The first sentence is wrong. We don’t know, maybe they do, maybe they don’t. You claim they do without any evidence of it.
So you making off-topic judgements based on personal speculation over something that may as well not exist is… absurd ? Ironic ?
Clearly, your posts look like “as long as Eve is running, there is no problem”. That’s delusional. You are covering your eyes.
When your friends will have less people playing for a moment, and will not be able to bump the ninja harvesters in their orcas, they won’t complain. They will just offline the structure and silently stop. And later when people will come back they will just realize that it’s not worth to set up the moon again. But yeah, there will still be “no issue”. Because you don’t want to see it.
This is a fair point. At the end of the day, CCP will decide what changes to implement (if any). I’ve stated my position, and I’m satisfied with my wording, but if I’m wrong- then I guess I’ll find out in a future patch release.
When they released ‘industry teams’ they found out that hardly anyone used them and removed the feature. Now that doesn’t mean they had a ballpark number of usage they were expecting/aiming for. But there comes a point where a features use or lack of becomes evidence that there is a problem.
Another example is drones. A little while back ccp looked at how weapons were used by players. They found that drones were very common and missiles were less common. Even though they probably didn’t have an official exact or maybe even not a ball park number for how often these weapons should be used, they reasoned that the under use of one weapon and over use of the other suggested there was an imbalance.
This is correct. As long as enough people play eve, the game is fine.
That doesn’t mean it couldn’t be better. But as long as a certain threshold is met (say income>costs) the game is fine.
Devs took actions before the game died. Therefore your argument is again absurd.
You again claim that there can’t possibly be an issue, because there can’t possibly be an issue. Again you are wrong, as devs took actions to fix issues in the game.
The devs took action in 2013 when player numbers were at their highest point. This doesn’t mean the game wasn’t fine. Just that they intended to improve it.
And not all changes are an answer to something thats not fine. When they release expansions with new content like apocrypha, it doesn’t mean things are not fine. Just that they think things could be better.
To which you answered that this is correct. It is not, for the reason I gave.
devs literally made fixes for eg the orthrus or the VNI, because they considered something was a problem. Which means, there were problems in the game that needed to be addressed, even though the game was not dead. But even a child knows that.
so you claiming there is no issue is just blinding yourself when you know you are wrong.
AKA a troll.
At this point it should be painfully obvious that a certain someone is just here to troll and rile people up, and should not be fed or indulged.
At the end of the day, as CCP Fozzy said, no one actually owns asteroids, so suspect flagging would make no sense.
Corps that own Athanors under the free umbrella of CONCORD risk other people mining their ore. It’s just the cost of business in HiSec. Luckily several mechanics are in place to help them deal with ninjas:
OFC, these things have been nerfed over the years at the demand of carebears, and unfortunately may not be as effective. However, the corp always has the option of timing pulls for their prime time and not pulling more than they can mine in one sitting.
There’s also the fact that a couple of people mining that ore is not really a big deal. Most corps I’ve found pull way more than they can mine themselves, so the ore isn’t being “stolen”, it’s being thrown away in the despawn trashcan. Ninja miners aren’t “thieves” in this case, but enterprising individuals rescuing valuable resources from waste.
Isn’t that sweet, A code member went for the easy zero risk gank kills in nulsec, then scurried back to highsec as quick as his little malediction would get him there.
It’s unrelated. I specifically wrote “there is no problem”, you talking about the game being fine is a different topic.
I did not say the game was or not fine, because it would be unrelated.
The point is : there are issues in the game, you claiming that there are not until the servers shut down is a nonsense. You claiming that there are no issues with moon mining because people are still using them, is also a nonsense, just like claiming there was no issue with the orthrus because people still used other ships would be.
“Real” usually refers to “real” goods–i.e. goods and services. So your car has a “real” value. The money you used to buy it is not “real” but nominal.
Value is subjective. I don’t like acorn squash, others do. Neither they nor me are “wrong” it is just our preferences.
So when you write,
This is correct. There is no “wrong value” anymore than saying I am wrong for not liking acorn squash.
The price is what people agree on in terms of exchange. It has to be the case that the person selling values the good at least at the price, but probably below that price, otherwise why sell it? And at the same time the buyer almost surely values the item (or service) more than the price…again otherwise why buy it.
This difference between price and value on the part of the parties to the exchange is what allows trades to take place.
Yes! Value is determined by the individual. If you want to buy a car that means you value having the car more than anything else you could buy with that money. If this were not true, then why are you being foolish and buying the car and not buying the other stuff?
Positive, show me where Code actually “hold” sov and not share it.
Show me space where Code actually “use” space.
Anyone, even Code can put a TCU up in space given to them by “friends”, using that space, living there and improving it are two very different things.