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Heath Row News

Second Unmarked Warclone Assault Against UNF Thwarted By Joint Defensive, Forces Traced back to OB and TFG Forward Operating Bases

A second assault attempt on UNF ground facilities on Skarkon II has been reported, though unlike the first series of attacks it was detected well short of perimeters, and engaged by joint UNF/BosAc strike units and forced back, reports from line marines and warclones leading the defensive charge claiming to have ‘dusted’ over half of the assaulting forces.

While the previous assault only implicated Onikanabo Brigade and Tronhadar Free Guard based on tactical doctrines witnessed, solid state drives recovered from intact vehicles further corroborate previously circumstancial evidence and have been confirmed to trace back to OB and TFG Forward Operating Bases within the Gulormola District, and massed retaliatory raids have been noted to have already begun in the time since against these bases, using conventional and warclone troops, backed heavily by Clone Pilot air wings and Warclone dropships.

How long these battles will continue is as yet unclear, but fighting has been contained mostly to the unpopulated areas around the Onikanabo and Free Guard FOBs. It is believed that though outnumbered in the Gulormola District, both have large stocks of biomass in shielded Clone Reanimation Units deep beneath their defenses.

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