Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

YC125.11.21 // ATHOUNON VI

In response to the recent Guristas attack on the Federation, Taayusaka Eskeitan has intensified its fortifications in Cieléclat, implementing a series of measures to enhance the city’s security and protect against potential threats. The corporation has fully activated its fortified structures, bringing in rapid-deployment counter-insurgency operatives and upgrading anti-orbital and anti-air capabilities. The move comes as part of Taayusaka’s alleged commitment to ensuring the safety and stability of Athounon VI and their holdings there.

The newly deployed counter-insurgency taskforce is equipped to respond rapidly to any emerging threats, ensuring a swift and effective response in the event of a pirate attack. This measure is designed to deter potential adversaries and safeguard Taayusaka’s holdings from the chaos that a large scale raid can bring.

Furthermore, Taayusaka Eskeitan has invested in upgrading anti-orbital and anti-air capabilities to bolster the city’s defenses against airborne threats. The enhanced capabilities are part of a comprehensive strategy to create a secure environment where residents can live and work without the constant fear of external aggression.

In a notable development, Taayusaka has extended an offer to other Athounon VI member states. The offer, which involves enhanced defense installations and the protection of Taayusaka Corporate Security, is contingent upon the surrender of these states. This coercive move has sparked outrage among those currently opposing Taayusaka, sparking heated protests opposing the Corporation’s offer.

While Taayusaka portrays these actions as efforts to safeguard Athounon VI against external threats, critics argue that the corporation is exploiting the Guristas’ recent attack on Placid to leverage its power and further stifle resistance.

Reportedly, the states of Qucrain, Rafriules, Acruasau and Châtellerault have agreed to a ceasefire and are currently negotiating with Taayusaka representatives.