Ships have soul

My First Bs was the Rock. I named it Olaf. It still bears that name.
It is the Hull I dreamed for years ever since Eve was out early 2000’s
but I did not have a gaming pc back then, so it was only a dream,
until it became true. I still name most of my ships today, but none can beat
the soul of the Olaf… :heart_eyes:


The Rokh looks nice too. A big too boxy for my taste but it looks like it can hold its own. I’ll need to search online to find out what all it can do.

I like that you were able to fly it after having to wait a long time. I love reading stuff like that. No instant gratification but a slow build up to the day you could have it. Nice.


Your future in EvE looks bright, no kidding. Refreshing to read after too many threads with complaints a la “gimme more gimme now”.


I love all of my ships even the ones I hate flying. I name all of them, some based on my idea of their personalities, some to make people wonder what the hell is wrong with Google Translate, and others, like my planetary ship I name things like Doomed Loot Piñata.
One of my favorites was a Sunesis I named Royal Snit, I went EVERYWHERE in that ship and tired everything I came across, sometimes having to run like hell but always having fun. One day I saw a site I’d never seen before called A Demonstration, and off I went to see what it was. This proved to be a mistake, and very quickly Royal Snit was no more. Ages later I made a new version of her and took out the whole site by kiting the stuff that I knew would take me out if I got too close, it took for ever and when I was done I named her Royal Bitçh. I also sometimes name new ships after the last person to kill me, somehow it seems fitting.


Removed some inappropriate posts.


My ships have no soul. I have a soul. (kinda) The only hulls I care about are the ones with kill marks on them.


My Wreathe is called Garland. She wears that title well.

My Vigilant isn’t, and is called Trashcan. Because that is where she is headed. This based on my philosophy of ascribing soul to all other ships, and giving them each one-shot at letting their pilots show their bonafides as upstanding citizens. Unfortunately, living in lowsec, most of those ships actually take the shot. And I die.

The advantage of the expensive Vigilant is its being the only alpha-capable ship (that I know of) that can take out a Mordu Barghest belt rat. It was built for that purpose and has proved capable.

The predecessor for this purpose was a Hurricane, called Blowhard, which fell to a bait Prospect. I saw the trap coming via d-scan but still landed on top as I was the one travelling. The subsequent timing of their covert cyno was rubbish and I had too much time to ponder. Rather than just bail-out as normal (because the Big Red Button is too slow as an alternative), I actually fired back. Being distraught at the consequences of my actions, I contracted them a fully covops-fit Prospect as a replacement. I named it Trojan.


I still have the T1 hauler I went on a lowsec roam with Funky Bacon back when he was on Eve Radio.
I was bait.

Good times. Long gone.


Noooo … that would only be the case if Eve was merely some sort of simulator. Rather than it being the alternative reality it actually is. Souls (and names) are unique. Medical clones are merely an aberration that allows duplication of consciousness; not souls.

Exactly. Even tho I’ve hijacked the context for your original statement, that is the situation. One ship, one name.

My first Procurer still exists. I bailed when caught, then watched with amusement as two pirates scrambled in haste to board and procure her. All very unseemly. A third party even had time to arrive in-system and proceed to throw up their hands (digitally) in horror. They even tut-tutted at “what had New Eden become”; that death of a soulful creature should be denied in such a manner.

My replacement barge could hardly be named the same under those circumstances. Her predecessor is still out there. Somewhere. The replacement was consequently called Gifthorse. But I don’t think the next miscreant got the point. They instead elected to splash her using a frigate and light missiles, after I had again bailed. All a bit tasteless, but also designed for my death to meet the necessary criteria …

Whether the perpetual PvP clones actually feel that way, I doubt. To them, a kill is a kill. They being soulless creatures after all.



It does seem fitting.
But you know, a Capsuleer can’t be killed, our characters are immortal. All we ever manage to do is blow up the ships and maybe pod the clone. That’s it.
Fly Well o7


Appreciated o7

I’ll be playing EVE 'til the servers shut down or until I die,. whichever comes first. :slightly_smiling_face:


LOL YES … Aura is the keeper of my medical clone’s soul. Almighty Aura is the guardian of my ships’ souls. Carwash Aura cleans my ships when they are covered with dust, space grit, or specks of meatsicle on the ship’s camera, she uses extra bubbly soap too and will wear a polka dot bikini if I ask nicely (but only when I close my eyes, she is very modest).

Don’t ask me how The Blue Lady does it, she simply does it, I swear. Maybe she restores the soul when the Assemble command is given ?

Aura should get her own temple and followers, I’m telling ya.

And she should get her voice back !!



Uh-Oh I once had a Willy myself. She was my first ‘big’ ship and I loved flying along its hull with my alt in a rookie ship to admire how large it was.

Willy had a short life, however.

Playing for almost one year did not bring me in contact with a threat called ‘Incursions’. So Willy got tackled in highsec by Renyn Meten and died a horribly slow death.

I did rage-quit all my highsec alts for more than one year


I did that too :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Poor Willy :cry: I’m betting the EVE cemetery has a lot of Willies.

Han rage-quit for a month but he likes the game too much to stay away and so do I.


:joy: I love Aura. She’s sassy. She’s the best part of the tutorial.


Problem with that is we run into a shortage of name, like when creating a clone and the system refuses half the suggestions for a name. It’s frustrating.


Ships are built to explode. Give them names, so their stories live on in your immortal (recloned) heart.

My falcon “Squeaky Bum Time” was a veteran of dozens of roqual drops, survived being shot at by all sorts of fighters and accumulated a considerable amount of bling before finally being caught in a fateful skirmish where I lost comms connection years after I first flew it.


You? It’s a miracle you named your kids. You just don’t give a sh-t, lol.

I renamed that Catalyst you gave me to MaxKeller :wink: I thought it was fitting.
My Thrasher is called Beserk, I want to take risks with it. Went to Null yesterday but got lucky. Half the systems I flew through were empty and the others, nearly everyone was docked.

My Stabber is called Volentis, fastest T1 cruiser. One of my faves.
Han is getting me a Hurricane.
Any idea for a name, Nat?


I don’t get it. Why would you honor the one who blew you up by naming a new ship after him?