SICO is no longer a target for me, ICANP still is

Yes, that’s generally how ransoms work, no surprise.

That isn’t a negotiation. That’s a “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” attitude and doesn’t come from anywhere but ego, unless there is really nothing that forming relationships can ever provide you in the fututre, in which case, it’s the best approach.

So no surprise that negotiations ended, you didn’t respect their position, only your own.


wrong, we understood thier position and offered alternative solutions to them, they would not consider anything except a ransom. since we found the ransom to be unreasonable in amount, and because of the rudeness of the CEO, we decided to decline the ransom demand. we tried several times after to reach out and continue dialogue but they would not compromise. so we defended, and now they get to defend.

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OK, after a private convo with Destiny Alar in game, it looks like some ICANP members, Tallanone included, were indeed planning to leave ICANP before all this drama unfolded, to avoid the previous wars that were happening at the time and stuff.

I’m gonna give The Parchainer Reasearch and Development shop the benefit of the doubt for now and not go after them unless I see some evidence in the future that they support ICANP or Sabus in any way.

AGAIN, it doesn’t matter whether Sabus is the same person as the other CEOs in question or not. Those other CEOs could very well be different players that happen to be in cahoots with Sabus, which would make no difference at all, hence nobody is going to base any decision about this on whether they’re the same person or not…


OK sure. You know that specfiic situation and it’s equally likely given your Corp history that the attackers really just wanted blood.

However, just to step it back a bit, it’s not true that the only reasons to accept a ransom are only because of principles and weakness:

They might be for you as you said, but there are some other really good reasons to pay a ransom that are not related to an inability to fight back (just going back to my original point about that general claim. The specific situation I don’t have knowledge of, so I can only assume you did put your principles aside despite saying earlier that on principle you don’t pay ransoms).

i agree, and we were willing to entertain the idea until other alliances (with history with GIMA) msged and said they dont keep their word.
we did discuss many option before deciding to fight.

i very very much appreciate this man. we really are not supporters or friends of Sabus. we have friends in ICANP that we are trying to get to come to us, but as far as the EOIA and ICANP are concerned we want NOTHING to do with the sabus shitshow train.

thank you for that

Actually it was, 4B to surrender. 1b for each structure, and 1b for the mercs

ICANP is a poison chalice, no matter who is in charge the stench of Sabus will follow it for as long the corp exists.

For those sticking with ICANP you should be aware of this, Sabus has tainted your name for all eternity.


And a fifty percent discount for Destiny’s diplomacy. I have seen the chatlogs.

Funny how all these different groups are coming in to support some refugees. I have no issues with that.
It’s even funnier how most of you never came out against Sabus though… :thinking:


That might change, or even have changed already. You may want to log in when you have a moment to see. :wink:


ya know, i’m sure i’ve seen this before, I wonder if Sabus is really @Salvos_Rhoska

yes i said his name again…

Wrong nationality and Salvos was more angry and stubborn than crazy, and scamming (new players in particular) wasn’t his thing.

Naari/Sabus is a scammer and complete loon.

ah… i’ve heard salvos talk, and seen his RL pics that he shared… but i haven’t heard sabus…

I’d like to announce that I control all shares and Sabus has finally left for good. We gave Sabus one final chance and he blew it.

Him and all his alts have been removed and I have already started the process of diluting and creating new shares so they can be spread around to leadership. ICANP will never again be controlled by one person. Not Sabus, Not Me, No single person.

Also we know you’re Sabus’ alt. Stop trying to create drama for attention.

ROFLMAO. How desperate and delusional do you have to be to think anybody gives a rat’s ass what you’re trying to make us believe now? What a clown you are… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


lol its the same logic you use. You’ve been helping us the entire time. Attacking the corps that split-off from ICANP. Thank You so much.

Also I did what needed to be done to gain control of shares. I sucked up to Sabus so he trusted me enough to transfer shares. Its over now and he’s gone. Banned from everything

LOL. Yes, I’ve been helping the whole time and will continue doing so. Not the way you’re trying to make it look, but enjoy because I’ll never give up…

Yes, yes. We’re all going to believe whatever you say. It makes so much sense that he would give you all the shares just because he trusted you…


That and the fact that I better had a chance to wrangle him when he saw the state he put the corp in. He knew his time in EVE was over finally after his last effort.

We need to speak in game.

with a corp abbreviated as “I Can Pee”, do you really think anybody will take you seriously?