Skillers in the Abyss

or another way is just to speed tank it with around the gate, constantly hitting it while circling. If you are hit you are done though.

Not true
There is no suspect

The Tesseras are all drones so count towards the reward.

As others have said - keep out their short range damage

when ppls dont read what someone wrote right above them :rofl:

I would remove one of the above for a energy weapon tracking bonus RIG, as many noted tracking is the biggest issue.

And replace

With a second Tracking Enhancer II

Many people focus on DPS and forget about how that DPS is applied. Trig frigates and Cruiser highlight this due to their speed, which causes more glancing hits and misses, and reduced number of penetrating and critical hits.
Increase tracking will get more hits and better hits, yes Webs will help, but webs better with better tracking.

interesting, I dont actually have any issues with killing the things cruiser and down, its actually the battleships and one particular battlecruiser, i think its a drone or sleeper unit. This 1 BC just does insane damage requiring the running of the dual reps and the battleships, well the maller on an alpha with that fit tops at about 550ms, the leshak npc goes 399, and it starts off at 45km so I have to chase it down at a closing speed of only 150ms with it hitting 400-500 on average per tick, again dual reps. By the time I get in to 20km range and can start engaging it myself im ususally no more than half armour and 30% ish on cap

My alphas gunnery skills are at the best possible level which is why i mentioned that the fit i use isnt necessarily “new pilot”. More a seasoned alpha or perhaps a semi seasoned omega who wanted a simple starting point.

I dont stand still in the frigate rooms either I move at all times, the enemies end up sort of behind me and with the dual webs they are greatly reduced in speed enabling the pulse lasers to take them down fast. If my maller had phantasm speeds and I had all frigate rooms I’d be able to do every loot cache and still probably finish in like 10-15 mins tops, since doing my regular way of burning to the middle loot and killing the frigates as i go gets me through a frigate room in 2-3 minutes, even at 550ms

I normal have a tracking computer in a midslot for the battleship and far targets instead of running a second web, with the range script on slower targets gives a nice range increase and the +30% to tracking with the tracking script means the tracking enhances can be swapped for more tank.

@CCP_Rise the resistance nerf killed solo t3 frig abyss runs (even thou I know why you did the nerf and it was nessessary) :confused: If I fit even a tiny more tank I loose that crucial dps and boom timer is gone it was already only a few seconds to spare before. If you find a way to do it please post a vid because I have tried everything and have lost billions experimenting on tq because of no filaments on test server :confused: its depressing and the whole reason I loved abyss was because I could use solo frigs.

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you using a pulse fit maller as well? Only asking because from my experience I find that with 2 webs the default tracking of medium focused pulse lasers with max alpha gunnery skills is all I need. I dont try and attack the battleships at long range, they have too much tank to try and defeat using anything less than ultravoilet, though I generally just wait till I hit my fall off for multi which is only a few km difference as by the time i am in ultraviolet fall off range im able to generate enough angular movement to cause the BS npc’s to miss constantly. I only suffer through that awkward 45-25ish km distance mostly, ranges which are pointless trying to engage with as the ammo available just doesnt have the punch to warrant the cap burn as its at that point i’m needing dual reps to not get blown up myself lol. So I save the cap, burn to 13km then web and kill the target while orbiting at 5000m.

I’d be all set if I could get the mallers speed to say 700ms, that would be amazing but probably not possible without spending alot on mods/implants

I saw your post, you said regular probes scan down abyssal traces and they don’t. I was providing correct information without slagging on your post. Would you prefer I had quoted yours and told you you were wrong directly?

Well, here you go.

would be nice though if the servers didnt keep laggin :frowning:


3x5… why i’m not suprised


Got my first 25k element today, along witha 5k and a 10k - all ticked off now :slight_smile:

anyone connection issues after character selection?

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huh? i was able to see/scan abyssal traces with sisters of eve probes … heck if i dont have battle probes with me use i those even to battle scan. believe it or not, it works … its way harder but you can still find like tractor units etc. xD but thats just offtopic. all i say is its possible to see/find traces with normal scanner probes too

So you are saying you scan down MTUs with core probes? Do I get this right?


Combat probes

You can even scan them down with directional scanner and mid warp book marks if you have to, is what he is saying.

Oh I see, well if the MTU is in a suitable location yes but still would be very tedious unless in a lucky place and if not in a suitable location then warping between celestials and whatnot will not work though.