Shooting new players is a good thing! YES or NO?

Now that’s the answer I’ve been waiting for thank you which has also motivated me to carry on playing thank you.


Yeah but as a new player you don’t know that you can report player.

I think I only figured that out 3-4 years later. lol.

It also has 2 Turret Slots, so it could have had guns, if the owner wanted it to.

Look, when in a non-combat ship and when in doubt, run away and talk later.


Only way I’ll ever buy an astero is when I got covert ops that ship is way to expensive to lose and also I need the drones skills to even pretend to be a threat.

Im not trying to sell you an Astero, Im explaining why you should a) fly away from them and b) not waste your isk on them.

Technically, they arent even as good scanning ships as standard T2s.

Stick to Magnates, they are cheap and useful and they make far far more money than they cost.

Once youve got Cov Ops, get a Anathema.

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Amen to that

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I posted that in the C&P meme library along with this

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What did I say that caused that outpouring of bile ? Go away with short jerky motions, you unpleasant little man…

Your missing the point, its not the game thats making it hard for newbros; its high sp players sat in highsec because they find the game too hard and so pick on the new guy.

This is the storyline…
nub joins game decides to be a miner cus its easy and relativly safe and you can grind away whilst doing other things; perfectly acceptable except code… now they might not directly die to code, they may just get a warning, maybe its their mate that gets popped anyway…

so because code want to get rid of as many players as they can before theyve really found their footing this newbro decides to goto lowsec, where its quieter, or nullsec… so now this guys getting shot left right and centre in the most dangerous areas of space (where elite code members i might add do NOT go…)

Long story short, decides to quit because he doesnt have the skills to really be in low or null or jspace… along comes ccp… oh nah this guy left because hes been dying in low and null…
Statistics are incorrect, they are not gathered in a scientific manner and therefore skew the results - now you can argue til your blue in the face on this, you will always be wrong; fact is ccp did not ask players or give players who quit a set of relevant questions, they havent given any of us that; and until they do, the results will always be askew.

In either case you can hardly debate the cause for higher sp or long term players to be allowed to pick on newbros ‘because the game is supposed to be hard’. If you really and these other players really believed this, and believed in fair gameplay; and to be quite frank; werent more toxic than chernobyl… wtaf are you still in highsec? dont you think its time you moved on?

Of course not, because eve isnt supposed to be that hard is it…

Highsec griefing HAS changed, it now comes in the form of suicide ganks that you cant really do anything about; i mean i dagaf about suicide ganks - i literally couldnt care less except i dont think nubs should be targets for it, certainly not whilst mining in a venture…

And then theres also the wardecks, you know the types the ones where you have your cynabal and proteus… and 4 or 5 neutral cruiser reps… and some how think its fair on newbros that are less than a month old screaming in local “but theres xxx of you if you ju…” shut up, your lying and you know it; 50 crapply fitted low dps frigs are not going to be able to kill you; stop being bad and actually go out and get a fight with people who are at least only slightly worse than you.

Anyway in the words of an actual newbro…

Lol funny how this was mentioned I just got killed again by someone’s alt it can only be someone’s alt cause his flying a t2 sabre but his character is less then a day old bravo magnate 0 sabre 1. How do I report players cause this is getting out of hand now I literally just bought the magnate

You are still blaming the game and other players. Why would you report him, he has done absolutely nothing against the rules of the game.


Nah not reporting him he did his job

Yeah it is literally just a story. You have nothing to even remotely backup that this is true. Meanwhile you chose to disregard the actual data we have because it goes against your narrative. What a waste of time…

Yeah Mr carebear, there is no reason at all why they should not go to null or jspace other than being afraid to lose ships which is probably your issue. Holding players back from the real content is the real issue and it looks like you are part of it.

The only toxic player here is you who thinks he us special because he is in nullsec, which literally every day one is capable of. It just shows who is really afraid of null, doesn’t it…

Yeah it probably takes 5min of research to make suicide ganking a non issue. If you would be any good at recruiting you would tell them how, but it seems you are just incapable of it and rather cry in the forums about the mean ganker which BTW I demonstrated are not an issue.

I play this game the way I want and not how some tryhard with self-esteem issues thinks, thanks. Go press some F1 if you think that’s fun.


This game is for people who can lose with grace, losing with grace doesn’t include whining on the forums or quitting.

Any time that happens it is a clear indicator that the player didn’t belong anyway.


The voting seems to be against you lug

{obligatory} Can I have your stuff ?

You actually made an alt for that @Lugburz ? Soeriously? Or are you for real just a hopeless noob who thinks just because he is new he can have all the highend content without the risk attached?

If you don’t want to get killed invest some time learning the game instead of crying about the other players on the forums.

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Oh and here I thought Lug was a Dryson alt?

The greedy bastard wants big NS and J-Space money, can’t provide own security and blame it on the hunters. Sad.

Log in please as you have become number one in my book!