Praise Aiko Danuja, Hound of Halaima, Mistress Mercenary

Well since FI.RE, the Imperium and PAPI’s remnants are all busy killing each other I guess they wouldn’t really notice at all if you were to anchor anything in ABSOW’s old sov space yes

Admit it, giving me money felt good.

Why do you think my OnlyFans is so popular?

That was with regard to high-sec. Their leader was begging me to put down a Fortizar so that he could get his null-sec masters to come destroy it.


That’s a bit more complicated then, I think that they pay BLACKFLAG. not to wardec them because if they were to do that absoh and absow would basically vanish in a few days. Considering they do not batphone Wrecking Machine I guess it is possible to anchor a Fortizar safely around Lonetrek hisec, just be aware that they will form feroxes to attack you because that’s the only BPO they got in their hangars

I’m pretty sure BLACKFLAG. would shoot me for free, so even if their Ferox gang wouldn’t be able to break my mighty one-person defense fleet, that’s always a fallback option for them.

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Oh wow you just saved me $$$

You can send it to me instead.

And in a strange turn of event’s I discover that all 3 of you are the same person posting on alt’s. Or maybe I’m actually Aiko’s alt and you would never know.

I’m not Destiny’s alt…

If multiple dimensions existed wouldn’t it be natural for destiny to have alternates, Ironically.

Yes and that would almost mean that we would have multiple Aiko’s and that there might be a slight chance that just one of those Aiko’s might be The One!

Aiko as a female Jet Li? :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :upside_down_face:


You really think she would go dimension tripping just to eliminate her copies and become the only one just for ultimate power?

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I don’t think… I know. :slight_smile:

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Tbh I think she is smarter than that, more likely scenario would be she recruits them all and brings them here and high sec becomes ■■■■■■ with 20 of her running around causing absolute carnage.

But if she is The One she can deal 20x as much dps with a single Catalyst. :wink:

I watched the Umbrella Academy, and I know what happens when you get too close to your alternate timeline/dimension self…

I think she would dispatch her simps and agents against the others simps and agents and the final one standing is the “the one.”

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I’ll be glad when Aiko is back and at the helm again , amateur scammers and beggars are rubbish.

Aiko stopped playing eve? Imposibru

Why would I stop playing EVE? I Love EVE!


Wrong alt DMC :stuck_out_tongue: