Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Mehatoor - 24th IC Station

Another hearing brought us a fascinating and almost horrifying proposal from the opposing client - an offer of remarriage. When asked about this and the likelihood of acceptance, the claimant turned a vivid shade of green and had to excuse herself from the proceedings.

Miss Dadarwar indicated this was further proof of the traumatic circumstances her client found herself in while under the influence of the respondent. She went on to say that they would be doing all in their power to prevent this respondent having any custody of or visitation with her client’s young daughter, pointing out his many inadequacies as a parent.

We also inquired about the charges laid against Lady Melisandre Galena, who has sheltered the claimant and her daughter since they fled the respondent. Miss Dadarwar had to refrain from laughing at the outrageous contention that ‘minmatar assassins’ were after her client and her client’s daughter.

“The entire concept is beyond humorous, only adding to the mounting evidence of the respondent’s instability. Lady Galena protected my client and did only as asked by my client to rid her of the trauma of the events. Officers of the court have been to see the child, and are completely satisfied with her upbringing. In fact, they are pleased she is being educated in the Faith, as well as other subjects appropriate for an Amarrian child. We are wholly confident in our success in these legal matters, and find it quite a shame that the respondent doesn’t see this is in the best interests of the child.”