Response to all the "anti-solo" players out there

I’m speaking about playing solo or in group when you are in game, and you are speaking about what content, related to the game but outside of the game, those players have created.

Maybe I’m stupid, but yes, I don’t see how it is related.

And yes, I am new to EvE, but I am not new to online gaming. For instance, if you have read severals of my post you might have seen that I have been playing WoW quite a lot for more than a decade.

I do have a set and “biased” point of view about the game, yes. Because this is what I believe EvE to be, and “this EvE” I believe in is the reason why I started to play it recently, because it looks like it offers what I can no longuer found in over games. I was reading the forum as a guest, watching videos, reading website related to EvE, etc, weeks before taking the decision to download the game. So yes I do have a set view of this game, and this is the reason why I started to play.

For instance I’m a big fan of “non-consensual” PvP, that’s a fact, and it is disappearing everywhere else.

And finally, yes, I have a tendancy to very quickly invest myself in the different channels used to discuss with the community, be it the forum, Discord, reddit, whatever. I love debating, and has you may have noticed I’m currently advocating against solo play.

I believe that “hating” solo play and very quickly try to interact with the community are a combo that kinda make sense, no?

I guess I am not the kind of “newbros” you expect, because If I did start EvE itself 40 days ago, I have several years of experience with Online Gaming and MMO in general.
I know what to search for and where to search it, and I’m not a “baby” completelly lost when starting a new game with a deep need of having veterans taking her by the hand.

I’m sorry to destroy your idea that every new player is either lost, naive, or stupid.

That’s funny tho, because, again, if you read my post, you probably saw me speak about “Those players who always pretend to defend new players, but have no idea WTF a new player want.” You might clearly be one of them, and now that you have an actual new player in front of you, you are just lost and refuse to believe you didn’t actually know anything about them.

Now, if you wan’t to believe I’m someone alts, honnestly it doesn’t matter to me: I would prefer you to actually answer my arguments and questions, rather than sneaking a badly disguised Ad Hominem into this conversation.

If I happened to be an Alt, it wouldn’t change anything to my arguments, to which you didn’t provide a valuable answer.

A single player can reek havoc on a certain market that disrupts a corp activity.

A solo player enters a disorganized null sec corp and clean the corp out and disables whatever they can.

A solo hunter can reek havoc on a poorly run 0.0 corp/alliance.

While a lot of this may be short term, they can all have far reaching consequences in EvE.

Fair enough. I personnally have a hard time believing or imaginating someone solo really be able to do those things efficiently, but it’s theorically possible, yes.

Just so you know I have lived most of my EvE life playing mostly solo in low sec. I love the concept of non-consensual pvp but I do not have the time to commit to other people’s schedules to pvp/protect territory. So I chose to move to an area where people could try their damnedest to catch me and I hvae the enjoyment of making them miss.

You keep going off about group play and PvP but players don’t have to be in a player corp / alliance to make an impact on the game. Almost all of the various guides and apps that were created out of game were done by solo players. And whether you like it or not, their contribution has a very large impact on the way the game is played.

Ok, now you’re just talkin sh*t like some troll.

For a new player you sure do spend a lot of time here in the forums instead of in-game. You constantly post biased viewpoints about Eve, saying it’s strictly a PvP game, praising CODE, saying high sec rewards should be nerfed, talking about null sec alliance game mechanics, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

I don’t care how much research you say you’ve done, the amount of Eve content that you remark about shows you to be very knowledgeable about the game which mainly comes from in-game experience. Clearly you’re not a new player so drop the act and post with your main.

Now that does make more sense. It still doesn’t really answer my main point as I was specifically speaking about gameplay impacts, but at least it is an interesting point to bring to the table.

However, I would like to see your proofs that all of this is “done by solo players”, because there is nothing indicating that. For instance, a lot of useful guides on youtube are made by players who are clearly part of a corp and often talk about how they play with the said corp.

Since when the amount of time you spend on the forum is a relevant measure of how long ago you have started the game?

There is not a single thing on your list that have to come from in-game experience. Those are all very theoretical informations, with tons of Youtube video and websites talking about them.

Besides, a lot of debates around “what is a PvP game”, “are gankers bad for the game”, “how to balance risk and rewards” are subjects that are speaked about constantly in TONS of other games.

The arguments against ganking or in favor of ganking are the exact same in every game.

Search “tinuvielsharan” on reddit and you will also see me, in my very recent posts, advocating against the changes that Amazon as made to it’s future MMO “New World” to prevent ganking from being possible in their game.
Since the game isn’t even launched yet, according to you I shouldn’t be able to tell that because it need “in game experience”? Ridiculous.

Actual GAMEPLAY is what require game experience: being in the game itself, performing well in your ship and using the different game mecanics properly. A few days ago I was on an other thread asking informations about how to make money with datacores. And I was apparently far from going in the right direction with that. Is it new player enough for you?

Well, I gave a link to my WoW profil, now you also have my reddit account name, and some other people here have the possibility to speak to me on Discord, on the RP server in particular.

If that’s not enough to proove you that I am a unique person, then fine. I look forward to watch your theory about what account here is my main, it should be a good laugh.

And finally…

Very, very ironic, coming from the guy who started to attack me about his theory that I am “an alt” out of the blue, while I was having cordial debate with the other participants of the thread, despite the fact that me being an alt or not would be completely irrelevant to this thread anyway.

Solo is the playstyle encouraged by CCP.

Else they wouldn’t be encouraging multiboxing.

Gameplay impacts?

Wow, you’re really obstinate about that yet you won’t accept the fact that guides and apps have a very definite impact on gameplay.

As for the video guides you claim are made by players in a corp, so what? That doesn’t mean those people don’t play solo. Like I said, most video guides are made by a solo player, definitely not a group project.

By the way, I don’t care how much you claim to be a new player, your posting history, topics replied to and the manner in which you reply says otherwise.

Anyway, I’m done with this Merry-go-round ride.

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I did not refute the fact that they do have an impact on gameplay. I refute the fact that they are done by solo players, because so far you still haven’t provided any proof of that.

EVE University Wiki THIS is the reference website for any technical information about EvE, even more when you are new to the game.

And this is also a whole Corporation in game. Definitely NOT a solo effort.

No. The only thing they say is that I don’t behave like YOU believe a new player must behave, and since I am not what YOU expect of a new player then I must be fake.

All of this only prooved that you are way too much confident in your ability to define what other players are, and that you are insecure enough about your ability to defend your ideas in a debate that you feel the need to deviate the whole debate in useless Ad Hominem very quickly.

You can contact me on, Discord, or Reddit anytime you want.

Now unless you are gonna pretend that I am someone who created a whole 11 years old WoW account, and 3 years old Discord and Reddit accounts several years ago for the sake of using an alt in 2020 and put in motion an evil plan that I started in 2009 to take control of EvE forum, you can easily verify that I did not exist in the EvE community ~40 days ago.

Then again, your reasoning about this thread subject and your free Ad Hominem both showed that you are the type to follow conspiracy theories rather than proofs and facts, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually believe the evil plan theory LMAO.

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lol, classic :rofl:

That’s not a guide, it’s an information wiki.

You say the only players who make an impact on Eve are those who are in a corp, I and other players here in the forums say you’re wrong.

Other than that I don’t give a rats-ass what you say, you’re just a troll alt and the more you post, the more you prove it to be true.

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Then I advise you to read it more carefully, because they definitely have guides, called “classes”.

I can be wrong.

The main difference between you and others however, is that they bring interesting conversation, arguments, and if needed, proof.

You just repeatidly attacked me with false accusations, and never bring any proof to your claims (both about the topic and about me).

I gave you several proofs of who I am. From witch you can verify that I was not here before.

The only way you can think that this prove you to be right is by being at the same level of mental instability than Darlo Kubika. Two guys who believe so hard in their theories that they will never accept to be wrong no matter the amount of facts and proof you throw at their faces.

Now that I think about it, maybe he is an alt of you actually. Or you the alt of him.

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Tint: “I never play games frivolously. My gameplay must be meaningful. I pity the foolish players who waste their time playing a game in a non-meaningful way, like those dumb solo players.”

Well put! :sunny:

This is a bizarre thread - why does anyone care whether someone plays EVE solo or with others or a combination of that?

Having said that, for my solo, carebear activities, I demand CCP create me a ship with 1) 500 thousand EHP, 2) align 1.5 seconds, 3) warp 10 AU, 4) fitted with Cov Opps Cloak XX - cloak remains active no matter what mod is activated (including ALL combat. mods).

Fly safe!


I’ve been solo since I started, and I love it. I don’t expect anything, and I don’t care what anyone thinks. I usually lose interest in a game after a few months, but this one I have been playing for a few years now, and have never gotten bored. I also have no interest in joining a player corp, nor have I ever. I may one day, but right now, I am fine.

I agree with you about those people that say I am playing wrong. I have been told that before, and I just laugh. Screw those guys. I play MY way. Not their way. Their opinion doesn’t make them right. The “Top 4%” in market transactions stat that I got in that My Eve vid, says I make an impact on Eve just fine.

You play your way, I’ll play mine. Last time I checked, the only wrong way to play Eve is by cheating.


Ultimately, playing solo under a game driven by “hurr durr it’s group play or die hurrrr” is like being an outlaw.
For that I still have much respect for solo explorers and even solo gankers like Herr Wilkus and his epic “Tornado Trifecta” that got nerfed a week after he posted about it. Hmmm I think that was almost a decade ago now, and we seldom meet people like that any more.
Solo exploration was even more fun before SoE ships.
If you can do it with ONE account and one ship alone you truly beat the game -or the “you have to have alts for everything” aspect of the game that makes it look like a scam and drives normal people off.
Whatever the case, it’s all in the past. Not as much beyond the memory as it is beyond the ability of the current playerbase to even acknowledge what once was - if they even talked at all.


Yep. The game started mostly as solo players spread over the whole of EvE. As the player base grew, more and more pilots started to run into each other. Some slowly started to group up and people started to come together more frequently. Some decided to continue to play solo. So at the base EvE, was created to evolve how each individual player sees fit. So everyone should play it the way they see fit and only worry about what is in your targets as one does not really want to force people that want to play solo into their corp do they?

Now I do agree, as a primarily solo player, that solo players should not try to mess with the core of EvE and force the game to evolve in a fashion that solely serves to benefit solo players that want to avoid all interaction with other players.


Because many other like me was a prime example that solo play can and will have a lasting impact on people. People still today 5 years later point back to specific people antics.

Psychotic Monks - Awox Master
Chribba - The biggest of them all. Granted he had many alts.
Myself as the original Cannibal Kane - 1 man wardecs

Each area of space in EVE or part of EVE will have that single player doing his/her own thing they will point to that they remember or know off.

I was fortunate enough that my chosen type of gameplay encouraged or enraged people and it stuck to people. Want something done… as Kane. Post crap on the forums, Kane is coming for you.

I am done with that now, been there done that searching for the next gut punch one EVE patch at a time. :slight_smile:


Very good points but that troll will still disagree with anybody who doesn’t share her viewpoint.

Unfortunately that type of player will only post BS and never contribute anything helpful to the community.