Protest against Plex and omega price rise

There is,

We pay their wages at the end of the day. No money being paid, game falls apart, backpedal ensues.

So yes there is something we can do, we can protest by unsubscribing and not logging in.

Money talks.

Well some friends told me farewell, they unsub there accounts, that’s about 30 accounts gone by by

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What if it was something like 450 Omega then 425 for MTC? As 250 would seem like a year long sale.

I was just throwing some numbers out there but 500 Plex a month seems a little to high
I remember before the Plex and skill injectors came about
The game was worth it then
But they added Plex and Skill Injectors that imho ruined the game


If they didn’t give you all their stuff, were they really your friends? My guess is you will discover their mains soon enough, cloaky camping your undock.

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That’s not how the corporate world works.

If you hurt their finances by boycotting the product, they’ll just start cutting their biggest conventional expense, which is staff payroll. And then when even that becomes unsustainable, they’ll liquidate the IP and use the proceeds from the sale for the final round of executive bonuses and golden parachutes.

The end result will be that you’ll be out of a game, 300 regular people will be out of a job, and the owners and executives will get a big payday.



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I can’t see myself ever coming back to the game.

So this is your last post?


Here’s the door!



CQ was removed. The door is gone.


I don’t think you’re going to get a backpedal on this, the more likely outcome is the game no longer being profitable with CCP being dissolved in to PA fully and the servers being closed, that being said i don’t see the whales caring too much for the time being

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And the end of Eve. So it will still happen like I said.

Perhaps CCP hiked it so high as to piss off the community on purpose so later they will come back as say,

Oh, yes. We see the issue. It’ll be $16.99/mo.

And everyone will be like. Yes! That’s so much better than 19.99! I’d totally pay that.

Thanks for listening to us CCP! Take my money.


Well, everything I say is a lie, then. The forums are “fun”, but WHY would I give away intel? That’s crazy.
The Princess, on the other hand, it works in her favor.

Not necessarily. Popular IPs generally aren’t sent to a graveyard to be allowed to rot away into oblivion. It’s likely that whoever picks it up, which would most likely be a company like Tencent, would “refresh” and “transform” the product for a relaunch.

What this would likely mean in reality is that they’d add a bunch of emojis to the chat, throw some loot crates into the store, and get rid of the retention-hurting PvP, turning it into a fancier PC clone of EVE Echoes:

EVE would keep going, and might even thrive with these new changes. It just won’t be our EVE anymore.

intel is overrated
it’s not wort that much …


Right. That’s why all the good streamers cover up their locations in their shared screens.

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I believe in safety comes first and through safety we will all be saved!

Saving plex is not the current path as saving plex only generates corruption.

You might recognize such corruption as Miners greed, ie;" the abuse of entrusted power for private gain

I get that no one likes price increases. But here’s my two pence worth…

I started playing Eve in 2005, played a lot. Then stopped. After more than a decade I have started playing again. There is a freighter full of new content and systems. The game looks much better, the game runs much better.

Could I reasonably expect the price of my sub to be the same as it was in 2005?
Would you expect the devs working on the game to be on the same salaries they were in 2005?
Has the cost of hardware, office space, utilities all gone up?

Why wouldn’t you expect the price of the game sub to increase?