Praise Aiko Danuja, Hound of Halaima, Mistress Mercenary

How do you know? You have gix blocked.

Obvious is obviousā€¦

Whatā€™s great about Dodixie is you can buy stuff there for 500K and a mere half a dozen systems away sell it for 750Kā€¦as thereā€™s always people who donā€™t want to travel even a mere 5 or 6 systems. This is what noobs should be getting intros toā€¦rather than watching a boring mining laser all day.

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I was simply truthfully pointing out that corp miners have even less reason to be ganked than solo miners. With 2,500 members thereā€™s loads of intel. Keep an eye on that intel and you know Aiko is comingā€¦from a dozen systems away. Every person is ultimately responsible for their own ship. You go on about Local and d-scanā€¦but if people ignore intel from a dozen systems away, that is 100% their own accountability.

Absolutely. The universe is shaped by decisions made by players. The universe can also respond in kind with a hard swift kick in the ā€¦shinsā€¦yes, that was the word I was planning to useā€¦if that player decides on the wrong course of action.

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This is not a day old alt.

And id still shoot you.


That soundsā€¦Absolutely terrifying, actually.

Fortunately, Iā€™ve recently learned a brand new strategy for dealing with such ominous existential threats: Iā€™m just going to dock up, close EVE and open up another game on Steam, and tell you that itā€™s your problem to get me to become interested enough in you to log into into EVE again. Checkmate, griefer scumbag. :smirk:

I do find it somewhat amusing that if so many people dislike me (not true by the wayā€”Iā€™ve been getting a lot of support in-game, people have been sending me mails and even decent sums of money), they wonā€™t just make up a ā€œcoalition of the willingā€ and come do something about me. Iā€™m war-eligible, I fly expensive things, I routinely go into wormholes to fast-travel because Iā€™m too lazy to make manual 45-jump trips; the opportunity is there. But, like with the ā€œONE warningā€ guy up there, itā€™s always just talk. It could be a reasonable moral victory to just force me to stay docked up for a while, but Iā€™m basically untouchable.

If the biggest ā€œvictoryā€ people can claim against me is that Iā€™m not giving some null-sec blob a free station kill while Iā€™m fast asleep wearing my :cat: onesie and tightly grasping my dakimakura, while at all other times Iā€™m causing tens of billions of ISK in ganking damage and creaming people in my free wars, I think Iā€™m doing pretty well for myself.

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LOL so whatā€™s the point of being in a corp then? I love how you just throw them under the bus to save yourself.

Damn man. And the gankers are allegedly the bad people? Meanwhile we got you running your mouth and actively encouraging Aiko to kill your corp mates.

That is cold, even by my standards LOL. But then youā€™ll find us low sec pirate types to have more loyalty than the typical bear corp. At least if we die, we die together LOL.

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I kinda miss the wormhole corp I was in that got completely slaughtered and annihilated (under a different character than this).

It was an exciting and memorable experience.

Nobody cares about your secret mystery mole.

Gixā€¦if you ever find yourself undergoing proctology by aliens, donā€™t worry. Itā€™s just them inserting their communication device into whatever a person most speaks out of.


I laughed.

I mean thatā€™s alotta ad hominem for ā€œI set my corp mates up to die and donā€™t care in the slightest as I hide behind my alt and threaten others with my secret scary mainā€ :smiley:

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Utter baloney. Of the 250 or so ships lost by AO in the past weekā€¦just 8 were due to Aiko. If I were you Iā€™d be urging Destiny to demand a refund of the billions she spent on merc fees.

Plus, AO has an excellent intel system. If people donā€™t use itā€¦and thus get gankedā€¦that is 100% their own fault. I have the intel window open all the time.

Youā€™re the one who keeps saying people have no excuse for being ganked. Wellā€¦they have vastly less excuse even than that when thereā€™s intel that Safety is half a dozen systems away !

I am very satisfied with my purchase.

Wow. So no loyalty to fellow corp mates huh? But DC is wrong about it being a newbro pupply mill? LOL.

I guess those 8 peeps donā€™t matter to you huh?

And its funny cause by your own defense now, you shouldnā€™t even bother to AG as everyone else has tons of intel too :smiley:

Mmhmm. And you wonā€™t die to defend your corp mates. So what makes you think youā€™ll put your stuff on the line for random EVE citizens? ROFL.

I had it removed anyway.

I would always put my life on the line for my friends and corp members. But then again, Iā€™m a griefer sociopath, so my moral compass works a bit differently from that of the average high-sec carebear.

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Every one of them has the option of joining protected mining fleets. If they choose to go mining on their ownā€¦and ignore corp intel that Aiko is on her wayā€¦and mine in some god forsaken belt that is too far from any station to reach on timeā€¦nope, I have zero sympathy.

And when did I ever say that my AG had anything to do with ā€˜protectingā€™ anyone ? Thatā€™s for Dracvlad and Githany.

Dunno why you think Iā€™m any less mercenary and ā€˜whatā€™s in it for me ?ā€™ than Destiny or Aiko.

Are you getting paid?