Skilling is Just a Means of Communication and non-aggressive playstyles

What’s your point? CCP is not forcing you to play by this rule, stop whining that your choices have consequences.

Stop lying. The “go away carebear trash” post was aimed at someone who is insisting that EVE is not a PvP game and objecting to the entire concept of a PvP event, not the person who wants to modify the structure of a PvP event to include additional forms of PvP.

No no.

It is a pvp game.

The essential core concept of eve is a pvp sandbox. The pve in eve is a resource gathering tool designed to enable pvp.

So if all the non-pvp players left, there would still be players doing both and running the economy. But if all the pvp’rs left the economy would goto ■■■■ and the game with it.

Carebears can get fked.


Yes, just like every online game, there is the majority of the playerbase that is just useful to pay the bills of the company, and there is the part that is actually participating actively in the game itself and is impactful and useful to the community.

You are technically right, CCP does love players who just generate money.

If being a cow only loved because it produces some milk makes you happy, that’s nice, I guess.

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ohhh, cry me more than the game isnt going to be what you want :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: not like if anybody would care :smiley: without the highsec bears you have NOTHING to play. get over it. your dream eve will never be a reality

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Yeah, low, null and WH do not exist.

How about: no, ■■■■ off?

none of those will ever produce even a fraction what you need and will not bring in new players. highsec and carebears are to research build sell transport your ■■■■ around and grow newbros into werebros. like it or not. by the way, if you are so self sufficient in low and null why does it bother what others do in highsec? ohh, i know, in fact your only problem is that they dont want to let you to kill them because you are too low to fight others on your own level :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Check economic reports.

Epic nullsec battles certainly generate a lot of media coverage for EVE.

You think these activities are impossible outside of highsec? If anything, they are even more profitable.

Are you asking me? I was never been in low or null.

Are you sure?


Another deluded bear who thinks everyone in high sec is like him.


Im actually not in highsec but dont worry, i probably played this game longer than you lived and I spent 90% of my eve time in nullsec, still I value what highsec can add to the playerbase. if anybody, its you are the deluded

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Newbie question : is this only the person with the kill mail or does this works in fleets?

Correct. You’re not even playing the game at all! Amun Doshu | Character | zKillboard

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So how much this toon cost you, Naari?

your ignorance is breaking the sky :smiley: you could check the history of the toon which shows it has never changed owner… but as for many other things in this game, you are stupid even for this

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And you are very rude, but at least I can educate myself.

What is your excuse?

Incidentally, how do I check that outside of the game?

Just consider being a new player in EvE. Wouldn’t it feel like CCP just put a crosshair on your ship?

As a newby your skill trees are not up to par for PvP yet. You will have the disadvantage from every angle. Rendering the new capsuleer as a free lunch ticket to more seasoned players.

As a result you will be buying or building ship after ship with your first hard earned ISK.

It wouldn’t be surprising when this event turns new players away from the game.

Not saying that PvP events shouldn’t be part of the game.

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What about new players that read what a game is about and want to pvp, rather than these apparently existing new players who downloaded it randomly?


Well a new player might feel that way but that doesn’t make it reality.

10k SP is next to nothing. Very few people are going to load up a PvP ship and go get Concorded just for 10k SP. It’s been mentioned before, this isn’t enough to change people’s PvP behaviour except in very few cases.

  • If they weren’t going to gank you before, they won’t gank you now.
  • If they were going to gank you before, they’ll still gank you now.
  • If you’re not in high sec, you’re gonna get ganked regardless.
  • If they were 90% likely to gank you before but thought the potential reward didn’t quite justify getting Concorded, they might decide to gank you now.

The primary benefit of this event for new players is that they can easily grab a cheap frigate in their beginner systems, arrange a duel, and get almost half a day’s worth of SP for free, and a little PvP practice tossed in. The downside is minimal.


You may not be great solo but most long time vets aren’t either. However with the new greater sp CCP gives new toons even a day 1 character can be a useful part of a gang. I’m happy to have a new player help with tackle, be bait, etc. We give noobs free ships to lose and learn with. It’s sad that so many corps implant the idea that noobs are worthless and they need to chase more sp before joining PVP. With that attitude someone will be chasing forever never thinking they have enough. Better to start learning from day 1 how to PVP. Remember even a vet is capped at level v skills. A 200m sp vet at level v on a frigate is the same as a newer player with the same skills and only a few total sp. The vet has more mechanical knowledge of the game and can fly more variety but a new player can learn quickly and be just as good or even better than the vet.


This isn’t necessarily the case.

Older players are just as much a target as you (which is to say hardly a target at all). An untanked hauler is an untanked hauler. It’s going down even if it’s a noob doing the ganking.