Rules Violation Megathread

Scanning down people , we gotta test catching supercap in a more realistic environment right? Scanning+Catching really is how most supers are being caught alone.

See elitatwo’s post.

CCP doesn’t need you to test supercapitals. CCP’s wanna-be hall monitor said so. :wink:

Also, ignorant pillock, where in TQ do blobs of titans scan down lone players and then Boson Field them? Trick question, the answer is you’re woefully brain-damaged.

As for the bumping people off tether, what’s the rule violation in that type of behavior? We are not setting drag bubbles or anything like that which you have a hard time avoiding. Rules said no bubble but not no bumping either you dock up or look or stop afking, simple as that and I assume you didn’t read what I wrote previously or you wouldn’t be saying nonsense all over again

If your only excuse for harassing people is “it’s not against the rules,” you have no excuse. You’re not allowed to attack people on station, and you’re also not allowed to try to circumvent CCP’s rules through technicalities or rationalizations or loopholes in wording. The intent is plain for those with functioning brain stems. So just give up; you are plainly and 100% in the wrong here. You are a rule breaker by your own admission. Stop it, or you will be banned from singularity. It’s that simple, cupcake.

Thirdly copying smart people lol proving my point about you being self centered self entitled and actually arrogant and ignorant enough to ignore my validate point above and writing same illogical statement which came out of purely unilateral feelings which I assume you got blown up before xdd And your narrow minded proposal with a goal that aim at nothing else but personal gain does not impress anyone who cares about the game rather than themselves

Learn to spell before you attempt (and fail) to talk down to other people. Christ, people who write English as a third language do better than you. Also, learn how to use the Shift key, and punctuation. Also, actually pay attention in school, street rat. I’m not insulted nor swayed by a pissant like you. I am orders of magnitude more intelligent than you, and the proof is there for all to see, arbitrary contrarian opinions notwithstanding.

Just in case you ignore everything I wrote here’s a summery of everything above: Adapt or die and stop crying :)))

You are the one who is going to alter your behavior. Whatever path you take from this point, there is no other outcome. Maybe test something else, you ignorant shrew. That is if you’re even capable of something beyond “push buttan to win gaem” and spamming “xddddddddd” like someone who’s too young and immature to be playing EVE.

Singularity is not there for your amusement, especially not at any other player’s expense. Period, end of debate, sit your dumb ass down and remain silent. Do as you’re told by your betters.