Shooting new players is a good thing! YES or NO?

Come on down to 16AM-3 and park outside our keepstar I promise you’ll get shot

What is fake sol doing in a thread of real Sol? Stalking you?


Yea he’s like a stalker that doesn’t know how to play without hub camping Dodi.

Warped 3 fax and 2 supers few days ago to save an afk newbie procurer from a small roaming gang.
He was afk entire time until after hostile left so we pinged him until he got to his pc again then we killed him .
What’s the lesson he learned anyone know?


Agreed. New Players need to learn the lessons that will stop them from getting ganked in more expensive ships, and losing pods full of expensive implants. They need to be betrayed early, so they don’t lose super-capitals. Getting screwed early and often makes Eve a better experience - by the time you’re ready to roll into null and low you’re already a bittervet.

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You are a big softie? :rofl:

All known and demonstrated statistics directly contradict your assertions about ‘griefing’ of new players in high sec. If you have statistics that prove your assertions, I would love to see them. Until that happens, everything you just said is dribble.

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Its funny hearing you carebears bitch and moan. Htfu

Bible interpretation: You’re the Shepard, who protects his lamb from the wolves so he can slaughter it and have a feast in the Lord’s name.

Modern interpretation: Psychopath.



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i was actually thinking earlier if ccp could integrate code into the game lore, have some missions where players have to kill a code npc group, maybe burner type missions or an event where they have to search for james himself. I mean code could be made an actual pirate group by ccp, it wouldnt mean much as most are -10 anyway.

Maybe actual permits that can only be supplied by actual code venders that work, give a free 30 day pass to new players that complete a one time only mining tutorial mission thing, make it like a skin.

anyway, not sure if the magnate dude is trolling or actually serious.

You will not have that Keepstar for very much longer. You should sell it before it gets damaged.

Notice he said the keepstar would shoot me and not himself! Don’t worry he will not be within 10 jumps of that keepstar as he is too risk averse.


I remember how it happened the first time.
I was walking through that exploration tutorial, but instead of needed anomaly I found a wormhole. Curious, I dived inside.
Music changed to eerie sounds of somebody moaning. Skies were creepy. Local was empty, system had a really weird name.
I warped to ore site and found rats there, which almost killed me. I warped to the moon into not so friendly POS. I warped to the planet with my heart trying to jump out my throat.
And then I did one mistake.
I said something in local.
It was “Hello?”, I remember it clearly.
In about 15 seconds enemy Buzzard warped in and killed me in one rocket salvo. Not knowing what to do, I accepted my pod death.

I wasn’t happy about whole ordeal, but in a few hours I realized how much people talk about dangers and how much you are actually betting in this game.
It’s only what you throw in space what might be lost. It’s not end of the world. Merely a setback. And you can keep it a minor setback by fitting cheap, refitting multiples, spreading your assets a bit.


Sorry, mic open


I remember the first time I died in PvP.

I had decided that using a 100mil+ battleship hull for factional warfare was a good idea, having not learned the don’t undock it if you can’t afford to lose it rule.

In the end, I learned the following:

  • Allways launch your drones.

  • Don’t put small turrets on anything bigger than a destroyer.

  • Bigger ship doesn’t guarantee a victory (I lost to 3 small, fast ships, which I believe were frigates or similar)

  • Make sure ship restrictions on gated sites will not cause your enemies to have time to scram you before you can enter warp to leave a site that you cannot activate the gate of.

So, in all, even after factoring for the loss of what was a rather expensive ship for me, I am still glad it happened, because I will be better prepared for the next time I am in PvP. So in other words, get as many killmails on new players as possible, it’ll teach them a thing or two about how EVE really works if they don’t quit the game and are observant and ready to learn from their own failures.


I think it is a good thing. I am a complete new player (registered yesterday). I fly around and can do what I want at the moment. You really gonna think what you need to do is when other players gonna attack you. This is not happened to me in 1 day. But when the day comes I really dont need what to do. I think the only thing i want do is fly away.

In other words: I think you need to be attack. At this way you learn the game much more.


Shoot a player today before its outlawed by The New Owners!


Will try! :slight_smile:


So glad you’ve learned something cause this fit is an eyesore.

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