As addition to the question is, how can CCP and/or the CSM get the public attention to EVE Online ?
Be at the center of a worldwide scam/scandal that reaches every corner of the globe?
I mean… if we’re just spitballing ideas here.
I’m sure someone could figure out how to stage something.
As a member of the CSM you will be called upon to share your thoughts, knowledge and opinions, how do you envision yourself doing so.
Are you prepared for this likelihood?
Angry Moustache is an example of a past CSM applicant and sitting member who demonstrated an above average ability to communicate his understandings both to the player base, other CSM members and to CCP as is The Oz,
Kshal is also an example of a community member and now sitting member of the CSM who has demonstrated an ability to communicate, debate, and bring to the forefront issue that she believes are important both personally and amongst the community she represents. Now I’m presenting you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to do the same, that in doing so you might win the confidence of the voting population.
You’ve selected; over representation of Null-sec Power-blocs amongst elected CSM members as being an issue of consequence, but then you have stated that CCP has already changed the rules of CSM selection to mitigate the effect of representative bias, is this really an issue then?
By the way, I enjoyed listening to your perspective during your GamerGrrls interview.
I’m not really asking whether you have communicated with them recently, more so I am asking whether you are the only person who believes in your chosen issue, or is it a point of view that is supported by others.
ahh ok got it. Sorry lost in transtlation.
Thx for enjoying my perspective in that GamerGrrls Stream. I am the beleiver in my chosen Issues here. Thats may be a point of the others. but as said, i haven’t asked them recently.
And i don’t want to do that either.
And regarding to your question, to envision myself. I did this in the past, like a letter in 2007 (34 pages long). And we are still on plan :D.
For making those DIY-STC™ - Station Container x10 DIY Assembly Kits
They look like this on the inside
I first buy bulk volumes of the three minerals required, then split them into stacks of sizes required for one kit. Then put them into standard containers along the 10x fully researched BPCs, then split the mineral stacks once more inside of the small standard container packaging.
I like to see the three minerals divided into 10 stacks so the user can see how much materials are left for more containers. The stack sizes matches BOM requirements of a standard station containers BPCs. The three smaller size stacks are for making the last station container from the kit and require reprocessing of the enclosure container to obtain the missing mats. Almost zero waste
I was able to prepare one kit in about 2-3 minutes, splitting 30 times those stacks
But I made a break from making them as I lost my enthusiasm fighting the UI
I may yet return to making them again…
While Capsuleers were interested in the [DIY-STC™ x10] kits contracts and there was the ~400% profit, it felt like real job.
Hence the desire for stack multi-split. I bet you could easily come out with your own applications
ahh now i got the point. I think there is a other problem - from IT Side. The stacks generated are locally safed into x and y coordinates. But on other computer these are differents, they will mix them up and something weird will happening. I see your point here, but i am sure this is not working with the eve client.
But let me see, what i can do here for you.
Some solid points in this thread, definitely like the direction you’re pointing.
Also I don’t think I’ve ever laughed out loud at a CSM campaign before but I genuinely like your sense of humour.
+1 from me.
thank you very much
this question to all Candidates
Fighting against toxicity is a strong case, as it comes with the territory of gaming -everywhere-
However. How would you handle a hypothetical stalemate wherein both parties are believe the other to be toxic, but only one party can really be telling the truth.
But then again, truth is based on the perspective of the perceiver.
How would you handle this?
Hey Srajin,
i think we all play a computergame. I had some issues here with a community here, believing that the other being toxic. I would put everybody to calm down a bit. Reflect and talk to each other. We have 2024 and we had enought toxity in the past. Its needed to put in a 3rd neutral person, to talk to them, if the parties are not able to talk to each other anymore. This one should be some with good ethics.
Very nifty! I’m definitely taking a note of this because it’s a brilliant way to sort things out.
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