Skilling is Just a Means of Communication and non-aggressive playstyles

All I can say is it’s a good thing for the paychecks of the Marketing types who think up lazy, cheap events like this that people can’t just unsubscribe for the associated time frame.

What a sad load of ad hoc justifications, too, prepared all by Marketing.

Where is that online traffic vs. the 2008 figures, on an average?

First 2 weeks of two hand shrug DDOS lost, and now two weeks of PVP puppies roaming about trying to hump you leg.

You’ve made the game impossibly complex for anything but cannon fodder and griefers in the first few YEARS of play, and you are now reaping the whirlwind.

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Understanding truly is a three-edged sword

The learning curve is well-known, since 2003. If you join a corp/alliance that is also routinely involved in pvp - and has a good Ship Replacement Program - you can reduce the period of being cannon fodder to mere months - if one is willing to learn. Living e.g., in nullsec can change the whole perspective on the game, for the better.

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Well i have proof…the people denying the proof out of easy to see through motivations are the problem here…

Please, show us, we would like to see this proof

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And for the last 15 years PVP was greatly spoiled…what are you trying to say?

I bet you would like…but i’m not your nanny…just search outside of disney channel sides and you will find proof…

I have, I found nothing.

If you have found something, Id like to see it.

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I am not “trying” to say it, I said it in the line just after your quote.

So for once, don’t read only the first sentence of a post, your answer is in the next lines.

It’s not my job to make the same post three times on every thread because you don’t read properly.

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If you don’t present it, you cannot expect others to believe that you do have proof.

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I found something ! I found something !
Apparently the ol’ boy never said it. In fact the quote has been attributed at one time to Benjamin Franklin too. But I’m guessing you @Ramona_McCandless already knew this. And now @Darlo_Kubika can read it too. Isn’t the internetz great ?


I already linked another site.

It was attributed to Disney Channel, apparently.

Telling ya, that Mouse is an evil Mickey :mouse:


I think he means Disney Plus

FTFY :stuck_out_tongue:



Yes…everything on the internet is always true…

I guess your proof is not on the Internet, then? Maybe you talked to Einstein himself?

Maybe i’m german and there is no translation error?

But continue to spread fake news about facts…

Maybe Einstein did not use German language at this point? It kinda happens when you tend to live in US.

Choose reply:

  1. You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?
  2. [Speech 20] It is isn’t it? All you are saying is on the internet, so it must be true too, right?
  3. [Speech 40] It still doesn’t explain how you have no evidence for your claim that it was something he said though, does it?
  4. [Bluff 40] A well respected Oxford Professor says on his blog that Einstein is a myth.
  5. Never mind.