Should 1 man corps be banned?

Utter nonsense - solo players interact with others every time they buy, or sell, or take part in PvP.

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Bro, welcome to the thread. I’ve already posted a summary and conclusion above though. Arguments already over.

Go read and learn.

@Uriel_the_Flame I’m very bemused by it to, and a little disturbed that people feel the need to invent stories like that in order to try and discredit people also.

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Did you even read that? wow…here, I’ll quote it for you:

  • All Upwell Structures (including Upwell FLEX structures)
  • Starbase Control Towers
  • Player-owned Customs Offices
  • Sovereignty Structures (Infrastructure Hubs and Territorial Control Units)

I don’t have to discredit you at all as you keep doing that to yourself.

So to reiterate, to be an ally, you DON"T need to own a station/citadel and can aid anyone that asks such as you 1 person corp running a station. I know this because this is EXACTLY what I do. I have a cheap stick in space that nobody is going to touch as it’s worthless…and I am war eligible.

I said you have to be war eligible to ally.
Not that you have to own a citadel.
Seriously, stop trying to invent stuff to justify your mistake.


Seriously Runa, you’re starting to make me look bad as a troll. I thought I was on the winning side of the debate, but now your confusing me even. :rofl:

*Sheepishly wanders over to the other side…

+1 Nevyn
-1 Runa

One might argue that this thread also serves no role or purpose to satisfy the game :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok…I’ll try this again…

Corp owns 10 station in a system but realizes just how vulnerable that makes them.
They create 10 alts and skill them to be able to run the stations. One for each.
Each Alt is not tied to the corp in any visible way.
Each alt starts their own corp.
The stations are sold/given (or whatever) to each alt.

Now you have a corp that is NOT wardec eligible and whose 10 stations are seemingly independent.
Here is the ally part…

The MAIN corp just needs a simple cheap structure somewhere out of the way and they become wardec eligible and more importantly, able to ally.

huge downsides when it comes to defending them


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So they aren’t wardec eligible but are wardec eligible…
Wow… You really don’t even read what you write do you.

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Was about to write a paragraph about eve being a sandbox and how that relates to an “overarching purpose”, but I think you can see where I was going with this.

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So they aren’t wardec eligible but are wardec eligible…
Wow… You really don’t even read what you write do you.

If they get a small structure out of the way…what part of that do you not understand?

At which point they are wardec eligible so they aren’t hiding in any kind of safety…
So there is no problem.
Either the pilots are vulnerable due to wardec or the structures are vulnerable because you can’t ally in. Either way something is vulnerable.

But their assets ARE safe as now you have 11 separate entities where as before you just had 1.

So if the MAIN corp is wardecced, their 10 stations are safe. If a single station is wardecced then the other 9 are safe and so is the MAIN corp who can choose to ally or not.

win win win and no huge downside that I can see…that in my opinion is an exploit.

This is why there are so, SO many single person corps with stations now.

No. because you can just wardec all 11. It just adds a little expense.

If they were originally going for one station (say a moon for mining) they would have wardecced that owner and then realized that 9 other stations were owned by the same corp. So they would have had 10 stations to attack plus the corp pilots in the system/area.

Now with the current system, they wardec that one station and that’s it. They either kill the station or the MAIN corp allies in to help but the other 9 stations are nice and safe.

I am saying all this as a past station basher so…I’ve been around this block a few times.

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Runa you’re not making any sense.

That is a possibility but help me out…what part am I screwing-up?

He was basically saying to be an ally you need to be war eligible, and you disagreed. I think you meant to agree but you were thinking of some other point to make, which wasn’t the whole point of what you two were initially arguing over.

Either way I get both of your points now. At least I think I do.

I think this step I missed is that when he said “you need to be war eligible”, the point I was trying (and failed) to make was that your corp could hide all those stations safely and still retail a war footing with a POS or customs office…nothing tied to any of those original stations.

But ya, I see where I glossed over that part…

As punishment I will go mine for a bit…veldspar…bleh. :face_vomiting:

But at no point in all of this has it ever been shown how there is not a huge downside for the defender…which was his original point.

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Yeh I realized it wasn’t an intentional mistake. Your arguments are always solid.