Running for CSM next year:

Did you guys have a pot on who can get me to answer a wrongly formatted question or something?

This is getting pathetic, especially from a CSM.

Kindly GTFO my campaign thread with this crap.


It only took two days and 400 questions to get the answer.


Holy ■■■■. That is the first good idea you have said in here… I really wish I’d thought of it… Next time


You have already gone way too far as a seated CSM to troll/disrupt my campaign thread.

Kindly desist and/or leave.

I’m a voter.

I have every right to ask questions of someone who is putting themselves forward as a candidate. You invited this when you publicly made this post on a public forum. You cannot control who posts here.


You have been actively trolling and disrupting my thread.
Being a voter does not entitle you to that, much less you being a CSM throwing your weight around.

This is the 4th or 5th time I request this.

Stop trolling/disrupting my campaign thread.

Between asking questions and not answering them, the latter is trolling…


I have answered all reasonable questions I have managed to find amidst the trolling.

If you dont like, or accept, the answers, thats on you. Not me.

Yes, the name of the corp/alliance may be different, but that doesn’t stop the person from still “working” for some other corp/alliance.

Yes, the name is different, but it won’t change anything. It’s a useless limitation that can be jumped over in 5 seconds flat.

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Correct, it does not.

But it does mean there will be only 1 CSM per Corp/Alliance tag.

But what will this accomplish?

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If they want more CSM to “work for” and “work with them” they will have to be in another Corp/Alliance as CSM.

They thus cant hold any executive positions in those Corps/Alliances on the CSM character, nor directly benefit from that Corp/Alliance.

It adds an additional threshold to combat corruption and undue political influence.

Also means voting “blocs” will have to vote out of Corp/Alliance characters as CSM.

Nothing at all
Like his question avoidance :smiley:

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WTF… This thread still not over?


So, by your own admission, this rule would do absolutely nothing. Then why have it in place at all? Making alts in Eve is not difficult. Hell, if you had your way and this rule was set up, half of the CSM would be in NPC-corporations and still be in the top 5 seats of Goonswarms vote-list.

It would do what I said above.

We can deal with that, if it happens and corruption/political influence persists.

What’s wrong with bribes?


Nothing at all. They just all seem to steer clear of them