Quantum Cores - Updates begin 8 September

Well, I don’t have a hi-sec citadel so there’s no reason for me to say no.

Trying to improve your trust level?


Why would somebody want a citadel?

To be able to start wars, for one.

There is irony there. In order to clean up citadel spam, you first must anchor a citadel.


Well that’s certainly crossed the line of appropriate things to say in public, I’m sure you will get a lot of sympathy for your demands…

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I don’t see why carebears aren’t happy. This change is going to finally remove wars from the game!

Or get the large corps/alliances to wipe out the smaller ones. Which seems to be what he’s complaining about.

There was already a problem with consolidation of structures in hisec. NULL power blocs took over all the hisec markets and other large, well-organized groups decided there was money to be made in razing player structures. This is emergent game play and I’m fine with it. Now come quantum cores. These give a payout of 600mil minimum for kicking over an astrahus. Did hisec wardeccing corps really need an additional financial incentive?

Putting up structures and trying to eke out a living is one of the primary reasons to form a small corp. It has been a feature of every group I have been a part of. Putting them up, defending them, making them pay is a great group activity. Come January structures in hisec not controlled by one of the power-blocs are going to have the half-life of a popsicle in a wildfire. With these structures gone there is far less incentive to form corps. About a year from now it’s going to be “Welcome to Eve. Do you want Horde or Alliance?”

I don’t see Eve dying any time soon, but the friendship machine is taking a beating.





Quantum Cores is just a lame idea to make up for the core design mistake of Asset Safety which removed too much risk.

I’d rather have no Asset Safety on my structure than this, at least that way each corp controls what they are willing to risk which is how EVE is supposed to be played. Also that means you never know what will drop. A pre-priced drop is just dumb.

These devs are sandbox amateurs, we are nearing a point where they will have ■■■■■■ EVE up so bad that even a new “real” dev team couldn’t fix it.


Asset safety and the preposterously low cost of upwell structures. Shouldn’t they cost 100x what they do? These are huge structures that you can literally dock ships into.


That too, they catered to the “play house” crowd and this is what we ended up with.

Yeah, CCP loves to keep throwing sand into the gears of their “friendship machine”, especially in HS.
All players have to realize that CCP has tended to sacrifice solo and small group play for providing more NS whale activities, whether those are actual people or industrial strength botting. Gameplay is almost exclusively designed around the impact it will have on any NS entity, probably because they are the ones more likely to both abuse it and be whales. They want to keep the multiple Omega accounts people “subscribing” because it adds to their bottom line, not realizing that the smaller players tend to be hurt worse with most (but not all) of their changes.

Well, it will be another case of wait and see the results of CCP development. I’ve already seen a huge drop in small corp stations in my neck of the woods because of earlier changes, I doubt we’ll see much, if any, drops in large corp ones because of this change. The goal is laudable, a reduction in structure spam and to increase overall material destruction in EVE. However, once again it appears that the smaller entities will be paying a much higher percentage cost than the big boys, but who do you think the devs hang around and listen to on a more frequent basis?:thinking::unamused:


Or you can join-in on the strike and make your voice/opinion count!

See that thread I opened earlier today, liked once above already, but here it is again:

And just to be clear: we are calling for strike not specifically against the Q cores, that was just the last drop. This is about protecting our interests on a larger scale and making the small guy count…


Industrial Players Matter.


Around 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “The only thing that is constant is change.”

Our job, in game or in real life, is to look past the threat and see the opportunity.

Quantum cores may put some small industrialists out of business but their customers will be looking for new suppliers and that represents opportunity!

Maybe we’ll all have to rent offices from Tranquility Trade Consortium for a while until CCP decides that wasn’t such a good idea and makes another change but there will still be consumers who want to buy stuff and producers who want to make stuff for them to buy.

Just move to lowsec. Might as well; highsec isn’t safe anymore.

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I kinda feel like this is being over-blown a bit. 600-800 million isn’t that much ISK in real terms. Split among the number of players needed to kill a fueled Citadel you’re almost better off running L4 missions, and definitely better off running Incursions in HS or shooting rats in Null Anoms.

Overall I don’t think this is gonna change much as far as HS wars and structures. At most it’s going to be a secondary incentive and a little bit of reward for something people were doing anyway, in Null or HS.

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