You bring up a pet peeve. The account management thing would have to improve 100% just to merely suck. To change credit cards requires and actual account change action.
But I better be thankful that isn’t wrecked by “good ideas.”
You bring up a pet peeve. The account management thing would have to improve 100% just to merely suck. To change credit cards requires and actual account change action.
But I better be thankful that isn’t wrecked by “good ideas.”
I use the paypal option so I can change my card if needed there. I had been with paypal from the very early days even before they purchased ebay. I like when a company like valve or ccp allow payments this way.
Sure… Content when???
Sounds of desperation.
Well some new ships would keep me happy
Mabe t3 battleships or t2 caps.
I’m afraid this will be it for me and my accounts.
I’ve been living in w-space for 5 years now after starting in 2013. The game has grown stale, and whenever I have ventured out to spend any substantial time in lowsec or null again, it’s reinforced that the core game mechanics will simply never be fixed or improved in any meaningful way after 20 years of stagnation, caused by the fear that they’ll alienate the people who have tied their many accounts to the ways CCP built originally.
I’m talking about the way the game works. Combat, jumping, interactions, warfare - the core mechanics that feel like they were developed as placeholders, but became part of the furniture. Things like capturing a plex in FW, to make moar points, that make moar stuff. But never any actual warfare. Never really any good combat, unless once in a blue moon you get lucky.
And then, the changes that are made feel inadequate, or just plain ill-conceived. The scanning changes really annoyed me. Not the fact they moved the box for the probe scanner, but the utter contempt for us to not signpost and consult with us on such a fundamental UI interaction that we use so often.
What really got me about it, though, was that it was completely pointless. I mean it did nothing of note, it didn’t help anyone, it was just an arbitrary change that didn’t seem to benefit anyone, even CCP, and yet they didn’t even say anything. It was put on Singularity for less than 48hrs before being rolled out, and all feedback was ignored.
From then on, I mentally checked out, because if that’s how they make changes, the game will not get better.
I’ve still been subbed, checking in every few weeks - or even months - to see if they are doing anything meaningful to make Faction Warfare an actual thing, or a bounty system that works properly, or basically making progress on any of the bigger problems, instead of changing a few values to make the big number better or worse. Every time I find nothing to signify progress on the actual mechanics, in or out of game.
Instead, I see constant adverts for new skins, terrible events that are phoned in the same way they were for the last 8 years, and the same ‘nerf-and-grind’ cycle playing out every year. Oh, and here’s a CSM vote, so you can feel like your ideas are taken seriously, while nothing changes for the better, and everything declines. See you at Fanfest, where they’ll try and convince you to stick at it for one more year. That’s when the real changes will come…
The problem with CCP is that I can’t trust that they’re doing any of this for our benefit any more. There seems to be no correlation between people buying stuff and paying more, and the game improving in any fundamental way. In fact, I’d guess at this stage, they know the jig is up. They’re grabbing what cash they can, while they can. They no longer wish for expansion, they wish to milk the people who are addicted.
Every time they nerf something for ‘balance’ it’s really just a ploy to knock a few of those people down and force them to rebuild their skills. Maybe get them to pay for a few skill point injectors. None of it is working in our favour, it’s to make money, and while I think that both of those things can and should co-exist, the balance (ironically) is very wrong.
So that’s it. I was probably prepared to bin the money I spent on subs on the off chance that they had an epiphany and decided to make an ok game great. Now, I think they’re trapped in a morass, with a bloated, relatively unskilled team, crippling overheads and minimal buzz to bring new users in.
The people who have paid in the past will drift away. The company will contract, the changes will become even less (somehow) meaningful, and the game will enter it’s death spiral as people who played for decades begin to look elsewhere at games that may offer something similar, with more of that key word…
I’ve seen it before, we all have. Sure, the game will limp on, and the hardcore few (who are getting fewer) will try to reason that they’ve separated the wheat from the chaff, but every game needs foot soldiers, and at some point, the field itself needs some love, or you will have no more wheat.
I haven’t written and sent a letter in years …
am i correct in thinking if i stop paying for omega you are then just stuck with a 5mill alpha char and your 100mill plus characters and ships cannot be used…this could genuinly end me playing eve what so ever
there have been fixes and small updates and a lot of nerfs the last 2 years. no big updates that bring new content
Alphas can have up to 20 mil skill points working. The training queue can’t be run when you reach 5 mil. After that you have to do the daily login/skilling spree, injectors.
If you have a toon with tons of skill points it will keep them, but only up to 20 mil will be working.
An EVE without danger and risk?
How boring!
Prices go up. That is the cost of keeping the game alive and growing. If you cannot afford a few bucks a month more perhaps you really shouldn’t be spending time on video games in the first place. Get a job.
I doubt there’s many poor, unemployed people playing this game.
Setting a budget for unnecessary expenses like this and staying within that amount, is simply the sensible adult thing to do.
I would expect responsible players to cut down on game time or accounts numbers to stay within their limit, as long as their wages remain the same. Prices may be increasing, but wages generally are not keeping pace around the world.
Most of the people I know unsubbing mutliple accounts make plenty of money. It’s about perceived value versus cost. And you don’t count the cost increase in the value equation, you count the total cost.
Pick up an economics book…
I am keeping 2-3 accounts I have for specialized roles, but my krab fleet of 5-6 will be mothballed (1 is a crossover, hence the #'s bleed over).
CCP has no credibility left. That is part of the value proposition.
I’m amazed at how many people don’t understand discretionary spend and value/benefits analysis
CCP Trustmebro must be filling your ears with all the good stuff.
We got trash nerfs, economic destruction, shilling by boot lickers and arrogance by Rittati
No real content in 2 years, except that which made people win Eve. DBS is trash. Scarcity, trash. Residue, trash. Rittati, trash.
Best thing for Eve right now would be a roll back to 2014
Best way to protest is undock all your caps and record everyone self destructing them, on a serious note the price hike is fine its inline with what they should have been charging by now.
But I keep hearing no real content only fluff(event’s) for 2.5 years that seems serious.
I keep scrolling back to look for a significant faction warfare change but I can’t find anything and I went back years of searching. All I saw was removing warp core stab’s ventures and reducing lp from missions something that seems minor. What about tier changes to personal tiers or faction destroyers or something fun.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”
– Queen Gertrude. Act III, Scene II, Hamlet
That’s not content, those are game items, pretty damn expensive items too.
I’m retired, on a fixed income and meds.
Don’t take your case for generality.