I think it’s not correct to say being forced to pay for a service is the same as being forced to join a group. It’s also not correct to say it’s the same as renting, because again, renters get more benefits out of the deal. I think the TTT is a demonstrably and measurably worse deal for small groups in highsec, and it sucks to be them.
I also think it goes back to that whole ‘larger groups do better with things like this’, because, you know, gunboat diplomacy and we’ll blow up your crap if it presents any serious competition. That’s not to say there haven’t been niche markets where people could do exactly that… but that’s not where the real money is, and everyone knows it.
Is it fair? No. I think the correct word for what it represents is ‘Capitalism’. The TEST-led TTC1 is shamelessly exploiting the HS groups’ desire to maximize their profits, and using that desire to fatten their own wallets. At the same time, I’m reasonably sure TEST and Horde (as the two major partners in the TTC) would have no qualms about using the money you guys pay into it to have HS competitors wardec’d and blown up.
In that regard, it’s not exactly all that different than the robber-barons of the American Gilded Age, who’d hire mercs and rabble-rousers to disrupt and sabotage their competition, and even used the United States Army to enforce their exploitive practices on their workers when they tried to protest and organize strikes. That’s Capitalism. That’s what it looks like when it’s unfettered, and EVE’s capitalism is largely unfettered by things like anti-trust measures, monopoly-busting, and enforced competition.
It’s not nitpicking to say ‘A is not the same as B’, either. Claiming they’re the same, when they’re blatantly not, makes you look stupid—even (ESPECIALLY) if you’re not—and it makes it extremely easy for people to dismiss what you’re saying out of hand, because you come across like you don’t have the first clue how things actually work.
What you’re looking for isn’t ‘the same’, it’s ‘exploitation’—which is not the same as saying it’s a game exploit, because it’s clearly not. And yes, the natural way to resist that kind of exploitation is for the exploited masses (RL, labor, in EVE, highsec) to organize, come together, and force change with the power of numbers. Yes, the only way you will stop null groups exploiting the disorganized and fragmented nature of highsec is to achieve organization and cohesion.
Welcome to human interaction, it’s been this way for the last 2 million years, give or take.
1. And yes, we’re getting a cut of that, too… specifically so we don’t blow it up. It’s graft and corruption all around, yaaaaaaay!