Quitting Eve

Glad to reply to a good post!

The invasions are annoying, I don’t mind random and to be honest sites / enemies that are predictable are boring. I love random; if they do something different every time that’s totally my thing because it keeps your mind active. Instead they warp away, then back then away then back then away then you eventually get an engagement, and a fleet you use for incursions OBLITERATES them in seconds. Except it wasn’t a fleet we used for incursions it was the same pilots in cheap crappy fits in case we got owned. HA!

The game is such a ball ache to get involved reliably in fleets (for corp / alliance etc) without giving your ass crack depth and inside leg measurement. I’m some asshole who plays for fun, you think I’m going to bother setting up an API?

Incursions for a very long time have been public fleets with the only real requirements, pull your weight and pay attention. Great!

The majors? what do we get for it? A decent reliable payout for us to relatively quickly (Months I might add) optimise our ships for the fleets we run like incursions? Invasions though the main problem being that the money is in the loot, and the fleet loses and gains members over the course of hours or so; so which loot belongs to which pilots? Who do you dick with the job of dividing the market value of the loot collected at any given point with who was in fleet and how many pilots were in fleet at the time?

I’ve totally rambled: -TLDR: -
I’m not asking for invasions to be removed. Live and let live. I don’t really bother anyone with my gameplay.
Not having a fleet is because they’re not worth running, nullsec ratting, incursions, wormholes, all have fleets, if it was worth a fleet people would naturally organise.
CCP ■■■■ on incursions and gave us content not worthy of our time. Basically: …l.

Edit: -
Make them difficult and rewards worthy of the difficulty.

(Shrug). Sounds like a plan to me.

And now his watch is ended.
Anyway, fly safe mate.

Well I for one welcome the new changes to nullsec, I think it’s just wonderful there will be risk in the risk vs reward equation. I have an observation though:
I’m losing content I use: Meh, I guess I’ll go play something else.
Nullsec losing content they use: WE MUST DESTROY THE GAME FOR EVERYONE!!11!1

I said I didn’t like drama? There’s nothing like be totally vindicated almost immediately!

Wait, im confused.

Arent incursions, pretty much the same thing over and over again.

Im sure Consortium operations and the likes dont require an API. Anyone can join.

You should be happy then. Incursions werent difficult but they were really rewarding. Now they are decreased. Wins for all.

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This is a reopening of an old topic that surpassed it’s Topic. Closed.

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