Resource Redistribution Update

To stay with the rabbits and eagles.
these are the rabbits that hatch the eagles eggs.

Without the rabbit you would only have a lukewarm fart instead of a ship, I hope you realize that.

The PvP players are like parasites that only exist as long as their host lives.


Please do tell what product doesn’t use the minerals? T3 ships. rigs and implants… Did I miss something? What the percentage of these products from the available market? 5%? 10%?

I will try to explain the process as for a kindergarten kid: Today I buy 1 apple for 1$, tomorrow I buy 1 apple for 2$… On the 3rd day I’m going to sell the apples I bought. What price should I put for each of my apples? 1$ or 2$? Of course I will put both of my apples at 2$ each. That means that I paid 3$ for my apples and I’ve got 4$ for my apples. That 1$ extra is an artificial profit which creates inflation. This is an example ignoring profit margin, operational cost and other costs so that you can understand.

Do you have an idea of the available ISK funds for some Chars/Corps/Alliances? They don’t need to generate more… I would have to generate more ISK to compete with that entity… I can’t really lower myself to try to educate you in all the aspects of economy…
Just be quiet and let the grown people speak.


Nah. Industrialists are the real parasites. Largely only existing because of the PLEX invested players inject into the the game to buy the products of their efforts.

Alright, let’s meet in the middle. Eve needs both aggressors and builders, production and destruction to work properly. The thing is, the producers have gotten a little too good at what they do recently and there is some need for adjustment to make a healthy ecosystem. The happy symbiosis needs to be
brought back into alignment.


I have write an open letter to CCP in general discussion on how they make mistake on outcome and they’re issue with project management.
I’m happy to see you have near the same anlysis on some point.

Actually that bit wrong, CCP didn’t predict how many minerals can be produced.
Why should I be punished for their mistake?
Someone here came with a pretty good solution: new minerals. Change the blueprints for all the capital components to the new minerals which should be reduced as availability so that the production is smaller than the destruction rate. This will ensure that in time, the number of capitals is going to decline. Also, in the same time CCP should monitor the production rate and adjust those minerals so that the balance stays and it will not affect every other production chain.


I think you missunderstand something :
CCP don’t do that only for capital proliferation. They do the nerf beacause they think it’s the best way to give to pvp player activity in LS and stop the amount of player who are upset beacause “LS is deadland”.

They also think to “reward” player who will use MTU by looting wreck with reprocessing, and so make pvp player could kill mtu and steal some loot.

CCP try to solve a lot of symptom of EVE online by over nerfing things. The problem with that is Lotka-Volterra model : They haven’t understand how it work, and the faillure will cost us a lot of player soon.


Well, you aren’t being “punished”. They are just fixing their past mistakes. I think it is legitimate to hold their feet to the fire some for their mismanagement of the economy. But I also think that because some people are used to the current state isn’t a very good reason not to change it.

You can’t change the past, so all they can do is look forward from here and try to create a dynamic and sustainable ecosystem.

This was maybe what I was expecting when it was clear years ago the economy was spiraling into the ground. They could pull the trick of most MMOs and release a new “tier” of resources and powers that obsoleted the previous one.

This does have some advantages in that it diminishes stockpiled wealth but it is a lot more work and not very “Eve-like” where persistence is a, maybe the feature of the economy and the game. Sweeping the economy clean by a trick like I guess was decided against, so we now have another set of problems and change management to deal with.

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I can live with this view :slight_smile:

That protection has been eroded by a) the number of new wormhole connections opening up every day - it’s gone from a few wormholes on each new scan to more wormholes than anything else, and b) the way ‘hole-rolling’ has been nerfed. Staying alive in a wormhole when doing anything now requires a lot more attention to what’s happening elsewhere in the system.

Normal minerals/ore were added to moons late 2017ish.

In reality a lot of people think WH player are protect beacause when they make a suddent raid and retrat you can’t come and counter attack immediately

That works both ways - I have an alt in Null who’s alliance takes delight in finding wormhole systems and causing havoc, then going back to Null where the WH’ers daren’t follow. OTOH I have another alt who lives in a wormhole, and has been known to ‘visit’ Null when the opportunity presents itself…

Yes but i explain to you why people have this impress.
An other thing who make people think this is thera WH. Some entity live inside and you can’t burn they’re home. Like NPC 0.0.

I know Ns could make a sudden raid in WH. I just explain to you why people think that.

No, they were not, WH’s were designed or the Dev’s (Hillmar) wanted them as something to day trip in, they never expected Players to perma live in WH’s and some where i remember Hillmar or one of the others stating that they did not want players to Perma Live in WH’s. Unfortunately for some reason they couldnt remove POS from the moons.

If you look at the number as 1000 possibly leaving from this thread, You can extrapolate that further.
It’s been refereanced in this same thread that “only like 1% of players post on the forums”

Using that number, combined with your 1000 players from this thread estimate, and you now have ~100,000 people leaving Eve.

Now how many of these people have alts? That’s a fuzzier number to come to but is still interesting to consider. Lets assume that 30% of players have at least 1 active alt. (Yes I’m pulling that out of my ass, and if I had the time to properly do the math, I’d cross reference all these figures and look for more details. But just go with me here)
Well that would allow you to consider 30% of the people leaving, also are taking their alts offline.
That’s 130,000 active accounts going from Omega to Alpha.

I’m not saying i agree or disagree with the changes being implemented, or the opinions here. Simply pointing out that for someone who loves to analyze statistics, this thread is a goldmine of possible avenues of potential extrapolation and trend prediction.

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I’ll point out that the babies threatened to unsubscribe when moon mining changes, broker relations changed, carrier dps reduction, citadel cores, etc. They do it any time a change happens. It could even be beneficial but they can’t see past their fear. Most of these changes have been good. But no matter what people make things out to be the end of days.

There is far more good than bad in this update. I bet CCP picks up more new players than it loses. That means more pvp content, which generates more new players.


Why do you think you are being punished? Minerals go up in price because of increased scarcity, miners get more income.

Wow, CCP really has it out for the WH groups with this change. You’ve now cemented WH control for the groups still currently in power there, while effectively preventing anyone else from coming in and setting up shop.

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Who do you define as “producers” though? Some seem to be referring to the huge null-sec empires, while others seem to refer to the 10 player hi-sec industrial corporations, and yet others believe that the 10 player hi-sec indie corps are just alts of the null-sec empires, etc.

On the subject of the changes themselves:

I think the resource changes are a decent idea, but it seems to me that the galaxy needs an expansion and change. Double the size of New Eden, drop in a new hi-sec empire with a sizeable null-sec gap between the new and the old, and then make sure both super-regions of the galaxy are mildly self sufficient, but ensure that there are raw materials that are unique to each.

Let solo players have four or five systems to themselves. Let smaller corporations carve out their own little segment of space through the advantage provided by the distribution of resources. Let them also suffer if they get complacent and get steam rolled by null-sec alliances that decide a given area of space should belong to them.

Give the player base too much space. If you want a vast empire, you have to accept losses on the fringes due to lack of power projection or presence. Make the vast resources they have piled up be a necessary “fuel” for keeping an empire that is larger than they can really afford.

You still get destruction, you still get production, and vast stores of wealth get slowly removed if someone wants to own the lion’s share of unique resource production.

I think it’s possible that CCP is looking to not only redistribute resources, but also to iterate on what happened with Niarja. Consider the implications if all systems that are affected/owned by the Trigs or Edencom (both) were suddenly made impassable, or, more likely, very unprofitable to pass through.

The resource redistribution would not just be about hi/low/null/wh at that point, but it becomes a problem just to move around within a given space in general. Major and minor hauling routes would change as the empires would suddenly be segmented into fractured pieces. The producers would not be able to just jump a couple Arks to a low-sec system then have 10 gates to get to Jita for a load of Tritanium. I think this is possibly one of the paths CCP might be headed down in regards to removing all the minerals from WH space. They might want to try and get more players to use WH space as hauling routes (from a non-wh-dweller perspective, it would seem to me that this would require some changes to WH mechanics, but people who live in WH space would know a lot more about what changes would be needed to make WH space a viable hauling route with which they could then have more targets and a source of minerals).

All of it newbie conjecture of course, but while I don’t trust the Triglavians, I don’t trust Edencom either. Sooner or later they’re going to want payment for their “protection” of the Empires, and that could be a path to sort of balkanize all of New-Eden, not just null-sec.

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You might try checking the price trends on Fullerite over the last year or two : )