Praise Aiko Danuja, Hound of Halaima, Mistress Mercenary

Wow. Just wow LOL.

So you’re saying whatever corp you are in, you have no obligation or desire to help your corp mates in any way shape or form?

Yes or no?

Actually yes…I have supporters. Maybe not the billions you deal with, but it helps. But mainly I have a nice little, erm…‘pizza delivery service’…increasingly for some of the local corp bases. Heck, I’m spending more time on trading now than anything else.

Oh God…there goes Cathy Newman again.

That infamous interview almost ruined her journalistic career.

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So you’re a contractor, instead of a mercenary? The concept of “mercenary” involves combat.

Are you available for hire for genuine mercenary services? I’m looking to get some wetwork done.

Lol…no I meant mercenary in the adjective sense of ‘what’s in it for me ?’.

Mercenary is mercenary. If you’re “mercenary” as an “adjective,” that means you’re fighting on behalf of someone else in exchange for money.

Anyway, if you want a job, contact me. Pays very well.

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No…somehow I don’t think Governor Lee would be too pleased if I ‘worked with’ the same person who’s hiring mercs against AO. I may be ‘mercenary’ in character, but I am also quite loyal.

Nice dodge :smiley: Your cowardice knows no bounds huh?

Wut. You are literally letting your corp mates die for you and saying you bear no responsibility toward them. I’m not sure you know what loyal means :smiley:

Well, first of all the job isn’t against anyone in AO or any of its apparent affiliates, so that wouldn’t truly be an issue.

Second, what Gix said. You seem to have quite a warped view of what loyalty actually is.

Nope…I have zero responsibility for people who wilfully ignore corp intel. Their death is no-one’s fault but their own. So I’ve no idea why you seem to think I should care. Intel is there for a reason…and people have only themselves to blame if they ignore it.

I’ll gladly offer 100% loyalty to anyone who makes even 1% effort to help themselves. Anyone who can manage to ignore Local, d-scan, and intel warning of Aiko from a dozen systems away…is making 0% effort and deserves zero loyalty.

Of course she doesn’t. It literally has no impact on her whatsoever.

Loyalty in EvE. You’re so silly.

Loyalty in EvE: n. Having devotion to a particular person or group, until something better comes along that one can exploit and/or take advantage of and backstab the people that were foolish enough to think that real loyalty is a thing in EvE.

What ads , can I see

So you agree gank victims bring it upon themselves correct :smiley:

I mean I guess so. It isn’t for me tho. Its why I’m so selective in what corp I join. But when I do find a goo done, I commit.

Yennoe, for us being the “bad” people, I always find that somehow we tend to live by a much better code than most.

So you’re only loyal to some but not others? How do you choose? Since your an alleged noob, shouldn’t you want to help those who are new too? If the peeps dying to Aiko are brand new, why can’t you help educate them?

When in reality, we all know you’re just hiding this alt in their corp while using your “main” to actually play :smiley:

There is still loyalty in eve but your right it’s not the same as real.

If you can’t find any loyalty in eve I feel sorry for you .

I’m finding this whole post interesting to say the least :popcorn:

Ganking dirt bag your about to find out HOW touch able you are

You think Im just talking? your being watched 24/7 now. your docked in Amarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy go some where else & see. You think this is only talk? I have money on this now. keep joking about staying docked because you KNOW whats coming

no one actually likes you or supports you liar, your a nobody with no friends and will be shot like a dog

You are gonna cry & beg to mine for an hour when this is over or just uninstall forever because no ones even gonna wanna to open chat with you because if they do theyre gonna lose everything they have too

EVERYONE IF YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE justmail me anything you know about this scumbag or anyone you know is his friend & helps him in any way. Don’t need ISK (have that covered) just intel

If your intrested to take part in ops let me know what you can offer, this will all be paid for & compensated. if you know him personally and are tired of his grief bs & want to help us, you wont be judged like anyone who doesnt work with us or works against us

we will pay for kills and anything that gets him killed or makes him lose friends & money

Is this warning #4 now? It’s getting hard to keep track

The only thing I agree with is that you make Cathy Newman look like an amateur when it comes to vomiting out logical fallacies.

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I think she hired me earlier, almost by accident really, so I suppose I’m on the list. Just to help you out, most of my assets are in 1DQ, but your best chance of extracting some sort of revenge is maybe finding me in Fountain or Clown Ring. Best of luck in extracting your vengeance sir.