Shared Bookmarks: Use-case Discussion

Over engineered.

To echo a few people’s comments about keeping bookmarks tradeable, perhaps an option allowing an ACL owner to set a charge to subscribe to a folder? This would allow people to easily sell things like Tac Packs, Tac Grids, and DED Sites.

Besides that, great idea; people have been asking for a system like this for years now. Bookmark expiration is great for things like wormholes, DED sites, and other temporary things. If it was possible easily code, for expiration lengths I’d say add an integer input window with a dropdown to its right for units (similar to D-Scan Range Selection).

Can I remove bookmarks from the folder shared by others? Is it configurable in acl?

If the admin of the folder has given you appropriate access levels, yes :slight_smile:

I’m getting confused*, Is this implemented yet ?

*not unusual for me…

No, it is currently still in development.

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Question 1 - Bookmark Vouchers

I think something similar has already been mentioned in a couple other posts.

There has to be a way to overcome the limit in the number of allowed bookmarks by storing the currently unneeded ones somewhere, so they can be temporarily removed to make room for new ones and restored later when needed.

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Absolutely. Preferably by saving offline, like ship fits and overviews.

I know this is probably a weird question,
but for the sake of completeness I must ask …

Can you please make sure it will still not be possible to AutoPilot from bookmark to bookmark within a system ?

Q1. While I don’t trade bookmarks personally I have used the items as ‘prizes’ which point to a new location or container and I do see a massive penalty to those who currently sell or trade bookmarks
Q2. I would use 24 hours because after that all those bookmarks become useless (wormhole corp)
Q3. Individual Bookmark level, because anything else seems less than efficient

Questions I have:
Are there any plans for corp roles to be added to access list?
Would it be possible to get a link on any pages that relate to access lists ie a cog icon on the people and places page?
Are there any plans to make the bookmarks shareable via chat channels?

I suspect not
just the folder links


Question 1 - Bookmark Vouchers
In the current system, bookmarks can be extracted from the People & Places window and converted into “physical” items that can be traded with other players. In what ways do you currently use this functionality that would not be covered by the system detailed above?

Im sure others have mentioned, but inside alliances bookmarking and selling escalations is a real thing and hundreds sell every day. Without a the physical item to sell it will completely screw this system up and put it in a almost unworkable state.
I would Highly Suggest you allow a much smaller amount of “physical” book mark to be made… say 10-20 per character Or Allow people to right click on their escalations in the agency window and put them on contract directly from their agency window, if accepted they would just auto deposit into the buying characters bookmarks.

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It would be nice if when a fleet is formed an access list is assigned to it - Anyone in fleet would have access, leaving fleet would remove access and the last person leaving the fleet would cause the list to be deleted.

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I doubt that will ever be an option as it would make it possible to edit the coordinates and make arbitrary warpins/ultra deep safes.

I don’t think the bookmarks themselves need to be physical items - if we had a way to trade links through contracts it would do the same thing. The escalation bookmark can be placed in a shared folder that everyone has access to, then the link to the shared folder can be provided in lieu of the bookmark voucher. I don’t think there is any way to “search” for shared folders, they behaved like killmails - you can share them but they are completely inaccessible without the link.

A virtual world I used to be in had a similar problem, which they solved by encrypting the data on export and decrypting it on import.

The bookmark is converted to an in game item to enable trade, to do the same with folders wouldn’t that require the folder to become an in-game physical item as well ?

Edit - at least if I buy a bookmark in a contract I know its a bookmark, I may not go to where I want it to but I can see its a bookmark

  • If we can trade links … you better like Rick Astley songs

All it would really require is to allow a text message to be included inside the contract, only visible to the recipient of the contract. Either that, or allowing text messages to become physical objects that can be opened and read.


being able to have folders with ACLs for bookmarks is a great quality of life improvement.

Removing the possibility to make a bookmark a tradeable item is otoh not a good idea at the current point as there is good uses for it which are not easy or impossible to emulate in the folders system:

  • Selling bookmarks (escalations, bookmark packs, selling out your alliance tacticals for some iskies)
  • Player created content as in making a treasure hunt for corpmates - solve a riddle to find a secure container and take a new BM from there… you can even have further instructions for the next step in the notes…
