Praise Aiko Danuja, Hound of Halaima, Mistress Mercenary

@Dracvlad You stain nearly every thread without anyone having to ‘summon’ you. Then you go on and on about the same stuff. :yawning_face:

@Destiny_Corrupted This is great! I will be sure to stop some of these evil newbro abusers in Uedama.


The detail is up there on my invitation to participate, if he did not want me to say anything he would not have mentioned me in his stupid rants, you are just whining because you like whining.

@Dracvlad and @Cilla_Cybin just post in the forums, and meanwhile the newbros they claim to support are dying - sad! I don’t even see our heroes in local?

But Dracvlad, how can I declare war against an alliance that is not eligible for them? :thinking:

No, I challenged you to a war that has nothing to do with structures. To a war between pilot and pilot(s), Dracvlad, and not a war between pilots and an unmanned citadel.

You seem to be awfully upset that I adapted to my situation in EVE, and managed to find content in a game that is increasingly becoming bereft of it. Instead of being happy for a fellow player because they have found (and are creating) content, you just nitpick every little thing you can sink your dulled teeth into.

It is perfectly rational behavior that I wouldn’t rely on war HQs to do wars, because I am a solo player without a large base of support for collective defense. Yet you hold me to the same standard you would hold a group like BF. At best that is a transparent, lame attempt to shame me into creating an undue vulnerability for myself, and at worst it’s you being an unapologetic hypocrite.

Anyway, shouldn’t you be criticizing Governor Lee for begging me to put down a structure and declare war on his null-sec entity? After all, you’ve spent the entire past week raging against that very notion. Or have you decided to double-down on a double standard after I long-conned you into having such an unfavorable stance here?

Here’s the thing, Dracvlad: this posturing is entirely meaningless, because all of you people are fully aware that I would start picking you off like the Ghost of Kyiv if any of you actually manned up enough to go after me. To go after me, Dracvlad, and not my empty house. That’s why neither you, nor Governor Lee, nor Cilla, nor any of the other bleeding-heart whiners who frequent these forums will ever do anything about me, despite the fact that I’m both war-eligible, and out in space all the time and vulnerable to being baited and/or ganked.

That’s why you all keep begging me to put down a structure; because you know that that is the only way any of you would ever be able to get a kill/cause any damage to me. You need this crutch, because it’s the only way you can force a “fight” with such overwhelming numerical superiority, that it’s mathematically impossible for me to win, or even defend myself. Meanwhile, I don’t. As is very evident from the screenshots above, I can cause a lot of damage without war eligibility even being a factor, let alone structure ownership.

I really hope you find positive attention out there somewhere… this cry o yours for attention in every thread makes me sad.

Try playing the game. Id love to find you in local. We could be best friends, high 5 and stuff… ill shoot your ship, and you will be like aaaah. Re ship and we can play again the following day.

This toxic behavior you exibit in here doesnt help the community, its self serving in some strange way since most of it is meme rhetoric…

Try to read the thread topic and respond to that. Maybe then people will not feel sad for your troll behavior in chat.

By the way, I love it when you post in my threads, Dracvlad.

Unfortunately I keep forgetting that you’re a dullard, and are completely incapable of humor or self-deprecation, and that any jokes and comedy will be completely lost on you.

This is my fault, for which I do apologize.

LOL The cringe is so strong LOL.

LOL it keeps on giving LOL.

Uh huh. Sure buddy :smiley:

ROFL. You’re so scary bro :smiley:

Bro your crying is embarrassing :smiley: As well your snitching and rule mongering. Imagine being this pressed LOL.

You really gonna take this tack when you hide behind an alt?

You mean tactics others have suggested?

No not really :smiley:

Oof. I wouldn’t take advice from a dude who barely undocks and is a woman hater :smiley:

Ok I’m just gonna call BS already. Drop the main or stop talking about it LOL. You more? DC got trillions. Yet your a newb? So did you just drop straight cash or

Honestly, its embarrassing. If you’re gonna brag about your main, post with it. Otherwise you can’t expect us to believe anything you say.

You aren’t getting anyone worked up tho? Its more just like the seniors are laughing at the freshman who keeps making ridiculous claims :smiley:

You are. Bring your main if you want access :smiley:

So you’re a coward hiding behind an alt. Yawn.

Yea they pollute Oisio :frowning:

You sure your alt isn’t Cherti? Its nuts that you just simply don’t care about getting your corp mates killed.

He never undocks LOL.

This seems to be a group with a nullsec alliance which has structures, talk about weak as answers go.

It has everything to do with structures because you need one to declare war in hisec of course, and I am not in hisec atm, so you can shoot me easily, but of course it is out of your comfort zone.

Pretty much just stating what you are doing, you are the one getting emotional about it.

And of course you never read anything that others write, because I have already told you that the current war dec system is not how I would do it and I would have everyone be able to be war dec’d and a limit of three wars per entity unless they have a war HQ.

As for being a hypocrite, you are the one making long impassioned HTFU posts and yet you cannot put down a war HQ, HTFU will you! Begging me to put down a war HQ on you was comedy gold and I cannot stop telling you that because it is so weak sauce.

You are the weak aggressor here. You have done nothing here except gloat over gankers. And my stance is that you who is primary a war deccer, or so you say cannot war dec.

You just sit at Amarr undock talking big. I am out in space where anyone can shoot me.

That is why you did not want to put a structure down actually, you are weak and pathetic and you know it.

First of all Destiny mentioned me in this thread, so that is an invitation to respond.

I see you did a hi I am a new ganker thread, do you see me in it? So how hcan I be in every thread. I tend to just talk in one thread at a time, so your comment about being an attention seeker in every thread is just plain wrong.

Another big mouth ganker that can’t do anything, yawn…

Yes which is why you invite me in by making comments, but are then so weak to then moan about it when I respond.

Your hypocrite rants are exposed by the simple fact that you do not practice what you preach. You said that you cannot put down a war HQ because you cannot defend it, that means simply that you need to HTFU in Eve terms.

Nope. It’s a 4,000-player high-sec alliance that is war-ineligible. I don’t care about some affiliated null-sec rental group that was never a consideration to begin with.

No you don’t. Mutual wars don’t need structures. That’s why I said that the condition is for both parties to be war-eligible, but owning an Upwell isn’t required at all.

I apologize for having emotions. I understand that this is a foreign concept to you.

So I just did a search, and I never actually told anyone to “HTFU” a single time on the forums, ever.

I have multiple structures and many POCOs, actually.

And you don’t think that this will give you targets? Weak is weak…

And that is your way to be weak.

Emotional and nasty.

Your rants are full of it.

And you are too chicken to use any of these structures as a war HQ.

So you’re saying that in order to not be “chicken,” a player must enter situations in which absolute loss is guaranteed?

Easy enough to answer that. When we went after those Ganker perches we had the expectation that we could lose our war HQ should certain people react to us. Within the equation was the value of the targets against the loss of our war HQ, and the probability of such loss.

You are weak because a so called very rich player in game terms cannot use mercs to defend that war HQ, it is a simple thing to do if you are as wealthy as you say you are.

In this game you have options, including boring them with the need to continiously go after your structures if you felt like it.

As I said you are weak.

So you’re saying that in order to not be “chicken,” I have to put up a constant outlay of funds to defend my structures using mercenaries? Basically that bravery is equivalent to spending money?

By effect, would you say that anyone who doesn’t have a lot of money can’t be brave by default?

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Are you prepared to fight or not to do what you want to do in game, that the whole gist of your impassioned rants on Eve is a PvP game. You have options, not easy and at times not palatable, I understand that. But you are unable to do what you rant about.

And before you go off on me personally, I know that there are things I will not do because I will get jumped on in the same manner to, but my posts are all about balance to make it possible, such as my view on war decs, whereas you post along the lines of suck it. This war dec HQ setup is the existing mechanic in this PvP game, so you have to live with it and do what you need to do to acheive your gameplay, just like the extra effort I have to do to move my stuff around hisec.

You are hoisted by your own petard basically. And this is what I have been pointing out to you.

That was a lot of words to dodge her question :smiley:


You’ve typed a lot, but you completely avoided answering the actual question. So I’ll ask again:

You said that I am chicken for not using a war HQ. I pointed out that as a solo player, it’s impossible to hold it against large groups. You responded that I am supposed to use mercenaries to do it. So, are you essentially equating bravery with spending money? Yes or no, Dracvlad?

I answered your question, you just did not like the answer.

You have to find a way to defeat those who are preventing you from war dec’ing with a war HQ, you have to earn your ability to war dec. Now get on with it or go play hello kitty on line.

Are you saying I have to adapt to my situation?

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Dude all you literally do is copy what others do huh, down to their words :smiley:

I know why too :smiley:

He’s not going to answer, or give a serious answer, because he knows where I’m going with this, and that he’s going to get got.

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