be subbed this year as well as a decline in jita bots which, alongside the PCI slide, suggests to me we’ve seen a reduction in active and subcribed players.

The last 2 times there was a dramatic drop in PCU, CCP took action, first reverting Blackout and then announcing the end of Scarcity… Pretty sure they didn’t do that without reason and both followed a reduction in players.

I think you need to be a bit more realistic.

Your picture/gif wont load but I have a feeling its that chocolate bar again

Player count will continue to drop until CCP starts to listen to its true core of players.

Not the countless Alpha Alts…

You mean the high-sec miners?

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The “true core of players” - whatever that means - has the CSM to communicate with CCP. If CCP doesn’t agree with CSM then that ‘true core of players’ words won’t mean much to CCP.
Not only that but according to CCP 57% of all players had joined since 2018 so with that CCP is listening to players, just not your ‘true core of players’ who seem to have moved on.

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Nah, the ishtar krabs.

elite progamer mlg eve pvp’ers who never ever take a fight which hasnt a 100% guaranteed ez killmail

Between Rattati, Olmeca Gold, “Mr Small Gang PvP” crying about to many capitals in the game, devs not knowing what they trying to build/sell (a game instead of a wall street simulator), and the price hike. I think this version of the game is on it’s last leg and primed to go … Seriously, the gaming industry just doesn’t care about a 100 man jackdaw fleet. It was the big capital ship clashes that put CCP on the map.


Numbers will continue to drop until

CCP returns to the $14.99 price model all other MMO use. Imagine new player choosing eve or game x they dont have any loyalty to both games? which will they chose? the one that’s cheaper 99% of the time. Eve higher price has already handicapped it.

CCP Remove scarcity and drop plex prices to normal. These choices were clearly made to reinforce a P2W predatory play style pearl abyss is hated for.

CCP removes all gambling mechanics like hyper cores and starter packs with free ships and skill points.

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Don’t all alt’s get that still? My Jimmy the other day noticed this and out of sheer excitement he had thanked the game company and also put in a good word to people of New Eden.

/Jimmy just logged into his acc and added another month ontop of his current and the price is still
-25% 1 MONTH OMEGA Multiple account deal $14.99

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Didn’t know bot’s could talk to ccp

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01001111 01101110 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01110101 01100101 01110011 01100100 01100001 01111001

True core players would want the old wd sys back but that got abused out of the game.

There is tons of ways to do a middle ground tbh. Totally crazy idea judge me all your want lol.

The current system makes it so that the aggressors have to declare war, but what if the aggressors build some type of new structure only 1 allowed per system that claims that area in high sec and they become the feudal lords of it :smiley: so all the people living in that system get annoyed and are forced to be the ones to declare war on the oppressive group.

A bit more like real life the ones in power gain control when they slack and get lax a revolt arises and tries to overthrow them.

High sec seems like that kind of place to me.
Ooops wrong thread o well ignore this lol