[September] Fitting Warnings and other QoL changes

You are right, should be more like 2 minutes. Time is isk.

How about speaking english since this isn’t the russian forum. Outside of russian forum, you are supposed to use english.

as a former Incursion FC i can say you are a devil XD

right now the hacking is often performed by an alt in a Heron warping in after inital aggro is pulled and just using MWD and max Hacking Modules to brute force finish it of in the timespan till the first aggroswitch is happen. (and warp out)
this dont need real charskills and is no exiting player expirience just the use of an aditional altchar for only this (and scouting new sites) and the char also dont get payouts

If you move it to a real Hacking Game and make it not that easy, the player have to stay there for longer and do something actively, need real hacking skills and fittings… that would be interesting to handle and in fact probably a nerf to VG incursions :stuck_out_tongue:

this will cost CCP a little little little bit of playercount but move the incursion more to a raid style expirience like in other games with dedicated active roles

i in person like it^^ (and a lot will hate it so maybee thats a good ting at the end :slight_smile: )

oh and if you work half of a day for the old incursion expirience how about quick balancing that stupid scout sites to a npc fleetcomposition 5 players in BC could do it? because right now they are just op, not playable with that many jams and neuts and dmg in it. and not realy farmable


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I shouldn’t worry about it, it’s just that poster’s usual rant about how all the devs hate Eve and should be taken out and shot etc - the term ‘bittervetski’ comes to mind…

я тебе ничего не должен.

You’re the man Lebowski. The Dude abides.

bumping should cause damage. simple.


This does not solve anything. An obelisk is easily destroyed in less than 60 sec. for a small Catalyst fleet.

**[quote=“Magalaus_Shardani, post:23, topic:184553, full:true”]
i will quit with 4 accounts if bumping changes go through.

Wonderful, maybe do it anyway already immediately, why the wait😱


Ships will now automatically enter warp after three minutes of attempting to align and reach the required speed.
    This will now put a maximum cap on how long a ship can be bumped or stuck on geometry.
    We’ve discussed this change in the past but its implementation hit some technical roadblocks which have now been resolved.

People complaining about autopilot being too safe. You guys do not even know how it works. When in autopilot you don’t warp and land directly on gates, you actually have to slowboat 10kms after exiting warp. And with a freighter “slow” is not an understatement, close to 2 minutes to get to the gate after warp.
Now, what does it change? Everything actually because if you are bumped in the process you are not initiating a warp so no, you cannot just engage autopilot and go on a nice walk on the beach.


Don’t fecking tell them for crying out loud. If they can’t figure it out they deserve whatever they get.


Or use a proper tackle.

I personally agree with the warping after 3 minutes mechanic.

If you were gonna get ganked it would happen under 3 minutes anyway.
People talking about autopilot forget that it warps to 15km from gate, at that point you dont even need to bump a thing

Id like to tell a little story that has affected me and this change may be directed to situations like mine, so perhaps you can see the change from different point of view

I Found myself in a situation where i got bumped in my Orca , fine those things happen, after a whole 50 minutes of me not cooperating and various talks with the aggressors it was decided they would gank me , ok then at least i can go home or get me some insurance.

They warp in, attack, and , thanks to a combination of luck , fitting and high skill pool i tanked the whole thing, they get concorded and i survive on some hull and recharge my shield. meanwhile the bumping Machariel was out of aggression and kept bumping me.
So me, as a player, what choice do i have?
I have maxed drone skills and Orca, so i toyed about the idea of attcking the Machariel, perhaps since its bump fit i could scare him or destroy him, can I? N
o because hes not aggressing, i would get killed by concorde , i cannot defend myself
Where is my reward for surviving the attack? What gameplay options do i have? I cant warp, i cant logout, i cant attack, i tanked them but they will return with no penalty (expect loosing a 1mil frigate and perhaps and some alpha alt securety status), what about the bumper? no flag for him
The gankers simply said they will wait in dock the 10minute concord timer and return, the Machariel kept bumping me.

Many of you here react negatively to this but think for a moment what about my situation was fun and/or sandboxy for me
My only way out i can think of was if i had a friend around (it was rather early morning server time, none around) or have an alt in a big ship bump the Machariel , well i do have only one account and my computer cant handle two

The gankers pick an easy or expensive target, they choose and calculate the risk, the Machariel bumping has no risk because it has no aggression, there is only rewards for them, the suiciders have practically no costs , its basically zero risk reward system

With this change i would have either died and be done with it, or got away as a “reward” for tanking them, it seems more fair to me

Fly safe

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да уебывай никто тебя не держит еще и рукой помашут следом

уебывай из евы детка иди поплачь

Uh, isn’t that called Warp Scramble? There is a mechanic in place to hold a ship in place. Bumping was never intended to be that method. That was an artifact of the game design, basically a bug, that they fixed.

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great news, now the parasites will run away from Eva cried how are we going to do suicide I leave and leave and soon you useless rubbish for Eva do not do anything PvP and just stupidly live off suicide when you leave Eve I will spit you goodbye garbage there was unnecessary.

Exactly. Dude was complaining that the 3 minute timer wasn’t immune to warp scrambling.

That module exists to keep people from fleeing so I don’t we why you shouldn’t be able to use it to keep a freighter from fleeing if you are willing to sacrifice a ship and pay the security status hit.

I think I preferred your Russian posts, at least I didn’t have to hurt my brain trying to make sense of them…

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