Risk vs Reward ninja mining

Do you people suffer from brain damage?

For even the simplest of mind I will explain it one last time, also to expose the serious amount of hypocrizy by those who believe there should be a suspect flag for this stuff.

If they want to shoot the people mining “their” ore,
all they need to do is have their moon station in lowsec.

Instead people choose to plant their station in highsec,
under the protection of CONCORD for a reason.

The reason is that they can’t handle people who will try to compete for the ore. That also means that in the most cases they will not be able to compete with someone who goes suspect, because that someone is - in most cases - going to be a baiter, which means the only targets they’d be shooting at is clueless people and rookies.

So you end up with either shooting a rookie, or you’re going to explode.

It is not hard to understand. In fact, the only thing that stands in the way of understanding this is the hubris of those who believe they won’t be getting their asses kicked by exactly those they are attracting this way.

The amount of sheer selfishness, short sightedness and utter stupidity, combined with this massive cognitive dissonance people are suffering from is absolutely intolerable. You are in highsec to have some form of protection from those who want to compete with you directly.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, otherwise the cake’s going to ■■■■ you up:

Allowing peoplet to go suspect, so you can shoot them,
will inevitably attract people who will deliberately go suspect so they can kill you.

You will have no chance to compete.

It will attract people like me, because you people are not only willing to shoot yourself in the foot, you’re also willing to deny rookies a nice income stream and you’d shoot them - and only them - because that’s the only ones you could potentially deal with, otherwise you’d be mining moons in lowsec.

Pathetic losers.