Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!


In a shocking development in an ongoing custody battle, notorious capsuleer Nauplius has attempted to backmail his former wife Serena Shi by releasing evidence purporting to show Ms. Shi participating in forbidden Sani Sabik rituals. Among the evidence provided to the court as well as Gallentean reporters covering Mr. Nauplius’s Sedevacantist Church include —

  • Sworn affidavits from Mr. Nauplius’s workers and slaves claiming that Ms. Shi sacrificed three Minmatar to God — one Brutor, one Sebiestor, one Vherokior — during an initiation ritual.
  • An image of a Sani Sabik style Golden Vial which is said to contain the blood of Ms. Shi’s three Minmatar victims.
  • Security camera footage said to show Ms. Shi participating in a “Blood Liturgy” in Mr. Nauplius’s former Red Temple. In the footage, a priest offers Ms. Shi a chalice containing a red liquid, intoning, “The Blood of the Brutor” to which Ms. Shi responds, “It gives strength to the Chosen” before drinking from the cup.

Mr. Nauplius also released a recording addressed to Ms. Shi. This begins by stating that Ms. Shi will now be a wanted criminal in every Empire and has no choice but to seek refuge in the only safe place for her in all the cluster — Mr. Nauplius’s hanger. After apologizing for the release of the incriminating material, Mr. Nauplius says it was for Ms. Shi’s own good and that it was the only way to get Ms. Shi “away from the clutches of the evil Lady Galena.” Mr. Nauplius repeated the “happy things” that await his former wife in his hanger, including a luxury yacht, thousands of slaves, and eventually remarriage with a wedding gift including at least 100,000 yaks. “Please come home, before it is too late,” Mr. Nauplius concluded his message.