Reluctance for Logi

Why can’t I upload my avatar?


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I understand your sentiment, but if you had eyes in every corp in EVE for the last 3 weeks you’d understand that while 99.9% of the time the FC is correct, there are times to be partial when a player is stuffed into the same fleet as his tormentor

Gee Fang you’re canine facial features are intriguing to look at!

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Anyone who plays EvE online and maintains that it should be or have a safe space is batshit crazy

I think it comes down to blame. I was called a ‘retarded logi” once when the sociopath FC lost his ship.

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Funny because I’ve let a retarded FC die before , my logi group giggled quietly to ourselves , he got salty when I said we had more important people to rep.


They don’t call you the New Eden People’s Front for nothing



They don’t and what’s that got to do with logi.

Gheth looks a mess and Aiko whoreing on kills I see ,

that’s nice

Has Logi been added to killmail yet?

If that was the case then wouldn’t you also be appearing on many MANY killmails?


but then


I played an online game where there were Damage, Tank, Healer and Sniper choices given directly on the battlefield via the transport, able to switch to any of them in-between attacks.
I royally sucked at damage, I kept on getting sniped within a minute. So I tried the tank, a big exoskeleton-type armor that could dish out pain on demand. I positioned myself at a crucial spot while letting them have it. I held off a couple of squads away from the main plaza, firing away while a few others supported my suppressing fire and I noticed how brave the guys who were healing me were and noticed that the entire squad was behind me.
That was a great feeling of teamwork and so later on I started to choose the Healer more, to give others the opportunity to feel what I felt that day.

As I read more about EvE’s Logi, I feel that the role isn’t valued as it should be, plus the very real instances where the logi guy gets yelled at doesn’t prompt me to want to do that, especially in a ship with limited controls ( as opposed to on-foot battles ) and in space fights where everything seems chaotic and out of control.

I would choose that explanation for my reservations to do logi in EvE were I to ever be asked.
I never want to be blamed for someone’s loss of a 1b-isk ship, unless I’m the one who shot it to pieces.


Fly with the right group of people and it’s valued, bad FC will blame you for their failings , if not you it will be something else

Like I did said: some kind of save mail would have been nice , just to rub gankers face’s into it . Just to show they fail

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As part of our training we would take a group of T1 cruisers on a pve mission , be it an event or something , in PvP setups ,so not optimal in any way. Add in a logi group and aim is to survive as long as possible.

Also works well with loot flippers who like to fly in on some fancy ship and take your hard earned loot . When the criminals die they get salty but for us it’s just a bonus.

The point people can try out logi in a slightly less stressful environment and DPS can learn how to fly with a logi group.
And it’s fun level is high too, especially the baiting part, ten PvP fit cruisers can take on almost any target.

Homefront are allowing the same type of training .


Not this group though - good grief !!!


I’ve been flying logi for a while now and if you’re in a good group and have some experience neither the FC nor the other group members should yell at you. Sometimes you can do everything “right” and ships still die to an overwhelming alpha strike, pilots drifting out of range, not broadcasting for reps, etc. After a bit you learn how it all works and don’t take offense to (or feel too badly about) the occasional ship loss. Sometimes things happen beyond your control.

As for managing the cap chain on Guardians, it’s really not that complicated. It just takes practice and working with good team mates. Your best bet is to get yourself involved with some experienced and patient players in a good corp or alliance and learn by doing.

An experienced logi pilot is appreciated WAY more than another DPS dealer. I’ve kept a LOT of blingy ships alive over the years when I was more active and, trust me, it’s always been greatly appreciated by the pilots I’ve flown with.

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Learned Logi in that Trig monstrosity. It was fun. Scythe is cheap and fun.

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Because it’s boring and sounds like a pain in the butt.

Logistics requires people to train into a specialised role that is only useful in a social setting.

It’s more convenient to train into a more offensive damage role as you can use your gun skills not only in fleets but also to do missions, clear anomalies and earn ISK.

I like the role of logi in EVE like I enjoy the role of healer in most games. And, like in most games it’s a very rewarding role that for some reason is less popular than the fighting roles.

It’s not unique to EVE that the demand for healers is higher than the amount of players willing to pick up the role. I think many players are simply more often interested in killing rather than denying kills, regardless of the game. Because of that I don’t think it needs any changes either in EVE.

Just try to find some people in your usual group who are willing to fill this role. I rarely see lack of logi in mine.


If you have a rude and useless FC then call him that and quit the corporation. There’s not exactly a shortage of new corps to join.