Please use sense when evaluating player numbers

Eh we all look alike anyway

Nice. Ill tell ya, I bet they are banned from the ED forums. Its the Vicar’s Tea Party 24/7 over there compared to hear and you can be banned for not enjoying the game appropriately.

Well in real-life some forms of enjoyment practices are deemed inappropriate and are considered a crime according to local laws in numerous countries, so I guess it just depends on one’s morals. :wink:


Yeah well, by my calculations there’s probably less people actively looking for PvP in Elite now than the concurrent average for BF2 atm.

Which is 17 btw.

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That word, retarded, was used in its acutal sense, not in its deprecated and offensive medical sense. As in, to slow or delay. It is the proper word for that and is still used regularly in this way.

Example of proper use from wiktionary:
“retard the motion of a ship”

Which is exactly what im describing in that now flagged post.

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Some people are just :] Was wondering why you where blocked.

This is the post that they blocked me for.

Yeah because they mis-read what youd actually typed and decided to make it their hill.

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No im just not putting up with an ignoramus calling me a liar while demonstrating they demonstrably know little of what they are talking about.

It’s entirely disingenuous and i wont put up with that, especially from someone who doesn’t play eve anymore :laughing:

Its also amazing that liars know the exact moment to unblock someone just to block them again, isnt it?

Then they cant let it alone.

Edit: and now they are having a temper tantrum and flagging. Which means they havent blocked us at all. Sad.

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Sometimes I block myself ;(


Even if they block someone wouldn’t those posts have a link on them that if they click they can reveal the content? Or blocking means no way of reading the blocked person’s posts at all except for unblocking them? :thinking:

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I mean look if someone flagged the ED stuff Id understand.

Its not like we were discussing how a game with 3600 average users hasnt actualy died yet or anything.

I didn’t really pay attention to the thread to be honest, just the blocking and unblocking caught my attention and am too lazy to check this myself. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: I never have blocked anyone on these forums nor plan to to be frank. :slight_smile:


I dont block ever.
In the forums its just dumb.

In game, its bad for intel.


Most people don’t use steam for it, still it’s not massive numbers.

I thought it was off Steam now?

I know I only ever used the stand alone launcher.

But at the end of the day it still is a great version (Odyssey not included) of what it is: Elite for modern machines. Shame they never made it more than that.

And Braben is retiring on part of my “lifetime pass”, which I admit was me being far too optimistic.

Odessey is actually decent now. I didn’t bother with it at all even though all updates are free for me but installed it recently, it’s much better and lots of other useful updates as well, on top of that the plans they have sound interesting

I dont mind paying Braben, could be worse: could be Chris Roberts.

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I think this is not an EVE specific thing but a general Internet thing. Most people know forums can be toxic with arguing people and so on.

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Oh Ive nothing against the man, Odyssey just doesnt like my potato

Honestly if Star Citizen was on steam I would have went with it over Elite but here we are