Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

"-When I speak of embracing human error, do not mistake me for making an excuse for incompetence. Discipline is a virtue, control over oneself both mentally and physically Is a trait that should be admired as much as it should be desired. Through discipline we can remain consistent, reliable and valuable. Discipline is what the Guristas are known and feared for. Without discipline, the Guristas would be no different than some petty band of scoundrels lacking both cohesion and threat…. Like the Seven or some other wretched band of louts whose name isn’t worth remembering.

As I’ve taught before, we should all strive for improvement. While our humanity makes us prone to mistakes, we are capable of willing ourselves into ensuring that the same mistake doesn’t happen again. This, is something each of you must grasp yourselves, to take action to improve and become a shining example of competence and dependability.

… So I better not ■■■■■■■ hear about any of you using my teaching of ‘Human error’ as an excuse for why you ■■■■■■ up the job you were given, got it?"

  • Windchime Guru Suha Raibuya speaking before a crowd gathered in a hanger inside the Guristas Production Shipyard in 6NJ8-V