Praise Aiko Danuja, Hound of Halaima, Mistress Mercenary

I was doing something in game.

There are mitigation strategies and work arounds of course and some work well. But at the end of the day you have to fight to get what you want in many areas of the game, and if you cannot than you have to suck it.

Obviously you have met an impasse with the war HQ, though what about the gankers, you seem to be close, perhaps they would aid you, maybe that is what all this is about in this thread with the brown nosing aimed at Aiko and gankers in general, valid approach by the way.

Option B, non-serious answer it is.

Tell me Dracvlad, what is the difference between hiring mercenaries to defend my war HQ, and hiring mercenaries to gank my targets?

Totally serious answer, your replies are not serious, full of snark.

In terms of the question on hiring mercs? Gankers = mercs, nothing stops them from doing this and in fact it makes sense, they have the ability to do this rather well. The war HQ defence enables you to directly participate in what you say is your main game play that is the difference and to have more options of course.

So I am allowed to have only one main gameplay, and if I deviate from it for any reason, like for example there being fewer targets, or it becomes more expensive to maintain, I become a chicken?

Did I say that?

You have. You called me a chicken for not engaging in my main gameplay by launching a war HQ and doing aggressive wars.

All Iā€™m trying to do here is establish a chain of logical arguments to determine causality.

I called you a hypocrite actually due to this weakness and your general PVP HTFU type posting.

Weakness doesnā€™t make someone a hypocrite (youā€™re going to have to jump through some mental hoops to prove this one). And once again, Iā€™ve never told anyone to HTFU. I advocate for EVE being an open-world PvP game, as as far as I know, Iā€™ve never stopped being susceptible to open-world PvP.

And yes, you did call me a chicken. Iā€™d like for you to elaborate on that, considering the questions Iā€™ve recently asked you.

When we remove ganker perches we put a war HQ down despite there being multiple people that want to come after us. You wonā€™t, so yeah weakness, it is weakness that made you effectively beg for me to put a war HQ down to war dec you.

The hypocrite comment is based on your general this is the PvP game and suck it type posts. While we both agree that this war dec mechanic is sub-optimal you are rallying against it in several posts when explaining your weakness here.

I have given you two ways to defeat those that will come after you, you can try them and see stuff explode, or you can sit in the shadows making snarky bitter comments and calling people mad.

You have a lot of ISK and friends who are gankers and war deccers, yeah chicken sounds about right.

So in order to not be a chicken, I have to stop being a solo player, and necessarily engage in group PvP?

Sometimes yes, after all you have often said that Eve is a co-operative game have you not?

I think your rants are well written in the main, however it is obvious that it is just rhetoric.

Dracvlad confuses being part of a larger group, with an understanding of game mechanics. He assumes that he is the better player, because of the benefits provided by his group, but this is a fallacy.

I never said that EVE is exclusively a cooperative game.

Anyway, Iā€™m glad we finally established that solo players are cowards. With this, we can finally move on from these arguments. Thank you, Dracvlad.

Nothing to do with cowardice, you have the ability in terms of ISK to make a fight of it, but you have decided not to. That is your choice, but it stops you from doing stuff, welcome to Eve.

So youā€™re saying that in order to not be ā€œchicken,ā€ I have to put up a constant outlay of funds to defend my structures using mercenaries? Basically that bravery is equivalent to spending money?

By effect, would you say that anyone who doesnā€™t have a lot of money canā€™t be brave by default?

It is amusing the way you are trying to spin this, but I will play this game because you are just digging yourself deeper.

ISK is an asset, just like ships modules and ammunition, you can use all of them to meet your objectives if you have the mind to do so. Without them you run out of options. What I am saying is that having such a large pot of ISK enables you to step out of your solo player against a blob issue. Mercs are in the game for a reason, but then again you will find that most mercs are not that goodā€¦

And by the way when people who do indy complained about this you used rather harsh words against them, that is your hypocrisy.

Itā€™s like pulling teeth.

Dracvlad, do I have to spend money in order to not be a coward, chicken, et cetera?

Do I have to scale up my gameplay from solo activities to not be a coward, chicken, et cetera?

Simple questions.

Simple serious answer:

The mechanics are such that you now have to have skin in the game to war dec people. So that means you need ISK to be able to put up and use a war HQ.

I found most war deccers hated having skin in the game above the ship that they were running around in. It appears that you are one of thoseā€¦

Something tells me that Dracvlad has no ā€˜skinā€™ in the game.

That was indeed a simple serious answer, but not to any question I asked. So once again:

Do I have to spend money in order to not be a coward, chicken, et cetera?
Do I have to scale up my gameplay from solo activities to not be a coward, chicken, et cetera?

Additionally, I am going to ask this:

Is it possible to engage in wars as a solo player and not be a coward or a chicken? If yes, what are the metrics?

Letā€™s have some actual answers this time.