Secret Space Squirrels were also far more involved with Stribogs than mere Freeports that Kybernauts happened to use. They provided most of Stribog’s former Pochven infrastructure, the loss of which is a matter of public record.
For example, just back in June, Sahara referred to the destruction of this Secret Space Squirrels Azbel in Wirashoda in a this post. At the time, no one was even pretending that Secret Space Squirrels were not Kybernaut affiliated.
Trying to square the “kybernauts’ irreplaceable citadels” of six months ago with the total neutrality claims Secret Space Squirrels is making today will require quite the contortion, though I am sure these decievers are up to the task and will find some awe inspiring way to try and claim that the structures they fought so hard to save were never theirs anyway.