Sick of the PvP fantasy

Well there is a 15min criminal timer (flashy red) after an attack where you can’t undock with a ship or it just gets blown to pieces by CONCORD, you can’t tether or warp. You can’t even redock, it’s just… whelp… . If they want to gank faster than every 15min they need different characters for that. Other than that I don’t actually know.


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Not so fast! Not before he buys a permit that authorizes him to be angry. :upside_down_face:

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Miners are always angry. I often speak to them after a gank, it’s like I always catch them in a bad mood.

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Not angry enough. He is fake.

I want
ARMOR HACS ARMOR HACS! Style angriness.


Maybe stop playing War Thunder while mining…

– Gadget advice (1500 ISK)


Oh btw OP in a nutshell:

“Chess is NOT a PvP game! Can’t we just get along in peace while I sit with all my chess pieces enjoying my fictional fantasy kingdom? Why you have to take down my pieces, why you play to win, do you have to compensate for something by winning in chess?! This is so unfair, you tryhards are ruining my fun.”


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i play 30 minutes after work i like to castle and walk my king left and right in peace

Fear not, friend.

True salvation for high-security space is nigh.

Even Jimmy 3.14 fears the coming reconciliation.

They are coming…

All these people talking about how exciting high-sec PvP is, and how important for the game it is, and they just have absolutely no clue that CCP is going to announce the server sharding as the “big value for your Omega” thing during fanfest, lmao.

I think complaining about the existence of PvP in hi sec is dumb, but complaining about the quality of the PvP in hi sec is reasonable. PvP is like 100 times more fun in all other kinds of space. We should not have changes to make hi sec safer for people who don’t want to PvP, but we should have changes to make it more fun- both for the attacker and the victim.

Define “quality” of pvp? Right now, to me the system looks balanced. 0.9 systems are the strictest where 0.5 systems are the least strict. @Karak_Terrel summed it up perfectly stating.

I enjoy HS station defending/attacking/bashing that is pretty fun pvp for me.

Sadly EVE is cuthroat, Gankers gank the illfitted, stragglers, and everyone in between. To balance that out gankers are not in every HS system and there are regions were there are few if any gankers at all.
HOWEVER this does not excuse ANYONE from practicing good habits to keep your self alive. Like Karak said it’s how you get to the situation is the essence of pvp.

For example, if player X fitted smarter, he could have survived. Or if he separated his bling from the hull. And so on and so forth.

I agree with the people who say not being ganked is the trill in it of itself! And sometimes when you do get caught (I have) you learn and carry on. That’s the best trait to have in life.

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Yawn. It is.

Ugh. At least try to troll better. 2/10 for sure.

They aren’t defenseless tho?

Huh. You’ve never read Sun Tzu or the Five Rings huh?

I mean they are yummy? Although the fact you wanna murder small animals over pixels is a mite concerning.

You realize its two different genres of games right? :smiley:

Sir, you literally made a forum thread to cry about it :smiley:

And ugh, the fail trolling is terrible man. Please do better :smiley:

Good thing this isn’t real life :smiley: You murder people in War Thunder too. Guess you’re a murderer as well :smiley:

Of course you do. You consent to it every time you undock :smiley:

But miners are equal? They have the same tools the gankers do :smiley:

This must be the end times.

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I agree that most of the fun of PvP comes before the shooting starts. Although, in ganking, there is literally zero fun after the shooting starts, where in other types of space I sometimes have had actual fun fights that have lasted a while sometimes. But, yeah, I agree that the pre-shooting fun is the main show. And I agree that fitting and deciding what route to take and what load to carry are all pre-shooting elements in HS that at least can be fun.

But, there are a lot more pre-shooting elements in other types of space that are often more fun, which are missing in HS. Or, not missing exactly, but less usable. For example, if you’re in LS you can use dscan. Everybody there is hostile, so, if you’re say in a barge, you align or dock up when you see somebody on dscan. In HS, most people are not hostile, and there are often a lot of people, so that technique isn’t really practical.

In LS, for example, I’ve had like two hour long interactions I would consider to be all fun PvP. Say, for example, I’m doing missions in LS. Somebody is clearly trying to hunt me down. They’re lurking around watching where I go for a while, figuring out which station I’m getting my missions from, thinking about which systems the agent might be sending me to, sitting on the far side of gates they think I will need to come through… Maybe they’re in a comparatively innocent-looking ship, but unbeknownst to me, it has an indy cyno and some black ops waiting for them to light it. Maybe I’m trying to maintain unpredictable routes. Maybe when I realize they’re stalking me, I switch to PvP ships… Maybe they’re stalking me in an innocent looking ship, but once they’ve figured out what I’m up to and where I’m going to be, suddenly they switch into a PvP ship… I dunno. It just seems like 100 times more fun in non-HS space. Do you really not agree with that? It is just sooo much more demanding and intellectually challenging. The strategies are so much more interesting.

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in most of my fights in LS there is no foreplay FUN ™

Zero fun? This is where the anti-ganking starts!

In HS you still see those ships on D-scan. They may not shoot you now, but you can still see them. Pay attention, warp away when you see that group of Catalysts approaching the belt you’re mining in.

I agree, non-HS space is much more fun. No CONCORD, no silly rules, just your own ship (and maybe allies) against theirs. Just don’t get caught when you don’t want to fight, or make sure you catch them before they manage to get away when you’re hunting.

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remember kids you just need to have a bigger tank than the miner close to you