Then move to your best next alternative. Whining, crying and stomping your feet is rather childish. Is this what you do in general? Go whine and cry and complain that somebody with more power should fix it for you or do you move on to the next best option?
And if enough people abandon athanors and moon mining in HS then it is possible CCP will look at it. The idea that to mine the belt created by fracking you have to be in the corp/alliance of the athanor and thus subject to a war dec is awesome. Then layering on a suspect timer to everyone else mining the belt…also good. Those who “own” said belt can shoot the interlopers, and those who want to mine the belt must face the possibility of a war dec.
To be quite honest I’m tired of all the whining, bitching and moaning. It comes off as, “I can’t krab with no risk.” I’m sure some dimwit will point to Delve and scream “GOONS!” But why is that Goons can rat, mine and so forth in Delve? Because they have a super capital/capital/sub-capital umbrella. They actually work at making their space safe. There are a number of titans, supers, faxes, and so forth sitting on various citadels in Delve in case someone sends up a flare that they are tackled by hostiles. Sub-cap fleets will flash form and roll out in minutes. I know, I’ve been on those sub cap fleets.
Then I come to the forums and I see some HS puss bucket whine, “My rocks…somebody is mining them!!! CCPlease fix. I want lots of ISK with little or no risk.”
It is the same with all the freighter bumping whine threads too. “CCP, I was totally and completely stupid beyond any and all belief and somebody noticed and started bumping me!!! Please fix this so I can be a completely blinkered moron and not suffer any downside risk.”
It is sickening. Then these same people complain about NS and those reaping the benefits while also putting in the effort to make NS space “safe”. Most of the people on these forums do not understand basic economics. They are innumerate. And they do not understand that risk is a function of player actions and strictly mechanics. If you put lots of ISK value in your cargo hold you become a ■■■■■■■ target you morons. Don’t want to be such a target…don’t put such ISK value in your ■■■■■■■ cargo hold.
There is a disease in this game and it is the whiny NUBs who do not realize that you are responsible for your own actions. Do something dumb and somebody notices they’ll push in your poop. When that happens you should not come the forums like a b!tch you should HTFU and look at what you did wrong and not do it again.
I have done invention in the past. Do I go to CCP and whine when a market I was enjoying profits in suddenly tanks and I have to look for a new market? No. These players are like little Trumpkins. Oh boo-hoo competition is too tough so please protect me CCP and guarantee my returns. That’s Bull Shite.
Seriously dude…go HTFU. Really.